Chapter 1: A Mysterious Object

*Ring Ring Ring*

Within a single and quiet room, an alarm starts ringing as the faint sunlight comes through the slightly opened curtains. Slowly the girl reach her soft-looking hand and switch off the ringing alarm. After she closed the alarm, the girl covered her head with her pillow and silence returned to the room once again.

While still holding onto her blanket the girl yawned lightly and rubbed her eyes, she slowly open her eyes revealing her beautiful deep green color. Staring around the room for a bit, the girl grabbed her phone to check time it was '6:35'. After a while the girl decided to make her way to the bathroom, fumbling a bit cause of her drowsiness.

Her steps to the bathroom were slow...very slow, reaching and opening the valve of the bathtub the girl waited for a couple of minutes to let it fill, the girl submerge herself in the tub. The girl enjoyed her stay in the warm bath, one could see the bliss in her eyes; the girl sighed out of relief and enjoyment and said:

"Ahhh~This is a blessing"

It didn't take long for her drowsiness to wash away and the bit of dirtiness she had on her. After 20 minutes, the girl left the bathroom with the bathrobe and headed to her room. The girl walk to her mirron looked at her body for any leftover water on her body that needed to be wiped.

Then the girl sat in front of the mirror, she grabbed and turned on her hairdryer and aim at her wet black hair. It took around 15 minutes to prepare herself, before hearing a shout coming from downstairs.

"Shaya, come and eat, or you will be late for school"

"One second, Mom"

Shaya replied as she hurriedly made her bag and shuffled the remaining books that she needed. As she left the room she picked up her glasses and wore them, and headed downstairs.

*Tap Tap Tap*

When Shaya reached the kitchen, she saw a mature-looking woman with dark brown hair.

Serving breakfast at the table. When the woman noticed her, the woman smiled and said.

"Good you are here, go wash your hands and come eat."

Shaya quickly went to wash her hands as she saw on the table pancakes with syrop that she chould pour on them. When Shaya sat at the diner table, she picked up the bottle with the syrop and poured a lot, afterward she proceeded to devour them with glistening eyes. After finishing her breakfast she left a sigh and said.


Leah looked at her daughter and smiled at her kind words, and sat down to eat with her daughter, after some minutes her daughter stood up and was ready to leave.

"Bey mom, I'll leave first."

"Okay, just be careful on the way."


On her way to school, Shaya accidentally kicked a black object with some neon green on it. Shaya proceeded to pick up and investigate the object that she found, she thought that it was a broken piece of something and stuffed in her pocket that she won't be late for school.

At school Shaya wanted to show the weird object that she found on her way to her best friend.

"Good morning Erica"

"Good morning too, Shaya"

"Hey, look at what I found in my way here"

Shaya search her pocket to find the black object but in vain, she couldn't find it.

*Tsk~ she clicked her tounge.

"I can't find it in my pocket, sooo I might dropped it"

"Too bad" Erica replied and continued talking with her.


On her way home Shaya heard a *Ding!* from her phone, she picked up the phone to see what it was. Shaya thinking it either her mother or her friend, she was greeted with a black screen and neon green letters saying 'Hello'. She tried to close her phone and open it again, but she saw the black object somehow glued on her phone. While she was taken back at the sight, she had her doubts about what was that object she also had curiosity.

Making her way more hastily to the house now, she heard again *Ding!*. She turned on her phone and saw.

[Hello, Shaya]

Shaya heart started to beat very fast as she saw the message and thought to herself.

'How did it know her name, what was it and want did it want.'

When Shaya reached her house she unlocked the door and saw that her mother didn't return home yet from her work. Shaya threw away her bag and sat at her desk looking and examining her phone. Shaya looked both ways to see if if her mother had returned and sighed out of relief, and said.


But she didn't expect a reply but suddenly a text appeared at the screen.

[Ohh! Hello, you finally answered!]

Taken aback Shaya continued talking to the object.

"Ehhhh~What are you and how did you know my name?"

[You can call me 'Aura' and how I knew about your name, I just searched through your phone for your information.]

As Shaya saw the words fading, she started to feel creeped out the green words started started to appear again.

[And about what I am, you can say a nano-techonolgy combat suit.]

Shaya was dumbfounded at what she read, well of course in fictional stuff such as novels, manga or anime it was real but it was just fiction after all. But infront of her was.... a combat suit? With a sentient A.I.;

Shaya and Erica played a lot of games together, either online on their PCs or on the console that she had. She was curious and a bit excited about the object.

[Listen, in about a month there will be an invasion by.... you can call them one my kind]

"Huhh.... and why would they invade"

Shaya started to doubt what was written on her phone. Before she could close her phone and go eat, a message appeared explaining what was going on.

[ There are 3 types of us, the first type is like me that can coverse with other entities and co-exist with the person it attaches to, the second type is normal combat suits that is created and implanted to a person and they can manipulate it freely as they want, and the thrid one are like us but it take control of the person the interact, basically the host becomes just an empty vessel for it. We call them IRIS they do whatever they want.]

As Shaya was reading she come to a conclusion about their race if you can call it that.

"So basically your type want to find a host to co-exist with and assist, one can be created by someone and the other is just a parasite that forcefully takes control of the host."

[Yes, that was basically a all of it.]

"And why the so called IRIS want to come here."

[They can't play around at the previous planet, because it went into chaos.]

"Soooo... they want to come here to play around with us, and your type to help us resist them?"


Shaya stayed silent for a bit thinking to herself if she was going to belive what was said to her, after a while she spoke up.

"Okay, I will become your host AURA. Tell me what to do."