After Call

"Have you seen it?"

Aleena asked Selena in a demanding tone, making her clinch in fear. Selena had a pout on her face and her eyes were teary and unfocused. she was lost in her own world .

"I have, genius"

Selena sarcastically told Aleena who was not at all shocked by her sudden outburst making Selena go in thoughts again making Aleena clear her throat indicating that she was thirsty and poured herself a glass of water. 

'I am tired of fighting with her, makes me so thirsty, have pity on me and give her some brain cells and focus'.

Aleena thought while begging an imaginary person to knock some sense into Selena , a bit that was nearly impossible with Selena, maybe in the future It will happen.

"so read it aloud"

Aleena asked Selena with a curious gaze and that was also noticed by Selena who smiled at the curious cat named as aleena. Aleena then waited for Selena to read it aloud.