on the other side, zain was in his room and pacing in his royal chambers.zain's room was in mess, everything was broken and shattered in the room.
he was standing next to his bed and his bed was like every price's bed but his bed had a royal sign and his bed sheet is tattered badly as if someone fought a war with the poor bed sheet.
anger was laced with his features and looks like he took his anger out on these poor things in the room. zain thoughts revolved around what to do and how to get out of that freaking house jail.
'huh why to give me a house arrest, I want to punish Aleena for what she did'
zain thought and went near the broken mirror and opened his shirt to reveal his toned chest. his chest was flawless except a single scar, a scar found on his left shoulder side.
a warrior like him having only one scar is a shock itself. he always plays around and even beat the solider to the pulp without sweating.
he stared his reflection in the mirror and caress his scar and then smirk, a smirk which can make people cover and run into hiding.
he decided to speak and whispered with an ice-cold voice and that voice contains the promise that can be found in the lover's voice.
'Aleena you ran away and its time to reap what you sow'
he continued to caress the line on his heart place. he looks like in deep thought as if remembering a memory. suddenly a second entry can be found in a room.
zain faced light up in recognition and then he went back his normal phase of reminding something far away, something unfetchable, unapproachable, something in his dreams.
a second later a sword was kept on. his neck near his main bloodstream and its aim was to clench the need of the blood of this sword using zain's blood.
zain's face looks unfazed as if that sudden assassination has no effect on him like he knows who the assassin is and why he is here.
zain's face changed a bit and a smirk formed on his face but it was slight and no one can notice it unless someone is focusing on him.
"welcome uncle afzan, this trick fails quite it and come stand in front of me"
zain said with a smirk on his face making afzan think
' wow he is learning fast, what can be the reason for a sudden change in learning'
zain buttoned his shirt and zain thought
'it was no shock for afzan to see me shirtless as he loves testing me in the most fragile moment. his logic is weird but it helps me when I am in danger so nevermind'
zain's face looks like be wants to ask a lot of questions and that was noticed by afzan who was wearing a general uniform. yeah, he assassinated zain in black ninja clothes but underneath it was a general uniform.
"so uncle what's the plan?"
I asked uncle and he went back to my bed and called a maid
" jake get the maid to clean the room and get lost"
afzan ordered his subordinate and then sat on zain's veg and patted on the bed gesturing zain to sit next to him and zain followed the suit and day next to afzan.
"what is going on in your head zain?"
afzan asked zain with a stoned face expression making zain feel like I am dead save me from this guy.
hehe that's is the reality zain fear 2 people one is his dad because he will take away his throne and second is afzan, he is his teacher, friends, and companion.
zain told afzan with an emotionless face and afzan smirked showing that he caught his lie and told him
"I have people tracking you and cover-up for you so I know what you are doing"
afzan told him smirking and then in a split second zain's face showed shock and later that was gone.
" then you know what I need to do and what is my plan, so what is your opinion?"
zain told and ask a question later to add suspense and also get an opinion because his face looks like that of a businessman.
"mhm Aleena is alive and should be punished for hitting the crown prince"
afzan told zain with a mocking smile that looked like an encouraging smile. an evil conference is happening.
"I know right"
zain said with an actual smile after a long time and that looks incredible to see zain smiling, he looks so handsome and so...cute.
"how about you punish Aleena using technique 42...."
afzan continued and told zain the whole technique and zain face looks like he is impressed by it and loves to techniques afzan stated.
"uncle that is a dream that can't true, I am under house arrest, I can't get out"
zain declared that with a solemn expression and also revealing his reason of worry and afzan already knew what zain did.
"why fear when uncle is here"
afzan informed zain with a smile of an uncle and the mischief visible on his eyes and his face looks like a carton character making zain smile despite the worry.
"This is no child show going on stop giving me dialogues"
zain yelled in anger wanting to get out his anger one way or another which can make anyone flinch but afzan is not anyone he stayed on his ground and said
"Listen to me and follow what I say"
afzan told zain and also slapped hid back to tell him he is serious
zain started but was cut off by afzan who told and instructed him
"Trust me I will make you reach forest house now follow this..."
after afzan finished zain's face showed shock and also amusement as if telling that we will see if it works out or not.