long time ago

Green. Green grass covered a vast area of land. This land is surrounded by many buildings.

Old styled gigantic buildings they were, traditional style agriculture looked perfect on them.

The green land was divided into parts. The biggest two were a forest-like section with towering trees that could make a three-story building cower in fear.

The second one was flat grassy land, with hails and small trees scattered here and there.

At the center of the green land was a kid's playground: seesaws, swings, slides, and even sitting bunches.

This vast place was the kingdom's most beautiful garden, the imperial garden.

"Pass for me," At that time, it was near afternoon, a young kid shouted at the other two for the ball.

The one who was holding the ball was a chappy five years old kid, he even though he was small had scary Reuters.

"Here you go Zayed," the ball was shot into the caller, he was a slim seven years old kid, oh did that chappy called him zayed? oh!

"Thanks akhil", he reserved the ball swiftly then smirked at a young man telling him, "hahaha, lets see how you will block this zain"

*shot* He talked to another 5years kid. That kid had cold expressions but his mind was lost in another thing eternally, "huh!" he finally noticed.

Running as fast as he can, he made a spiral jump and catched the ball, really not the move of a kid. Then he passed it to chappy Akhil again.

What was lingering in our kid zain here, was a beautiful little girl setting under an apple tree watching them.

That 3 years old angel was not playing with the trio, because of her overprotective brother, he had no second no mere sound his mind left where she was sitting on.

He never let her play with them and never will, but he is right who will let his little sister play with the scary little chappy akhil? Not me of course.

Regularly the time after noon in the kingdom becomes too hot, the sun would be directly shining on all.

"Zen", that little angel was playing under the tree not daring to move past the tree's shadow, either afraid from her brother or from the sun. suddenly a meek voice sounded from her.

zain left the game fastly, the run towards his sis without a care."yes little one,"

{little one} is her nickname, it is how zain like to call her, because she a cute little thing like a doll,

"wat-her," she said in a hard way, she still has a problem pronouncing 4 and 5 syllables words. but It is apparent that what she meant was {water}.

"Oh what a cute brother" the other two rolled there eyes and followed zain, akhil bored from this action mocked zain.

In the far away was a maid standing looking out on the kids, so zain simple shouted at her, "bring us 3 glasses of water,"

"Why 3 are you not gonna drink water,"stubedfing the two, zayed could not hold his curiosity so he asked. After all They were four, why only asking for three?

"Oh, i will drink only after noor drinks water", the two stared at him blankly, their facial expressions only showed one thing ~huh? What a logic~

"Hehehe, yo- tow are stu-pt", their expressions made noor or the small angle sis laghu.

"HAHAHAHA", all of them lagged on that cute girl's way of speaking.

"Here you go, your little highness",the maid brought them water and teased them seeing their funny state.

they drank water, and zain drank after noor as what he had said but…

They returned to play, but after a few minutes suddenly everything started to blur.

Zayed and Akhil both fell downward on their knees, as for zain he turned to check on noor, but to his shouk he saw someone was trying to take her away!!!

"don't take her away!!!!"zain shouted before he blacked out, this is what he remembered after that nothing.

------------{TIME SKIP: PRESENT}------------

Returning to our dark room, to where akhil was holding a phone that gave a devilish voice from it.

'this memory never triggered while talking to anyone then why now? Zain thought.

After the whole memory session, hatred filled zain, he felt coldness in his heart again, his smile faded away.

[fine the kid gets a punishment,] he said without any remorse knowing that the kid is taibay's weakness

"no don't do anything," she shouted in shock, yes zain was right he struck gold.

[hehehe, ok then sign a document I'll let you your lovely kid go away,], he laughed divlish, then simply offered tayba a deal with the devil.

"Fine," she agreed without a thought, the kid is more important for her than her life.

Document you ask? Oh it was a marriage document, what evilness zain is planning to tie tayiba and akhil which will make aleena lonely.

[beeeb], hearing that she agreed he closed the call not interested anymore, then called someone else.

"hey kol," zain said cheerfully, he put on his face a fake smile, even though he was alone in the room.

[Hey IPX], the one whom zain called said tiredly.

"what's up, dude?" zain asked as if an ordinary person, hiding his dark face by his smile.

[busy hacking,] he said in a matter of fact tone, oh zain called a hacker.

"Hehehe, i have a hacking job for you", zain said pussing slightly to create suspense then he said, "but seeing that you are busy not now sigh"

[Ah new work come on tell me,] the one called kol said excitedly, beaming with energy.

"Oh seeing that your excited i will tell",he said in a calm tone, then it turned cold really cold, " Lena Ahmed: phone number and the Place of residence ,"

[that author lady!!,] he asked, shocked from this information.

"Yes," zain said calmly, nuh coldly is a better word.

[Anyways dude I am off to work, I will get the number in the next 5 minutes,] kol said with no care.

"bye and thanks dude," zain said and ended the call, then he waited for 5 minutes exactly and got a text from kol.

{lena is:----}

{phone number: 050-------}

{resident in:-------}


Then zain called anther one and ordered this time secretly,"yes do for me ---------_"

[ok will be done], was the only answer of what zain ordered


Mmm what the hell is zain conspersing? Many things are lost, will he hurt aleena? Or will aleena over come it? Sigh poor her she fall in love with the devil.