Chapter 7

As days went by, the outside became more and more dangerous as the criminal activities spiked up. The police patrols pumped up as well as they tried to calm the situation down.

In the new on TV policemen died left and right as they tried to stop the criminals. The town slowly became a ghost town, no citizen in their right mind would come out of their houses.

Around a week after the town made it in the news of other cities. The goverment deemed the town dangerous and decide to isolate it as by now it had become a lawless place run by thungs and criminals.

Prior in time, Shaya continuesly phoned her mother but it was in vain since she didn't answer any of them.

Assuming the worst Shaya started to fill depressed, at day where she was with Erica she tried to act tough but at nights Erica could hear crying from her room.

On an uneventful day several knocks on the door could be heard. As they didn't answer the knocking became faster and more aggresive to the point that they simple damaged the lock enough for them to be able to kick the door open.

A trio came barged in and look around to see Shaya on the couch watching tv and not doing anything.

As the trio strolled around the house eyeing stuff that they could grab for payment, they walked towards Shaya.

One of them placed his hand on Shaya's shoulder and told her to turn around to face them.

Fed up with all that had happend, Shaya unconsciously formed a short blade in her arm and with the other grabbed the thugs wrist that was on her sholder.

With a swift movement of her hand, the hand of the thug seperated from his arm with a clean cut.

Seeing this the other two thugs jumped back and readied with the weapon they had brought which was a spicked baseball bat, a machete and as she could see the one without one of his hand had a pistol on his hip.

Althought he had a gun, he was the one on ground screaming in pain.

Hearing the screaming Erica rushed downstair to see her friend's head was covered in blood, and now marching toward the other two.

One of them took the initiative and attack Shaya with the machete.

Dismissing her blade Shaya made a thin armguard that withstood the attack.

"Fuck! She's one of those freaks. Run!" Said one of the thugs while his eyes widen. He knew what they could do as his boss was one of them.

Before he could run he was thrown to the ground by Shaya with a quick sweep, while the other was occupied by Erica.

Shaya at that moment saw red. Making a bayonet Shaya procceed to rapidly stab the thug.

Seeing this Erica punched the thug with her prosthetic arm in order to knock him out but used a bit more strenght then she wanted and heard a cracking sound from his head. Rushing over to Shaya trying to stop her from her frenzy, Shaya swung her knife towards Erica and sliced her prosthetic arm without noticing.

Finally noticing had she just done the knife in her hand disapeared and she started crying. What took her out of her trance was gunshot in her abdoment. While AURA made a protective layer to stop the impact it wasn't strong enough to stop the buttel and penetrated.

Erica sprinted to the thug on the ground that had the gun, reinforcing her arm with the nanites that she collected over the past few days she smashed him down.

The thug died on the spot from the force from Erica's punch, either way he was going from bleeding.

Picking up Shaya, Erica laid her on the couch to rest, the bleeding was stopped by AURA but Shaya didn't says or do anything, she just sat there.

Erica left Shaya on the couch in peace and left out to scout any possible threats or more metal part to further upgade her prosthetics, to at this point looked more like human limbs than metal lumped together in a hurry.

After seeing her friend leave Shaya left out a heavy sigh, sweeped the remaining tear in her face. Looking over the cough to the three thugs she felt sick and disgusted at the sight. The one near the door had multiple stabs in his chest area, while the other two hsd their head crushed and one didn't have one of his arms.

Standing up Shaya went to the bathroom to wash off the blood that she had on her and to pick up some clean clothes as the current were stained.

Now her current problems were to throw out the three bodies and the other was to find a way to fix the door.

Shaya instead of picking up the bodies and throwing them out she started assimilating with one. A wave of a sweetness like she had never experienced before filled her it wasn't too sweet nor to bland just the right amount to please her.

[What are you doing!! Stop, before it's too late!] Said AURA as by now she fully understood emotions and how to express them and with a rather concerned tone as she was going to lose someone.

Shaya didn't pay attention to the warning AURA gave her and continued. After a few minutes the only thing that remained were the clothes of the thug and a bitter feeling overcame that of sweetness, again not too bitter nor bland.

Backing a few steps back she realised that the warning from AURA weren't false, this was indeed addicting if she continued for any longer. Althought she got a pretty good boosts on her nanites, in the back of her mind remained the feeling of the sweetness and craved for it.

She decided to ditch the other two bodies the only thing she kept was the pistol that had around 20 bullets left. It was a standard issue pistol with 7 rounds in the chamber, calibered in .45ACP.

Ditching the other bodies on the front as there was ot anywhere else to throw them. Shaya then felt a bit coldness spread from her back but dismissed it for now as she was searching for a substitute for the door.

Finding some wood plants she connected them together with the help of the nanobots and set it in place. It could open and close but it could be broken very easily.

Stretching her hand to touch the spot she felt cold previously. She felt the 'metal' had expanded downwards, going on the nearst mirror she saw that now the armor core had occupied six cords of her spine. All six of the were black and had two green rectagulars at each side and a little of them a thin neon green was located.

Not wanting to do anything else she headed to sleep.