The Hell

Aleena was tired of crying she was cursing herself for being weak hearted but she knew that if she cried that was because of hearing his voice after a long time. After all, blood attracts blood and he was Aleena's brother. Even tho she was shocked and also angry on him but no matter what happens blood relations can never be broken even when they are dead

'I know I told you that you lost your right as brother but on one stop of life you will need me and at any stop I will also need you. Ou relation can't be broken easily and not even the words from us can break it either'

Aleena thought and then looked around to see if there was any cooler or shop nearby for her to go grab water. She was looking around when she saw a water cooler just a few steps away from where she was standing 

Aleena then moved towards there and then looked around again to see if he was still stalking her but then it hit her.