the unspoken words

After alerna left , zain was left alone in the living room. the voice of person's feet movement can be heard and with every passing moment the voice of footsteps was getting inaudible.

zain was lost in thoughts after aleena left the living room, few moments later zain picked up his phone and texted

'open the lock and let her go'

zain put his phone down and then the lock opening sound can be heard which was loud sound due to an old lock.

Zain was waiting for aleena to leave as he knew his beast will make sure to capture her but human zain feared losing his beloved's trust.

he then heard a loud bang produced by using force to close the door and the force which was used cause echo in the whole mansion.

zain shuddered after the loud bang as the impact shocked zain as he never thought that aleena can be never this angry with him but maybe it was just his wishful thinking.

zain was feeling so guilty after holding the sd card in his right hand and clutching his phone in another.

he then put down his phone and held the card up high and took his sword out to destroy the card but before he could the word fell down from his hand.he then git on his knees and hugged himself to calm himself down.

a lone tear escaped his eye, which he wiped and moved to sit on table, he took out his laptop and then put the sd cars in phone and then transferred the data using bluetooth.

he then opened the download channel and then went to bluetooth folder and opened the recently added folder. zain then opened and played it.

he started hearing it calmly but he finally played while remembering the reason why they reached at this limit.

this sd card looked normal but he knew that even tho the sd card looked normal but what was in it can cause zain and his family to be overthrown and get them to be under charge for many things.

zain knew that he was an idiot to do that to aleena and also left the proof behind, like no proof but the biggest proof was aleena herself.

he regret the trust he gave her that day to stab him. he was angry but he also felt remorseful due to his past behaviour. zain then thought

'aleena if I had a chance to tell you how much I hate you and how much I loved you this wasn't happened but what can I do nothing can change anything but I regret the moment when ego took the best of me, zain you made a mistake but now you have to face it, listen to her words again'

zain snapped out of his thoughts and started listening to the voice recording aleena gave him and he. felt like he no longer had earth underneath his feet and he felt that his heart will stop due to shock.

(secret words will be revealed later, mystery ;) )

zain then heard the words that made him what aleena dispiced the most.

"zain, hmm, what can I say" aleena said making everyone whine and shut to encourage aleena

" come on sis say it"

everyone told aleena to which an audible sigh was heard and she told them

"ok lemme think first"

everyone groaned and then one girl said

"we dont have whole day you know, we need to continue the game"

aleena then was silent and then suddenly continued

"ok so zain is handsome man but what is the use of it when you are rude and egoistic that it can make other person cringe. his face is handsome and cute no doubt but still no use of it to be shown in public because he curses more than he talks just like a sailor."

after. aleena finished she took dep breath and asked

"is this enough?"

everyone was silent for a while and whispering was heard for few seconds and then shout was heard

" nahh more"

aleena was silent was for long time and then groaned which made zain heart ache and then he heard the word which caused aleena to face hell made by zain

" he thinks any girl will fall in love with him because he is handsome and also the most popular guy but it is the exact opposite. there are many people who hate him than the people love him, he is a puppet and is of no use"

when zain those words, his heart and brain responded and he felt hatred in oasf but now after knowing everything he feel nothing more than disgust. he feel disgusted to think of aleena as a gold digger.he felt guilty of his own actions and thought to an extent that he didn't want to face it and even die than to face it again.

zain felt like his heart was suddenly turned into mirror and it break into pieces. his brain and heart was denying to not listen more so he paused the audio and picked up his phone to call akhil

after ringing fir some time akhil finally answered the phone which stopped the tapping fingers voice which was created by zain.

"Hey dude what' sup?" akhil asked zain curiously as he wanted to know what the end result of the meeting

"let them both go", zain told akhil In a gloomy voice which somehow shocked akhil as he curiously asked

"did she agreed to come back to you?" he asked

"no I let her free", zain told him

which shocked akhil

"What!!?" he said in a shaked voice

and then silence was heard on the other side of the phone

"Just do as I said", zain told akhil on what to do and cut the call without hearing bye.

he then stood up to his chair and texted jake

'let's go back to castle'

both boys entered the castle but worried expression can be seen on their face like a tattoo.