
zain, jake and jace were standing outside the forest house when zain opened the coat of his three piece suit to retrieve his phone and he called someone

"hello zain, where the hell are you?

the person on the other side of phone shouted as if pissed and under pressure. the voice sounded like he was male.

" zayed relax, tell me what happened in one sentence"

zain asked zayed with an annoyed tone but on his face was gloominess, which showed and looked like he was in anger.

jake and jace looked tensed as if they have committed a crime that they shouldn't have done.

zayed cleared his throat to show his nervousness and then spoke

"one line is that his majesty is pissed beyond repair"

zain heard that and he felt a hope that his guilt will no longer remain after his father knows what happened.

"oh, nevermind pick me up from xyz place"

hearing that zayed was shocked as he replied after 3 seconds passed and he said

"zain you will be dead meat after his majesty find you,"

zayedtried to scare zain that he must stay away from his majesty to make sure that he remains safe.

"don't worry zayed, pick us up,"

zain told zayed in a calm voice making zayed shudder as his voice slutterrd when he spoke next


zayed tried to speak but zain spoke again studying zayed who was worried for zain as well as his majesty, his major concern was kingdom's future.

"pick us up zain, I will manage his majesty, just come ok and bye"

zain told zayed and then cut off the call without hearing any single excuse from.him and then turned to look at jake and jace.

"listen to me carefully, no one interrupt the conversation between me and his majesty, even if he kills me you both are not allowed to speak a word, understood?"

zain completed his lecture and then looked at the twins with a smile as if he don't fear death making the twin shudder not in fear but his calmness.

"yes sir, I mean zain"

both of them replied to zain in unison but in such state they called him what they shouldn't have when they are alone showing that they are nervous.

"dont worry his majesty won't punish an innocent and you two are innocent so you two are safe"

after zain said those words they both sighed in relief and that made zain smile.

after few minutes of the call and the chat ayed came with a car to pick zain up and during the whole ride zain was silent and guilt was eating him up like a plague. after good half an hour ride through secret passage they went back to the castle to meet a very angry king.

King was looking like he will kill the person who tried to mess up with him and seeing him zain bowed him. King didn't bother asking zain to rise but he did that on his own.

as soon as he got up zain got a slap from the king making jake and jace feel the stiffness again. both of them tried to move towards zain and save him but before they could the king spoke

"you two, go and stand outside and guard the place, no need to save the prince, the prince and I have a lot to chat about, dont you think zain"

King told the twin with a smug expression on his face as if he knew that those two will even stand against him to save zain, he knew that they are loyal and he used thet to his advantage.

"yes your majesty"

jake and jace said and left the place after zain nodded that he indeed needs to talk to his majesty

as soon as both of them left, the king went to his room and after few seconds he turned to tell zain

"what are you waiting for, idiot crown prince?"

zain knew that when his majesty used his title it means trouble and he knew that he was already in trouble when he lied to the king

'get ready zain you will listen to a whole long lecture again

zain thought and then both of them moved to the throne room where the door were closed and the king was moving toward zain like a predator to his prey.

zain was trying hard that he doesn't run because his father gives a deadly look and aura. the King slapped zain again and shouted

"I don't know what kind of sin I have did to have a child like you"

the King told zain annoyed and then he looked at zain and he told him

"Iman construction meeting when you were in forest house and you dare hold innocent people as hostage and even kill one of them a shame on you zain, now face the same fate as them"

zain was confused and thought

'which two people was he talking about because he almost killed the housekeeper girl, there is no way ragt he can know about akhil holding tayiba and aahil as hostage, ah that must be the case'

the King then turned to face the guards and ordered them

"send prince zain in jail for 24 hours with no food or water supplies.confiscafe all his weapons and gadgets and treat him like a normal prisoner"

after the king ordered the guards he moved to face zain's mom who was also looking at zain with disgust and hatred which broke his heart, he knew that only his family cann break his heart and both of them have already done that.

the guards held zain like hostage and a maid came towards zain and took zain's sword away making him look like a commoner.

the guards eyes showed pity but they took him to the dungeons and then jail where everyone was whispering and laughing, zain was confused on why they were happy but then on a person announced

"the crown prince and the devil of business is here with us, ah what a pleasure I feel after seeing this"

hearing this zain's felt his anger rising and the guards grip on zain also increased.