meeting the king

In a silent hallway, zain was on the way to the throne room, where his majesty or zain's dad was usually found.

zain walked through this whole long hallways, full of guards, who know 165 types of martial arts and call kill a person in few seconds.

anyways zain face had no fear as if he can overtake them and even win. zain knew that he got no harm and he moved toward the throne room.

then he went near the doorkeeper who announced his arrival as he saw him approaching near the hall.

zain entered the hall and thought

'here I am in the most famous throne room.'

he looked his head and looked ahead to see his and her majesty was sitting on the throne.

his face showed a sour expression which was replaced by a charming face on an instant and that facade can't be found by an experienced person.

"good evening his and her majesty," zain said with a neutral face when in real zain was hyperventilating and the fear of being caught was overruling him.

"oh zain it's you have a seat," her majesty said with a stern face with a smile, a face my limited vocabulary can't define, he looked handsome in such an age.

"State your reason for arrival," his majesty said with a stern face

and her majesty patted the hand of his majesty and said.

"come on he is your son, why treat him like that"

her majesty spoke with a motherly smile and if not of rules she would have got up the throne and hugged zain by now.

"he behaves like a son of a begar rather being of a king, I regret giving him the crown of crown prince"

king told with a solemn expression and the sighed thinking

'zain was good, how come he changed so drastically, why did Aleena left him? why is everyone covering him? I will find out what happened till then I need to play along'

king thought and then a cough broke the silence in the room and the king looked at zain for answers.

"I have a meeting iman construction so I need to go," zain told the king with a neutral face and tried his level best to hide his smirk which was trying to pop on his face any second.

"And?" his majesty questioned

like he didn't know what was a motive but his face showed that he knows what is on his son's mind.

"Please lift the house arrest," zain asked with a pleading face he can muster up, the face looked cute enough to make a stone melt but not the king.

his face looks like that he can then what is on the mind of zain and that made king smirk.

"ask Zayed or Akhil to do the meeting" his majesty ordered

"Akhil is busy and so is Zayed," zain told

his majesty and even nodded to tell the king that he won, but in reality he need the king to relax and he needs him to be in defenseless to attack.

"ill send afzan," his majesty said

making me smirk and even smile but zain felt the urge to prove that he is forced and it's important.

the king waved the guy who just entered a few moments ago and the guy looked determined as if he is waiting to lay his life for the king if no less save the king till his last breath.

the patriotism is so high that can put army generals to fell the shame. then the king looked towards the guy and told him to fetch afzan uncle.

in few minutes uncle afzan, came in and saluted dad, he is the army general of our kingdom

" greetings my king"

afzan told the king while bowing and then stood straight and looked for further instruction.

"zain which company was it once again"

the king asked making zain sweat as he told him about Iman instruction and

he might call to find out what is going on.

"Iman construction"

zain spoke again with the most prominent and neutral voice he can muster up. his hands were behind his back and they were curled into a fist by now.

the king nodded his head after hearing zain's response and then looked towards afzan who looked like a person with a stone face.

"afzan I need you to go to the meeting of iman construction" his majesty ordered afzan and he also knew that later on his son will fuss so then he asked

"Any objections?"

the king asked in the most adorable voice making the Queen giggle, the king asked that question to no-one particularly.

"I have one"

uncle afzan said as he knew the plan and he is willing to help me he looked towards me and used his hands to gesture me to continue.

"speak," his majesty said with a stern face

as he also came to know that I have the time of his most trusted companion.

"I don't know a thing about the meeting"

afzan told the king in the most neutral voice he can muster up. zain was seating badly and which was not hone unnoticed by the king who looked very angry and oy looks like the king will kill zain if he messed up one more time.

"ok take him along but make sure he doesn't escape"

his majesty ordered

but he also knew pain as a son and he was sure that he will do something big, something that will destroy all and everything till now.

"as you wish your majesty, if you don't have anything else to ask, I will take my leave"

afzan said in the most polite way and I can't comprehend what zain felt at that time, the happiness of having freedom was something zain love the most.

the small duel between the king and crown prince was fun, even though the prince won but he didn't know he was writing a note to hell.