

 Shouting was heard in the dining room and tayiba shouted to get aleena out of the thoughts making aleena frown but it was useless trick as it was not working.

" what to do it is not working"

Tayiba was sweating nervously as whenever Aleena was in daze a whole new level of chaos was created.

"Let's shook mom, maybe she will get out of the illusion"

Aahik innocently added as he was unknown to the sudden shock and trauma making tayiba oat the head of aahil nervously while thinking

'This poor child doesn't know anything about what his mom is facing, but its not his fault as it was kept hidden by the two of us'

Aahil then tugged the sleeve of his aunt to get her to walk towards his mom to shake her out of the bad illusion.

'Humph the nasty illusion, stay away from mom. I will beat you if I saw you near my mom again'