

"Huff huff", in a dark scary room resident a small wooden brown chair. From the lack of light this char looks more like black not brown.


Small droplets of a weird substance were dropped from atop the chaier, this droplet nearing the only light source coming from a small hole in the ceiling.

Touching the light for only a brief moment it reflected a dark red color, it was not a weird unknown substance, in fact it was blood!!

"Huff huff, where am i?" a sound resonated from atop the chair, a young lady's voice was it.

She really looked pitiful, with cold white eyes vivid from their past liveliness.

A hair standard dropped onto her eye, scars filled her body, it looks like she was beaten really badly.

"Where am I?" she shouted again in anger, it looks like she doesn't remember where she was, only the pain remind in her mind.


From a dark place the sound of footsteps resonated and it moved slowly in the direction of the young lady.


It reached the young lady, then patted her shoulder slightly, but the young lady was as if not there, her head was titling left and right while her couscous was flickering in and out from reality.

"Where are", pusing slightly she continued, "am i?"

He moved past this mumbling nonsense girl, moving slowly, then faded in the dark only one thing remains…


Only his footsteps sound remand, but the girl never carried after all being beaten on the head for 2 hours as a game wont let anyone maintain his mind.

Suddenly the room illuminated, showing the room but the young lady was still not there, her mind was in another place

The steps sound came from a man wearing white blouse, he had black trousers and black shoes, his head was covered by a black cloth only showing his hazel like eyes.


He moved again towards the girl while holding something, glutishing on it harshly.


"Huh?" water spread all over her, she regained her consus, looking around she was shocked beyond shoke

Knives, Axes, small sharp things…

It was like the room of a surgeon turning into a butcher, this is not a joke.

"Aaaaaaaaaa", she shouted seeing this terrifying scene, who in the world can have this sick mind to own a room like this?

"Where am I?" with greeted teeths she shouted at her kidnapper hatefully, looking straight into the only apparent thing from his face, his hazel eyes.


He only did one thing, slapped her face with all of his might to the point of training her whole head to the side.


She spat blood staining the floor again, this was a hard slap from someone who lost his mind.

"Hahahaha, that is how a coward reacts", still her head turned to the side she laughed heartily then slowly.


"What now? Kill me coward?", she spat on his chest that is the only place she can master her power on. She looked fearlessly in his eyes.


He directed a punch into her abdomen, this punch was pressly thought off, strong enough to make her puke, but it was weak, can't make her fall unconscious.

"Huff huff", are you thinking why she hadn't blocked the punch?, well she tried, but assuming your hands being tied up at your back won't let you block anything

"Let me go, let me go", after the punch she tried to move to free herself but to no avail. Her act even made things worse.

Moving like a mad girl her hands were cut by those weird chans, chans made to cut flesh not holding people.

"Why? Why have kidnaped me", she asked weakly, her will fidding away.

"HAHAHAHAH", he finally lagged as a manick, tilting his head near hers to the point that his breathing made her close her eyes.

"So how is the stay so far?", he looked his eyes with our young lady's eyes. She tried to avoid looking at him, but he moved his head following her eyes.

His voice was devilish, cold video from emotions, he was surely a sociopath.

"who are you?, why am i here?", our young lady asked weakly, it was hard for her to imagin how or why she ended up here.


"Who gave you the permission to talk?" he slapped her another time and asked simply, not even giving her the right to talk or know.

His words and his slap angered her only one thought lingerd in her mind, ' aleena if his is going to kill you he will, so why being afraid'

Huh? She was aleena after all!!, how did she ended up in this situation?

Alena masterd her well, now she doesn't fear death anymore, she doesn't fear him anymore, only wanting to know one thing. ~why?~

"Why did you kidnap me?", looking coldly into his eyes, alena asked hatfully. she glared, with greeted teeths, at him.

"Oh i relly like that look", seeing her look he straited his back, moved backward slightly.

Then suddenly moved back as how he was only this time, a knefe was directed into alena's throught.

Cutting her nick a small cut he said, "hehehe you will know with time."

Then moved backward slowly moving away, loosing interest in this pitiful girl.

"What a coward?" alena mocked with a small cuckle, "you are here on the stage, the when the show start cowardly run away"

"Ho ho ho, i like your tone", he stoped slightly when he heard her nonsense, and moved trot back fastly angrily.

"You have no right to talk here" he glushted on her hair, pulling it out with all his might to the point that her head started to bleed, but she was motionless.

His small act made alena see his wrist, a snack like scar was printed there, a very fmiluer one, she thought, 'zain! Why? how? What?'

She started to huff badly after discovering what has zain done, breathing hardly to the point of suffocating, she shouted with vengage, "you? You? Why? Tell me why?"

Tears steamed on her chicks but the one whom she thinks is her husbend zain only resopded with one thing.