Mana Level Infinite!?

"What is it?" Amos curiously asked.

She looked simultaneously confused and amazed, with a pinch of fear.

"Your stats," she gave the paper to him, "look at your stats!"

As Amos observed the paper, he saw that he had Strength Level four, Defense Level 3, Power Level six, Speed Level three, and the most shocking, Mana Level Infinite!

"This can't be true!"

"The Stat Observation Spell is never incorrect"

"But you said I had no mana!"

Snow took the paper to look again, "Yeah, my readings said that your Mana level was nonexistent!"

Amos smiled, closed his eyes and put his hands on his waists, "I guess I'll be using magic afterall!"

"Hmph, show off," Snow muttured, "it just doesn't add up. I used the Stat Observation on your soul, and received a result of none. But when I do it again, this time on your body, I got Mana Level Infinite."

"Snow, don't think about it too much. You just said that the spell is never wrong."

She looked at him, "Yeah I did, but it makes absolutely no sense! Not even the strongest Archerian has infinite Mana!"

Amos sat down on a wooden chair, " What can one do with this infinite Mana?"

She put her fingers on her chin and looked up at the ceiling, "Hmmm, well, firstly, he will be able to cast any amount of spells without experiencing fatigue."


"But, he will also explode with all the powerful Mana running through his veins..."

He glumped down the air in his closed mouth, "Huh?"

"No one can ever survive with all that Mana, if they happen to not explode, the power will become far too great for the person's body to handle and they would die."

"So....why am I not dead yet?"

She looked at the paper again, "That is what makes everything so implausible! I think we should get some rest and visit a mage first thing in the morning."

"Okay, where am I sleeping?"

She put away the paper, "You can sleep on the bed, I shall take the chair you are sitting on at the moment."

"I'll take the chair, which kind of guy would I be if I let a girl sleep on a chair in her own house!"

"Whatever...fine, good night then."

"Good night, Snow."

'Never thought I'd get to sleep in the same house as a girl before! Things must be looking up now..."

She flew to the other room. Amos then closed his eyes and let the power of sleepiness take over. Even though he found it difficult to sleep and had squirmed around due to discomfort at first, he was so tired that he fell asleep very quickly.

The next morning, he woke up and went back up to the surface to urinate. As he came out from the tree trunk, the light hit his little face as he squinted. Then, he breathed in the sweet fresh air that roamed everywhere. To him it was very peaceful.

He then walked towards the bushes, "I better not come across one of those Black Berry Trees or I'll scream if I can't resist, " he unzipped his pants.

'Here I am, back to having a small meat scepter again. Ahh, this sucks. I remember asking google how to make my trouser snake bigger. Couldn't find a single scientifically proven way other than surgery. Well, on the bright side, I don't have to worry about it sticking about like a sore thumb and getting everyone's attention anymore."

"There you are!"


"How was your sleep?"

Amos glimpsed back at Snow while he tried his best to hide his private-part, "A little bit of privacy would be nice, Snow!"

"Mana boy, come back downstairs when you are ready, we should go see a wizard early."

She was joyful after her great night of rest.

Amos then replied, "Yeah, I'll be down in a minute."

When he was outside, he had realised that he's already been in Archeria for a day. Archeria was such a Magical place and for him, it felt as though he was sitting in a fantasy world. Even though he was far from home, Archeria felt like the place he belonged to.

Home had nothing for him. Earth was just a friend who spat in his face when he tried to talk to him. Where as Archeria felt like that friend whom he would play video games with all day long.

He had already absurdly told Snow and Balcromn that he was from another world. Maybe that was a stupid thing to do. He realized that he should've hidden it from them.

"What if they believe me and kick me out?"

Amos then made up his mind to keep it as a secret and tell no one about it. From here on out, he kept it to its utmost obscurity. Then, he went back underground to Snow.

She had a small brown bag on her back, "Ready?"

Her white hair was now held in a bun and she was wearing a white shirt and a polka dot skirt, he then replied, "Yeah, let's go."

As usual, Snow flew and Amos followed.

He was panting, "Huff huff, far is this Wizard?"

She looked back at him, "Not too far."

He scratched his head, "What do you mean by not too far, so it is far then?"

She smiled and closed her eyes, "Enjoy the walk, Amos."

"No seriously, Snow!" he shouted, "How far is it? My asthma will kill me! Snow, how much further? Snow! My legs are dying! Snow, carry me! Snow, Are we there yet!?"

She ignored him as he complained. They had passed many magnificent things on the way to the Wizard. There was a huge bird the size of a human on a giant tree! There were Leprechauns, strange builds, and magical animals. For Amos, the environment exhibited tremendous anachronism.

Then they arrived at a Kingdom. It was the biggest building Amos had ever seen in Archeria! It was a massive kingdom, with stone walls bigger than Giants, windows taller than trees, and huge pointy blue rooftops.

Amos stared in amazement, "Waw!"

"You see Amos, the walk was worth it!" She then stopped, turned around to Amos and stretched her hands out to present the castle to him, "Behold! The Kingdom of Artridorne!"

Amos looked around, "This thing is fricking gigantic! It's like the size of an island!"

