
Life was calm from the last meeting with zain, except few minor setbacks, everything was normal, life was running smoothly, the punishment of Selena was also forgiven and aahil punished her with a ice cream ride, all the bill on her. it was cute yet cruel so all of us enjoyed it.

"Ah, wait! My phone is ringing," asserted Aleena then she heard the phone ringtone which had a different melody than her usual ringtone. Aleena rushed towards the phone which was almost half the lounge away.

"Oh, Don Lady is calling," Aleena muttered as she picked up her phone and also noticed that the call was on verge to get disconnected so she quickly picked up the call with the number of Serena on it.


from the other side Serena replied cheerfully making aleena smile with eyes full of happiness while wondering 

'she is happy means good news or else she might have a scary voice with bad news, let me live in peace for long, I don't want to face baddu world'