
Aleena, Tayiba and aahil were walking towards the mall while swinging their hands and smiling towards the mall. The mall was big enough that more than two hundred people could shop easily. 

Aleena and Tayiba then ran into the shop to shop and aahil then shouted at both of them 

"You two shop-o-maniac, don't leave me, a small innocent baby alone. Don't forget that I am cute and handsome that someone will kidnap me" 

Aahil said and then ran after the two to reach each other. He then looked at both of them and pouted while batting his eyes making him look cute and seeing aahil saying about kidnapping making aleena almost groan and think

' aahil, don't talk about kidnapping or maybe she will end up having triggered which will cause more problem then it already is, Tayiba please don't become me'