Insane Lady!

Satisfied under Miguel's embrace, the Saman thought it was Argus whom she was hugging and kissing right now, but little did he knew... It was another person.





Earlier when Miguel had resurrected from being dead, nobody has noticed him.

But right after that loud crisp sound, when Miguel declared himself alive the Elders, including the Dayang had shocked written all over their faces. The most affected one is the Saman. She was really hurt when Argus died, that's why when she saw Argus alive and kicking the vitality in her dead eyes gradually surged with brimming joy.

The gloomy atmosphere she was emitting was slowly replaced with excitement. As if her dull and colorless world became full of vibrant colors.

Saman Talia or Lia had always acted willfully. She never truly cared about tradition or saving face or showing grace. Not of those crap mattered to her.

And just like usual, when she saw Argus walking among the crowd at first she was in disbelief but after Miguel, now in the body of Argus have turned around as he received the crowd's applause, basking in glory after defeating his opponent... She became definitely sure that it was Argus.

After realizing that it was indeed Argus, Lia rushed forward without a care.

Samans was regarded as sacred, they are not allowed to get their feet sullied by the dirty ground. Yet at that moment while everyone is shocked by this sudden turn of events, Lia without care, broke the laws, disregarded any tradition. She touched the ground with her bare feet!

"Saman! Why you..." Wagu Atubang was seconds late! He failed to notice that Lia had already leaped from the podium as she ran forward towards the direction of the crowd while removing her veil in the process.

A peerless beauty is revealed! Brown like the color of the sand, dark hair that naturally swayed like the fluttering of the branches. A figure no lady could compare, the most beautiful women in their tribe! A big beauty with ample rack and a slender figure that is occasionally outlined through the swaying of her white skirt. She was wearing traditional mourning clothes, decorated with golden trim lines at her skirt's hemline for prestigious noblewomen.

She is like a little bird flying across the little garden full of bees.

Of course, those bees are the crowd who got their eyes glued towards their Saman, nobody expected the Saman to suddenly come down from her seat and rush towards their location. They all wondered why.

But not too long, their questions had been answered with a shocking scene...

The Saman actually went to forcefully hug Miguel and dip a horrid kiss at his lips!

And when she hugged Miguel, she felt like she's at the sky fully grasping the clouds!

On the other hand, Miguel who just resurrected had his thoughts thrown into disarray, he wondered why this lady has suddenly kissed him. After the shock, he clutched the arms of Lia as he strenuously pushed her away.

"What the heck is that for!" Miguel yelped while brushing his lips, smudging off the saliva that has entered into his mouth.

Bent down on the ground, Lia uttered a sorrowful cry as if her husband had maltreated her in public... "Argus... I thought you were dead..."

Miguel who inspected this lady in front of her observed her from head to toe. She is mesmerizing indeed! He touched his forehead as he tried to recall any memory that could relate her to Argus.

But to no avail, he only felt an ache as he repeatedly rubbed his temples.

Miguel who pushed Lia to the ground felt the piercing dagger-like stares of everyone from his back and in frustration, he yelled at Lia, "WHO THE HECK ARE YOU?!"

Lia who tried to stand up from the ground slumped again, her mouth curved as she pouted. She felt at a loss, indignant with the way Miguel is treating her now. In her mind, she was screaming at Miguel repeatedly.

"What do you mean who the heck are you?!" After tidying herself up she asked, panic striking confusion is written on her furrowed brows as she immediately added, "I'm Lia! Saman Talia!"

And with a twitching mouth, Miguel uttered the name of the Saman, "Lia..."

At first, the Saman was mad, but just a while ago she realized that Miguel had really cold skin. If not because of her tranced state, she could've noticed it earlier.

Miguel is even more confused as the word Lia was introduced. "It seems like the relationship between this body's previous owner and this lady is special..." He inwardly thought.

Miguel is currently in buffer mode as he contemplated for a while before his thoughts are suddenly disturbed by the Saman.


And Miguel did not answer, he too was perplexed by this sudden event. The last thing he remembered was that dark space and a conversation with Argus and that mysterious voice but when he tried to recall he found that it is empty. Nothing could be recalled aside from the strong feeling of attachment towards the moon and the word Sidapa.

Biting off his lips, some of his thoughts leaked out as he blurted a question "Who is Sidapa?!"





When everyone heard this name they all busily clamored together forming some whispers of their own.

"Sidapa? Isn't that the God of Death?" An old lady muttered, trying her best to recall who that Sidapa was.

"I don't understand what is happening... Did my eyes witness this right? He... He resurrected from being dead?!" A hoarse voice echoed through the crowd as he mumbled his own confusion.

"That's not all! He even has defeated Arhav!" And another voice exclaimed, adding some spice to the discussion.

"And Our Goddess! She's now sullied by that scrawny guy's saliva!" Then a shrilling voice, clearly despondent as if he suffered some self indignation. Proclaimed his dismayed expression through the crowd.

Just like him, many were displeased that the Saman had acted this way, and still that ungrateful bastard, actually pushed their Goddess!

"Didn't you just cheered him when he won just now?" But some reasonable tribesmen also began to corner those who complained.

But to Miguel and Lia, their voices seemed to pass through their ears like air, as if they are the only beings present.





"You need to go to the shrine where the Shamans are currently located. You need to be checked!" With a stare full of concern, Lia grasps Miguel's wrist as she tried to drag Miguel away from the square.

"Where are you taking me?" Miguel yelled as he brushed off the hands of the Saman.

"Let go of my hand!" And with a commanding tone, he added.

Lia felt desperate as she firmly gripped the wrist of Miguel. "Argus!" she yells.

"YOU WOMAN! IS... INSANE! Let go of my hand..." Miguel stated in a flat and cold tone. His voice was not that loud but it was clearly transmitted throughout the crowd.

The men in the tribe had furious expressions written on their mad faces. At any movement now, if Miguel uttered another word of insult towards their Goddess, they won't hesitate to pounce over Miguel.

Yet at this moment... two of the most prestigious women in their tribe, second only to the Dayang herself made their way towards the crowd.

The Elders including the Dayang supported by her servants also came. Almost simultaneously, the crowd bowed together in unison.

All except Miguel and Lia...

Yet in the hearts of everyone that is present, some brewing tension between Lia and Argus surfaced!