
After fighting both of his hand and his punches, zain and afzan felt like the intruder was a child.Afzan and zain both were fighting with intruder but zain was injured as he didn't had enough weapons to protect him but still they won against the intruder who shouted

"You both can't defeat me, I will punish you two!!"

Hearing that voice zain and afzan both looked at each other and both of them.shook their head and then said

"Complain to his majesty, come on grow up kid"

Afzan said to the intruder with a stone face and then clicked his tongue to show his annoyance making the intruder give a hearty laugh.

"Of course general afzan, and who the hell do you think will wait for the crown prince to go on guard to attack, of course not your enemy, tsk consider me kind hearted ot he would be found dead if it wasn't for me"