get out!

zain was in the room with his bulky guards named as having and make and they both look like brothers.

don't take me wrong they look like identical twins and their names on top of that confirm that.

they are the exact replica of each other the only way distinguish them is the scars, jake have a scar on his arm whereas Jace has a scar on his eyebrow.

" the thing you instructed will be done but we are not sure if your guest will arrive here safely."

Jace told zain in an informal tone and with an encouraging smile as he knows that zain will not hurt him.

"I agree to jace, its forest any animal can hurt your guest, and even if precautions are taken still achieving complete safety is impossible"

jake supported what Jace said and even zain got lost in thought when he heard what his guard told him, his body and heart were not working together for the first time in the last 19 years.


zain hummed while thinking and even sat at the chair cleaned by a shy lady before the drama of punishment started.

the guard started in front of him and waited for his next instruction as if they know that he will find another solution for this problem.

suddenly zain's face lit up like a Christmas tree making both jake and Jace sigh in relief which unknown to them was in their lungs for a long time.

" do this and I am not taking no as an answer...."

this made both the guys' gulp and fear was visible on their face making zain laugh, he even clinched ais stomach to show that they are amusing him

"how many years are you working with me?"

zain asked after getting in a sober state and even stop laughing while going back to his stoic face, he even glared at them

"five years"

jake and Jace told zain in a systematic manner and zain started clapping while showing his sarcastic nature.

"then why the hell are you two scared of me, I will not make you kill anyone, now go and get the work done before I bury two of you alive and make sure it is the longest route"

zain announced and then both of them bowed. as they left zain called the maids to clean the room and then he took a file on the table.

the file was a unique file it had a note attached to it and also it had a thing which was zain looks curiously.

"Are you sure? are you my....."

zain spoke to himself and then suddenly went silent. every word from zain was heard by maids who were thinking

'is he crazy, he punished her for a vase and now is whispering to himself, I am sure he is crazy'

all of the maids In the room made sure that no one makes a mistake or they will face something bad.

Jace came back in front of zain and that scared everyone in the room. the gasping voice was heard in the room.

the room was clean at that time and the maids were looking for new instruction when Jace entered

" Is the room clean?"

zain asked without looking at everyone and one of the maids said a meek yes

" Are you sure?"

zain asked inflicting fear in the maids in the room and once again got an answer


zain was feeling bored and angry as good si he shouted at the maids and told them

"Did no one teach you to stand in line before talking to someone in power"

this scared them a lot more than expected even one of them started to cry and one was down unconscious.

the current situation in the hall or the room zain was in made him think

'tch what a weak-hearted people live here, boring'

then zain was too bored to let them stay here and told the maid

" get out of here and go prepare lunch for me and my guests"

he ordered and then everyone started to leave when he suddenly spoke

"wait... take that unconscious person with you and make sure the food is good or else..."

After every maid heard him they took the easy with them leaving Jace and zain alone in the room.

" What is the process and why are you here when you are supposed to be next to jake"

zain spoke in a calm voice for once but Jace had a stone face which showed that he wants to tell something important.


Jace didn't utter a word and stood next to zain with his normal yet abnormal face. he was looking scary and even zain if not strong-hearted would have felt fear creeping in him due to that face.

" I asked you something, Jace"

zain yelled this time tired of trying to get attention from Jace and thought

' why should I work for getting attention when I am the prince.'

"jake is working on the plan you told and I a here to stop you from doing anything idiotic as the general told me to make sure you don't fuss around and create more mess than it is"

Jace told zain and this broke zain badly as he always thought that uncle afzan lives him and supports him. at the same moment, zain thought

'no Jace must be lying, uncle will never do it, no matter how hard his heart looks like in inside he is a softy, he must be lying'

the words from Jace and the thoughts of zain we're enough to fuel the power of anger in him and he looked straight at Jace and told him

"get out of this house and don't show me your face unless it's important, ask jake to find the information I need as soon as possible or I swear Jace I will behead both of you"

zain told and due to which Jace smiled and told him

"zain no matter how much you hate me but remember only your family thinks good for you, no relative wants their niece or nephew to be successful"

he told zain and disappeared in thin air leaving zain in thoughts.