
after zain was done declaring his last statement he was relieved thinking that he was not heartless, today is the day he was conscious of not being called heartless.

today zain will meet my love who took his joy and happiness away along with his life, almost, today is like a day of the final decision and here the victim, judge, and even prosecutor is zain himself.

zain looked at the people in front of him who was eyeing him curiously as if they want him to get over it and send it as soon as possible to satisfy their curiosity.

he took the hand of the shy maiden and dragged her out of the living room till the door. it was easy since he had more power than her.

no one tried to stop him and then he threw her out of the house and whistled again this time two bulky men to appear before him and bow to him.

"royal guards take this girl away and sell her in...."

zain was trying to order the guard but before he can complete his order, the housekeeper pair came in front of him and both of them begged

" his highness forgive my daughter I will try my level best to compensate for the vase"

the male housekeeper told zain making him smirk as if his plan was successful, he wanted the lady in the royal castle till she learns about how to manage.

he never let zain complete and started begging to make zain feel bad. he then gestured his guard to take the lady away who started wiggling and tried to run away.

they both looked at zain with a pleasing smile which looked more pleasing as the lady was throwing fit, zain guested them to do as they seem fit but her parent won't let me leave unless he returns their daughter back.

"his highness leave our daughter, she is our only child, please have mercy"

the wife of the housekeeper yelled along with sobs making zain feel the suffocation and tiredness due to the happening of this drama.

"you guys know what to do"

zain told the guards who were like zain and knew what zain was thinking about the same time as zain thinks.

they moved towards the lady and the more they got near the more the lady screamed in horror. the guys were tired of her screaming and knocked her unconscious.

"sire, what to do next?"

the guards asked making zain smirk and then look at the parent to see their state. the family was sobbing and begging for mercy which made zain smile.

"take the lady to her chambers and let her rest, "

zain announced much to everyone's surprise. he then looked at everyone and went back inside the house without giving a single bit of knowledge of his decision.

has he went inside and the drama created by him was over, the rest followed and crowded him. the lady's family came next to zain and said

" thank you your highness for sparing our daughter"

they both said waiting for a reply from zain who only waved his hand to notify to back off and they moved away from him.

the rest of the maids and servants were standing like statues trying their level best to not do anything to face the same fate as the housekeepers' daughter.

zain, on the other hand, was lost in thought and tired of the attention he was getting, don't get zain to wring he is tired of unnecessary attention especially today.

' today I am behaving weird... is it the effect of Aleena's return.... no, no I can't be vulnerable in front of anyone or Aleena'

he thought and then he decided to test the speed and tolerance rate of the maids and servants present.

he formulated the plan and decided to face all those idiots standing in front of him and pointed once servants while saying

"you, I need you to remove everything out of this room "

as he was done ordering that male person he decided to revolt and say

" beg your pardon his highness but furniture is too heavy to be taken out by one person"

after hearing his plea zain decided to ignore him and pointed the other two people while shouting at them

"you two clean the whole room and remember if I spot a single spec of dirt on the room I will behead you all"

after telling them in the devilish tone he spites two maids eying him curiously and he yelled at them by saying

"you two stop looking at my face and cook me food and light the fire"

after scolding them to his borderline he, therefore, found another pair of maids and servants eyeing him making him smile and ask with a smiling yet unfriendly face.

"am I looking funny?"

as he told them they all started looking downwards and moved their head indicating that it is a no as they all felt like they are having no tongue to speak.

after seeing their reaction he smiled to himself satisfied with the result of the most important things to do, the fear. he then looked in the eyes of each maid and servant making them cower while trying to find a place to exit. he then gently whispered

"no then stop looking at me and work"

his whispering voice had no gentleness instead everyone who heard felt like shivering due to the coldnesss found in the tone of zain.

" if you are done eyeing me get out of the room and clean every single corner of the house"

everyone went out of the room and zain being himself went next to the window to find his peace of mind along with planning on how to play with Aleena

"jack and jake get the hell you and appear in front of me"

zain whispered high enough to be heard only in the room and both the royal guards appeared next to him and bowed while saying

"his highness"

as they both entered and stood in front of zain an abnormal smile appeared on zain's face.

"time to get to work boys. go and....."

as zain completed his words a smile was also found on the guards' faces.