Bad Blood

"Is it him?"

Tayiba voiced out her opinion after hugging the two of her loved ones and then stood near the two. She noticed the goosebumps on aleena's arms. 


Aleena also confirmed the suspicion on who it could be but still her heart was not willing to accept that fact.

"But he won't do it"

She remembered the last meeting with him and disregarded that suspicion. She then also pointed out one more thing which went unnoticed by tayiba.

"the one to call me, looks like he aim to scare me"

Aleena pointed out the fact which looked too good to be true but it was the truth. A feet tapping sound was heard.

tap tap

Aleena looked at aahil who wanted to speak but family rules prevented him from doing so. Aleena guestered aahil to speak.

"It was not named"

Aleena heard aahil and she felt her heart skip a beat. Her mind was running at the fastest speed and her surroundings were getting blurred.