
"What was that stunt?"

Aleena inquired aahil who just left the cafeteria Seth the two and they were near the car.

" he was trying to bully you two, so I bullied him".

Aahil started with a cute face as if he was no longer the same person as that inside the cafeteria.

"Aaa I will go crazy"

Aleena said while clenching his head and she felt the need to bang his head somewhere as it will kill her as the circumstances just changed her son into an adult.

'I thought that nothing could be worse but actually I destroyed my son and made him an adult ahead of time. Am.i that much of a bad Mother?'

Aleena's head was in turmoil and then she just guestered the two to enter the car. Three of them settle down then they saw aahil coming out of the mall and he started the car and followed them

"See I told you he is stalking us and that also for almost two weeks"