Chapter 6

The next day Shaya wanted to make prosthetics for her friend with the help of AURA, even if they were crude and simply they would suffice for now. Shaya started making some schematics in her mind with the help of AURA, and later on she wanted to go out to find light-weight materials in order to be usable.

Shaya waited until afternoon at her house and had made around a handful of designs that could work with ease with the help of nanobots and could be improved if needed. Shaya told AURA to run a semi-visualisation in her mind of them working.

When she finished Shaya thought about what material she could use, if she wanted it to be cheap and quick to make she could make it out of plastic, it would be lightweight but it would be fragile, in the other hand if she made it out of metal it would be heavy and uncomfortable to move but it could get a lot of beating.

Shaya left inmind to find something lightweight if she could find a modest amount of carbon fiber that was durable yet extremely light it would be perfect, if not aluminiun alloys, titanium or anything that couldn't break easily and was light could be used .

When she left she took a backpack with her in order to pack the materials. She could buy them, but it would be expensive. Well.. She could just pluck some pieces from a cars outer shell and be done, but it was the last resort.

After searching for a couple hours she didn't find anything. She was ready to go for the last resort, when she saw a transport van that labeled metalworks, she went after it in hope she could find something. When the driver stopped for a break near a fast food diner she quickly created a sharp object and hacked through the locks to get in and closed the door again to not raise suspicion.

When she was inside she saw that the van transported different titanium components, she quickly opened her backpack and stuffed as much titanium it could fit, before turning back with a hint of greed in her eyes she quickly started assimilating everything she could in the vans storage.

'Well..shit. What do we do now?' Shaya thought as she heard the engine's ignition, her face previously filled with excitement and some greed quickly became restless about the situation.

[Make a face mask and then start making noise to get his attention to come here, then simply knock him out and flee the scene.]

'Well that's a plan, but will it work?'

[That counts on you, better do it quickly before he hits the street.]

Shaya made a mask that covered her whole face and only had two slits for her eyes to look through, she then procceeded to hit around to get the drivers attention in order to get him here and open the vans trunk.

When the driver heard the noise he stopped the engine and went back to see what caused it, as soon as he opened the trunk he saw a girl with a face mask before he saw her attack him before he could react he was already knocked out, and the girl was nowhere to be seen.

Shaya sprinted for almost the whole way home while dissolving the mask that she had made before she was exhausted and had to take it slow. Upon reaching her house she left out a heavy sigh of relief.

After sometime Shaya spread the components that she had acquired and started manufacturing the prosthetic leg and arm, the first two tries ended as a failure but third time the charm as they say. It was the closest thing she could create to the schematic, Shaya was tempted to keep the leftover material for herself but she decided to give them to Erica.


The next day Shaya called Erica to inform her that tonight she will come and get her and that she had something like a gift for her.

Hearing that Shaya was coming to get her she was bewildered by what had happened in the last days. Firstly the explosion she was in, then this strange armor that she now had which she liked quite a bit and learned how to play with it and lastly that her friend was coming tonight for her out of the hospital that she was in for mostly 4 days.

During the meantime till night AURA teached Shaya how to make some simple weapons mostly daggers and machetes because she was nearing the third tier that could slowly make nanomachines, slowly but surely.

When night approached, Shaya packed the prosthetics in a bag and left, while on the other hand Erica had managed to forcibly close some wounds while waiting.

Hearing a knock on the door Erica turned her sight at the door watching her friend come in with a bag this time, she was anticipating what the gift was this time.

Shaya pulled a metallic looking leg and arm out of the bag that she had stuffed them in, showing them to Erica she was surprised because she didn't expect this as her 'gift'.

Attaching the leg first that was mostly needed for now, Erica felt uncomfortable while pain and a feeling of coldness enveloped her leg. Shaya instructed Erica what to do in order to control her 'new' leg, it took some time but at the end she could stand up and walk, then doing the same for the arm but she discarded for now to solely focus only on one thing.

Giving a set of clothes that she had packed together to Erica to change in order not to raise suspicion, Shaya tweaked all the machines so they do not alert anyone then they quietly left.

Reaching Shaya's house Erica was in pain but didn't want to show it, upon entering Erica went and sat on the couch. Shaya brought over the components that she had and instructed her how to assimilate them.

Ordering a meal to eat for the night, Erica questioned Shaya about what the armor could do and how to get more nanobots like she did before.


Erica assimilated the components and kept a few try something later. At midnight when Shaya was asleep Erica took the components and went to the bathroom, she tried to extend the central rod that played the role of the bone by a few inches.

Erica greeted her teeth as she opened her wound so she could integrate the prostheric leg with her own. As soon as she plugged in, it touched the bone and blood dripped from it. Erica started to regret it why would she even think of doing it, but it was to late, she committed with a painful expression in her face, she then closed any open holes that blood could drip from.

When it was done she went on the final step. She didn't want to do it but she had come this far, she steeled herself and started to merge her skin with the metal with the help of nanobots.

When she finished everything, she stood up and moved her leg, it didn't woble around but it hurt for now. She procceeded to wash the blood that was on her and clean the blood of the ground and went to sleep.