
"Who will explain that thing?"

Aleena glared at the two people in front of her, one of them was acting aloof which reminded her of someone special and second reminded her of the past self of aleena.

"What thing?"

Aahil looked innocent and cute at the same time but his question contained mischief. His eyes were carrying a cute hidden attack glint which made him look more pretty handsome. 


Tayiba was glaring at the two and was looking around to notice the surrounding making her go crazy and feel the need to drag the two using their hairs. Tay8ba noticed that the two were fighting outside the door of the house making her think

'If my munchin lost the argument, he will be forced to stay outside, no that can't happen. I gotta save my boy'

Tayiba continued to look in between the two and then looked around to see if there was anyone around.

"Let's move inside"