Chapter 2: Linking

After Shaya said that she wants to become AURA's host, her phone blanked out and only after sometime some green dots appeared in the screen.

[.....Are you sure Shaya, you want to become my host.]

"Yes, and if what you said is true then I'll have a head start and be able to protect myself."

[That true, but if you became my host it will be almost impossible to separate and if you want to separate it might lead to your death.]

Shaya hesitated before speaking again, because if she agreed they will be connected forever except if she died or through a special procedure.

"So.... If I became your host, what can you offer me."

[For now I can only, either simply cover a small object such as knifes, hammers etc.

either make nano-fiber armor to small areas such as your chest, abdomen, pelvic etc.]

Shaya though that it had its benefits, it wasn't enough for her to take the gamble.

"Can you do only that or you can do more?"

[I can do much more than that. Think it like a game with tier ups every time you tier up you can do more stuff.]

"And how do you do the so called 'tier up'?" Shaya asked.

[You can find and let me consume metals the higher the purity the better, or finding and eliminating 'IRIS' and let me overtake their nanomachine, or just simply buy nanomachines.]

"So can you tell me what the first few tiers can do?"

[Of course, the First tier i have already mention what it can do, The Second you can make a two peice fiber armor or make a pocketknife out of thin air, The Third you can have a tight jumpsuit or a short sword. Thats al for now.]

"Ok, I'll take the gamble and become your host. What do i need to do."

[Thank you. You need to put me behind your skull at the start of your spine, just a heads up it wil hurt.. a lot.]

After both agreeing, AURA disconected from the Shaya's phone and dropped at the desk. 'Here goes nothing.' thought Shaya and picked up AURA and slowly placed it behind her skull.

When Shaya placed AURA at the spinal cord of her neck, she felt a slight dizziness at the start but it developed to a mild headache, nausea and intense pain like someone was drilling in her skull. As Shaya reached her bed, she started to blank out and finally fainted.


Host: Shaya Schmidt

Status: Alive

Mentality: Sane

Tier: 1

After Shaya fainted, her mother came home and heard a *bam* from upstairs. Concerned she went upstairs to see what happend, reaching her daughters rooms she openedit and saw her daughter just slepping in her bed.


Shaya woke up after some hours, she stared at nothingness for a while before coming to her senses. Remembering what happend before she passed out, she shoots her hands at the of her neck, she felt a cold object at her neck.

[Oh, you woke up]

Shaya after hearing someone talk, she looked around the room but in vain at that moment she remembered AURA.

"AURA? Where are you?"

[Right now I'm the thing you touched at your neck and I'm directly saying what I want to your brain.]

At that moment Shaya's stomach rumbled.

[You should go and eat something, you passed out for 4 hour and 49 minutes.]

"AURA do you know what our is it right now?"

[It's 7:34 right now, and by the start of tomorrow you should do some exersice.]

"Yeah ok, let me eat and everything else comes after that. "

As Shaya went downstairs she saw her mother getting ready to go outside with some of her friend. She heard the taping you made coming down and turn around to see you.

"Oh honey, you are awake. Are you ok or do you want me to close a doctor appointment."

"I'm fine mom, I just wanted to sleep that all."

"If you say so. Theres food in the fridge you just need to warm it a bit."

"Thanks Mom, bye."

Shaya went to the kitchen and grabbed the cold food from the fridge, stuffing it in the microwave to warm. While Shaya waited foeher food to warm she started to talk a bit with AURA.

"AURA tell me,is there a way to find one more of this armors by any chance."

[For now its almost impossible, the only possibility is for me to craft one but it needs a lot of materials. And why are asking that.]

"Oh, it's that a friend of mine like this kind of stuff."

[Ho.. That interesting to know, but it's impossible for now.]

"By the way how much material do you need to make a basic one?"

[About 2 tier worth for a basic one and 3 tiers worth to have a basic assistant A.I.]

After Shaya finished eating, she mabe her way to her bedroom to undress and go take a bath to relax after this crazy day.

When she finished her bath and went back to her room to dry her hair, she saw AURA on her neck, her base color remained black but had neon green stripes.

"You said you can make fiber armor around an area in my body can you d.."

Before Shaya could finish her sentence, a black skin tight fiber armor with neon green stripes on her chest area.

"Ow.. wow you're quick"

[You that I'm linked with your brain right, whatever you think i can read it.]

"So we can communicate if i think what iw what to tell you?"

[Yes we can.]

'Can you cover a kitchen knife at tier one?'

[If it's small yes. Wanna try?]

'Yes!! But I'll need to dress up first.'

Shaya dried her hair quickly. Grabbing a some sport shorts and a t-shirt, she headed to the kitchen and picked up a small kitchen knife.

AURA immediately the small kitchen knife was colored black anda green vein come down from the top.

"Cool!" Shaya said.

[Just grab somethink and try it]

Shaya picked up another knife from the counter and clashed them together, after a few second a *clank* could be heard and a piece of metal on the ground. Shaya look at the knife that she sliced and had a clean cut through it.

[You better keep self-defence weapon on you for know, until i can create one from nanomachines.]


After that Shaya took the knife with her and went upstairs.

Reaching her room she opened her pc and sat down. Putting some music to chill, she was thinking if she wanted to tell Erica right away or wait a bit.


A message came from Erica saying if she wanted to join in the game. They played for a few hours, before Shaya logged of andcall it a night.