
zain was in thoughts and his mind was full of mess, he felt that the words jace said have some effect on him.

his mind shouted one question, one question whose answer can shake his whole being, but he wanted the answer for that.

'why did jace said that? why? why do I feel like his words have some honesty, some kind of truth or secret hidden behind, no zain maybe he said that in anger, his words are full of anger, no truth is behind it'

the chat with jace, the idiot, is affecting my mood.

'humph jace I will kill you after I meet my enemy aleena waheed, nevermind I will make me feel good, a cup of coffee keeps negativity away'

zain thought and then shouted

"hey get me a cup of coffee in next 5 minutes, fast or you will face a worst fate then that of housekeeper daughter"

after zain's order there was silence all over the place making zain feel more angry and shouted

"don't you all have tongues reply!!"

after him talking again he got a meek reply of "yes sir" and then he closed his eyes to relax for time being.

for everyone around he was relaxing but for him he was fighting a battle between his brain and his heart.

he knew that the facade he is using today was taught to him by royal family as a gift from childhood.

the words of his teacher rang in his head and the memories flashed before his eyes.

'a prince and a king never reveal his weakness, because weakness is death and a royal must be immune of fear of weakness'

zain head showed few lines as if he is stressing on something, stressing too much for something that is worth nothing in front of him.

he opened his eyes with jolt and his eyes were read as blood making him look like a devil with black suit, a modern devil who is willing to destroy everyone.

his behaviour showed more of a devil than that of a prince as if he learned to be a devil not a prince.

he decided to check his phone and Instantly smirked, his smirk showed that he have won some kind of war, obtained something he really wanted.

his face looked like that of a playboy but his eyes carried the happiness of a child who gets the candy he wanted to buy.

he then moved to the washroom attached to the living room and watched his face till his eyes went back to normal.

his hands and lips were red which was the result of cold water attack on them but zain didn't flinch even a single bit.

he then roughly grabbed the towel hanging on a stand and wiped the water from his face and hands

he then went back to living room and called the maids

"you two get two male servants to remove every single furniture from here"

the maid were scared already because of zain's antiques that they quickly said

" yes sir, anything else?"

the maid said while trying hard not to run from there, till the time he excuse them. their fave showed fear and they looked like praying to God.

'God please we are willing to sacrifice everything just don't let the prince make us face the same fate as Ashley'

they both were looking on ground and they sighed in relief when zain said

" go get the servants and get my coffee from kitchen"

as soon as they heard that zain have given them the order, both of them left the room as fast as possible, they looked lile running away from zain, it was amusing for zain and he gave a laugh.

a few minutes later a cup of coffee was bought in the room, a coffee which smelled good that everyone want to drink it but one of them hated it and yes he is zain.

the coffee was made of almond milk and it looked yummy but zain hates it as he once loved it as well now he hates it because of a person and that person is aleena.

for zain love changed, people changed, so he changed everything related to the person as well.

he threw the cup on the floor and asked them

"who told you to make me almond coffee?"

he shouted on everyone and his anger was making everyone shiver badly as if they are freezing, zain eyes looked like throwing daggers made of ice.

hatred and disgust was evident on his face as he will puke due to disgust, no one know why there was disgust in his eyes.

"don't answer me, go get me black coffee and remember no milk and no sugar, make sure to add two tablespoon of coffee in my coffee"

he instructed the servants and maid and then closed his eyes to calm his anger and was badly failing.

he then pouted for sometime and then opened his phone to see the text which made him smirk and mumbled

" aleena you shouldn't have kept this as secret, I know you kept secret but not this one, I had the right to know about it. now I will make sure that you face the consequences, get ready my princess its Time to reap what you sow and unfortunately you got a bad boss, me"

he gave his wholee long sermon in one breath and then looked up to see that his coffee has arrived and took a sip of it and hummed in approval.

"good, now you can leave the mansion and come back here after twelve hour, I hope the food is kept in microwave and have a nice day"

zain said to the housekeeper who was too shocked by zain's behaviors and even thought

'is he bipolar?ah he is so unpredictable'

in next few minutes he was left alone in the mansion and then jake entered the house and announced

" your guest will come in next 10 minutes"

this announcement made zain smile, which shocked jake and zain announced

"it's time to face the reality"