
We are now in the kitchen of a house which lost its tranquility. Even though it was calm, no voice was there or even noise, it was full of tension.

A young mom's worry got hold of all the house throwing everything into a turmoil. This mom was worried about her two children's disappearance, though one from her children is not a child at all, not even her child.

She worried, 'where are they?' still moving backward and forward in tension.

She even shouted to no one who was there!. "Agg, Tayiba's and aahil's disappearance is getting on my nerves" oh so looks like our young mom here was Aleena

"four hours have already passed!" she puzzled slightly while talking her thoughts loudly, "how can she be so late!!"

She clutched on the phone again, and planned her next move, "I will wait for only a few minutes if nothing then I'm gonna call the police!!"But why she did not call the police already?

"I am praying this is not one of the aahil pranks!", oh now I remember, one-time aahil did something like this. Disappearing for half an hour, as for aleen as a young mom would do she called the police, what havoc that caused.

that prank was done this year five months ago. It was mother's day, pranking his mom on mother's day what a good son allena had.

But his intention was pure, he wanted to distract her with something so they could decorate the house for his mother.

She was worried sick about him and was scolded harshly because of it. That little guy never forgets mother's day, but that is the problem hahaha.

He knows that his mommy has no mother, or he has not seen one until now. so he arranges gifts and abuses all the house to play games with him.

The most game he loves to play is a role-playing one, he mimics the dad's role, makes taybai mimic the mom's role and of course, the daughter is… Aleena

Everyone enjoys that silly game to the core, when it is being played the neighbors will know easily, or more accurately they won't have a good day from their load laughter.

The most thing he hates in the world is to see his mother's tears. She loves him, but hate his father, that is a fact that can't be denied. She will do anything to stop aahil from becoming like his father, zain.


Returning to the present, it has been half an hour since the disappearance, and still no call or even a text. She thought, 'I have to call the police'

'Sigh, I need to inform her first', but before calling the police, Alena sighed and decided to call Selena for the last time in hope.


The first call Selena didn't answer. She looked busy, but the second call she answered.

"Hello Lena," she said fastly, stress is really apparent in her voice, she mabey thought about aleen's last call.

"hi lady," Alena answered in a down voice, clutching strictly on the phone while thinking, 'it looks like she has no news'.

"any news?" Selena asked with hope, it looks that she too was stressed, but leana moked herself internally, 'the one I seek info from, I made him more stressed than me'.

"No" her voice filled in with sadness she continued her answer, "nothing so far?"

"called the police?" Selena asked Alena, wanting to know what to know what did she do so far.

"I'm gonna do it but they won't search until 24 hours are up," I said in a matter of fact tone. Police are not a game calling them whenever you want.

"any idea who can do it?" she asked confused, frowning her eyebrows, if wanna kidnap who could he be? And what is his motive for all of this.

"No", Alena answered, but she lied or don't know if he is still, "I don't have any enemies,"

"how about your husband?" Selena suggested, in her opinion, only that maniac jerk can do it.

"I am not sure", Alena said without hiding her doubt, then continued in a stressed voice, "and he is my ex-husband,".

"Ok, sure," Selna said, not lingering about this topic anymore.

"anyways Selena" Alena turned serious and with a stiff face she told Selena, "same rule don't call me until I call"

Her way of talking was more than an order not like a matter to be kidding in, she even continued more seriously, "call Alex and ask him to come to your home and stay safe and alert, ok hon?"

"I will" Selena answered, "same goes for you if something or no if anything happens to give me a head up," she ordered Alena with an angry pout she looks cute with that.

"No!" Alena said worried, it even made Selena stubedified to the point of frowning her eyebrows.

"you stay away from this", Alena said, please just stay safe for my sake," her worried tone was the only thing that stopped Selena from asking why.

"ok " Selena agreed, not wanting to linger more, but her worry can't be held, she will stay aware

"Thanks and bye," alaena said happily, her only thought was, 'I shall not introduce her to the miss that I am in'.

"bye hon", Selena replied, closing the phone.

'Can it be him? No way!!', Alena finally cut the call and considered that zain would be the culprit, but without his family support, she thought he can't do that.


'anyways I am gonna call the police', she finally decided to call them, but suddenly as she was about to pick up her, it vibrated on her hands.

She saw an unknown number while thinking, 'gulp an unknown number right now!! Who could it be!'

Her mind and heart went into a huge emotional fight, her mind said, ~alena don't pick up~, while her heart said ~no pick up~


Finally, after her heart won on her mind, she concluded that picking up is the only solution! But her heart started to beat furiously to the point of pain.

"Hello", after picking up, Alena answered with a neutral voice, facking her worry ness under her cold tone but a cold voice resonated...

[oh, Aleena!], yes he was what she never wanted to see again, her ex-husband zain!

From shock, she opened her mouth from terror and was about to drop the phon on the ground, but she got to hold on herself and thought, 'this time I won't let him win'

"Sorry sir, you called a wrong number" what a devilish move, but will it work?

she faked another woman's voice, then stated in a neutral tone, but from her worries, she tensely cut the call before hearing his reply.



After cutting the call, Alena dropped on her knees and tear droplets streamed on her cheeks again, 'he, he did it again just like before, God please be with my children'