Resurrected To Receive A Kiss

"Isn't what he is wearing... were the garments for the dead?"

When everyone saw Miguel walking, not just the overbearing aura he exuded was noticed. Even the warped linen cloth at his wais did not go unnoticed.

People exclaimed in shock, confusion as if they saw a ghost.

"Let's get this over with... Grandpa." Miguel uttered after a brief silence. He is now at the center of everyone's attention. But he treated everyone as air as he nonchalantly asked.

In Miguel's thought: This is like a fresh start to him. Realizing that he held full authority over the body of Argus again, he also thought that why would he bother keeping face? From the beginning of his transmigration, he always tried acting like a kid. He is done with it now, why not use this as a chance to imprint a different approach, maybe just by letting himself let loose would allow him to also die and perhaps return home?

"Hey, I recognize him now... Isn't he that Argus?" When somebody pointed that out everyone felt a chill climbing at the nape of their necks. "Didn't he die? Why! How come he is walking..."

Everyone is disturbed including Bagno.

"Hey! Are you going to just stare at me or are we going to fight? Come on! Show me how my ancestors have fought!" Miguel yelled at the Burly man that had dumbfounded expression, mockingly.

It did not take a while before the Burly man came back from being dazed to suddenly turning furious and an ear defeating cry shattered everyone's eardrums waking them from their bedazzled state.

And before they could even react a battle have already started!






With a growl like that of a lion, a huge man declared a threat to this scrawny figure who dare mock and challenge him.

Arhav is the winner for consecutive battles and everyone knew that he loved fighting more than anyone else. That's why every time there is a Tag-An, he especially makes his appearance during these events. A fat belly with rigid stature, bulging forearms, and biceps... The perfect fit word to describe Arhav is barbaric. He had always acted this way in his fights. Many won't complain and also became his fan due to his ruthless blows during fights which can make the ground painted in blood after just a few hits.

Just when you thought you would become the winner for the Tag-An, Arhav will suddenly come challenging you and prove to you that your only just a fart.

Now, a nameless punk who seemed too confident for his own good came to fight him, in everyone's thoughts: this shall definitely be a good match to see.





Miguel silently observed his opponent, and he already judged that this Arhav in front of him must have only relied on his brute strength to win his matches. But he has to test it out first.

He immediately sprang forward and a suffocating atmosphere gradually enveloped the whole area.

Arhav sent his own greeting to this presumptuous punk with his usual hard right hook swing, which is also greeted with a sharp piercing left jab from Miguel.

His nimble and swift moves that seemed so agile in the eyes of everyone present caught them by a storm. They have never seen movements like this.

Some of the crowd, when they first escaped on their rattled state had the urge to laugh and mock Miguel and point out that Miguel is weakly compared to the huge body of Arhav. But because Miguel is full of action, those thoughts are suddenly replaced by excitement as the two warriors suddenly exchanged blows. They could only close their mouth in anticipation...

That's how intense their fight had become!

Blow after blow! Earth-shattering, wind gales were released at every strike. Arhav is on a rampage! Yet, none of his attacks have landed so far. This made the spectators wonder and bewildered of Miguel.

Is this the same Argus they knew? Yes! Argus could fight, they all recalled how he fought Bagno in that fiery molten trail, but right now... the Argus in front of them seemed invincible.

Cheers and screams of excitement and occasional jeers rang around the whole square.

After quite some time, when Miguel had observed how his enemy fought and remembered his patterns, a smirk escaped on his lips.

"Such boorish fighter... No wonder we were never able to retaliate against our invaders." Miguel lamented as he spoke in a deranged tone.

Just when Arhav's giant fists that looked like a ballistic missile were about to hit him, Miguel easily slipped to the right dodging the strike, followed by a sharp stinging uppercut that landed on Arhav's jaw. Like a lightning thud, Arhav's world began to shake. White lights and dazzling stars have suddenly greeted him.

Miguel had to jump in order to reach Arhav's face and the unexpected blow caught Arhav unexpectedly.

Arhav with his huge body fell to the ground...

Miguel that seemed too weak like a bamboo stick compared to a huge mountain-like Arhav is the victor! He defeated Arhav! The cheers and jeers halted. It was dead silent, nobody uttered a word for the first five seconds.

Until someone out from the crowd clapped his hands. No one knew who did it first but suddenly they found themselves clapping in amazement towards Miguel.

Miguel, on the other hand, seemed disappointed, the fight just now is a bore. He never got to let loose like how he had first intended to. He stared at his defeated opponent...

Like a pig sprawling at the mud but in Arhav's case, he is at the top of the puddle of blood along with his huge body, face flatly buried to the ground.

And at this moment the applause of the crowd suddenly halted as a figure that many considered sacred flashed past at them...

"Argus!" Out of nowhere, Saman Talia came hugging Miguel before he could even turn his head to look.

The crowd witnessing the scene had their jaws opened wide. Just like earlier, nobody uttered a sound... they watched as their beloved Saman forcefully grabbed Miguel's face and pushed her lips towards Miguel.

"Saman... Talia..." They could only softly say after a delayed reaction.





Along with the revival of Argus that suddenly shocked the Tribe another shocking bomb was let loose. "How come our Saman is hugging this fellow?" They could only swallow their saliva as the Saman did her own will without care to anyone present.

Thus, Argus's 1st Epic was concluded.