
"We will see that later"

Aahil had hands on his waist like an annoyed lady but he was looking imposing and he was using his eyes to dart daggers to the back of the man.

"Aahil relax"

Aleena patted her son to calm him down as he knew that he would explode if he got triggered more. The man took this opportunity and hit aahil

"Do as your mom says. Go hide behind you mom skirt"

Hearing those words aahil was on the verge to erupt like a mountain but he took deep breath and hit him back using words

"Too bad you don't have a mom skirt to hide."

Aahik then sat on the chair and same table as the man while guestering the man to sit as well. The man gave him.a raised eyebrow

"What? Can't you even understand the sign language anyways I will word it out for you. Sit down mister let's have a mature chat. I am tired of acting like a brat for a brat like you"