
After bearing the question afzan asked zain, a small spark of hope was placed in his heart which was full of guilt. The words of afzan were ringing in his ears as if to make sure that he heard it correctly.

The words had a soothing effect on zain as it was the only way that he can't think of, no doubt that he had a small idea of it but it is always said that ' saying something easy rather than to get it done'

Zain had sparks in his eyes and the happiness was also found in his eyes when the words love and protect aleena again came in front of him.

He was so lost in fantasy that when his fantasy and dreamed crashed he was practically choking aleena with his love and care. 

When zain remembered that again, worry and sadness consumed his entire being making him go back to gloomy zain again. Afzan who was sitting next to zain pat his head and said

"Are you scared that you will kill her using your love again?"