"Uh-huh, the best part is that even though it was built by humans, all peaceful races are still allowed to enter!"

"That's so cool!"

"This is not even the biggest Kingdom in Archeria, there are hundreds more, all bigger than this one."

"That's so amazing, enough talk. Let's go in!" Amos anxiously hurried to the huge gate which was guarded by two Knights in metal armor.

The knights then said at the same time, "Hold on there, Elf! You have to be checked by the Gate Goddess, Gee Ling!"

"How did they say it at the same time? And where is this Gee Ling?"

Snow looked at Amos, "Ehh hem, " she uttered, "Amos, be quiet."

A transparent girl then magically appeared and hovered in front of the door to the Kingdom.

She looked at Snow and Amos, "Snow. I hope you can recall our conversation yesterday at Balcromn's gate. Because, the resentment I have for you right now is phenomenal. Therefore, you are banished from Atridorne, and I am not allowing you to enter any premises as if I am the one guarding it!

"What!!? For how long am I banished? Can you even do that?!"

"Do not worry this is temporary. After only one hundred centuries, you can pass again! But do not worry, it is only one hundred centuries!"

"What!? I would not even be alive by then!"

"Just kidding, " the gate goddess smiled, "You may enter."

Snow bowed, "Thank you very much Madam Gee Ling, for allowing me to enter."

"The person beside me is Amos, " Snow then entered the Kingdom.

Gee Ling looked down at Amos, "Amos, is it?"

He looked up at her, she was a fairy woman, but she wasn't small as Snow, she was the size of a typical average human woman. She had small beautiful blue eyes and her facial features were all flawless. Her long blonde hair blew gently as he smiled with her small shiny red lips. She was stunningly gorgeous — an impeccable sight.

"Amos, is it?" she repeated.

He snapped back into the world, "Yes, my name is Amos."

"What a nice name, " her eyes glowed, "I sense something strong in you waiting to come out. I have never encountered one of you in a very long time — is it really you?"

Was she talking about Elves? She haven't encountered an Elf in a long time? Is my species rare or something?

It was quiet for a while, then she broke the silence, "You can enter, there is nothing malicious about you, except that I sense self-malice in a part of your soul. Have a great time here in Artidorne!"

'Self-malice? Where did that come from? The only time I experience self-malice is when I'm jacking the beanstalk. Ohh God, I hope she's not talking about that!"

Gee Ling then vanished and the Knights lifted up their glowing iron spares allowing Amos to enter the Kingdom.

Snow flew towards Amos, "Ohh, you got in!"

He wiped his sweat and his pounding heart subsided, "Yeah, I did."

Inside the Kingdom was also beautiful. It was a very busy place though, with people all of different races and species walking everywhere, trading, socializing, buying goods, and relaxing.

"It's very lively." said Amos.

Snow then answered, "Yeah, of course it is. The Wizard's place is this way."

Amos followed her to the Wizard's place. They entered an old building with a sign entitled, "Wizard For Urgent Cases Only!". The interior of the building was not as bad as the exterior. There were alot of scrolls, books and ancient artifacts.

Snow put her hands together on her face to form an oval shape and shouted, "Old Wizard! Where are you, Wizard! Xui Zang!"

The wizard then came from another room. He was a tall old man with a strange pointy hat on his head and a long shirt that reached and dragged on the floor. He had white hair, long facial hair, a cane, and a circular black glasses.

"What is it!"

"Come on, Xui Zang! That is not the way to greet your best friend!"

"I said not to come, unless you have something urgent to talk about! And you are not my friend. You are not even qualified to be my enemy either, so you can tap out on that!" Xui Zang was very grumpy.

"Yeah, I was getting to that. This is Amo-

"Do not tell me you came all the way from the Fairy Kingdom to Atridorne, to tell me you have a Boyfriend!"


He got Amos' attention, "Huh!?"

"Oh no, Xui Zang, he is not my boyfriend! He is simply a guy with insane—"

He stomped the floor, "I do not want to see his muscles!"

"It is not that Xui Za-"

"Young girls like you always get all soft for the tough guys, I do not want to see it, now leave!"

Snow then quickly shouted, "Xui Zang, It is not his muscles, it is his Mana Levels!"

She gave him the paper, "Hmph!"

He looked at the paper, "Goodness gracious!"

"You see what I meant?"

He held the paper in the air and kept scrutinizing it, "This is unbelievable! Is this the little Elf's Stat results?"

"Yeah it is."

He kept thoroughly going over the statistics, "Child, you cannot be from here, this is an unworldly sight!"

Amos scratched his head, "Um, about that..."

"This is the greatest thing I've seen in centuries!"

Snow then said, "Well no, were you not telling us to leave just now? Come on Amos," she grabbed Amos' arm, " let us withdraw, this old man is not interested, we shall find another Wizard who is not as rusty and grumpy as he is!"

"No wait, Is Amos your name?"

Amos looked at him, "Yeah."

He put away the paper, "You do not sound like your age, my magic senses an older spirit in you."

"I'm ten." Amos lied to him.

"Are you sure?"


"Okay come with me, boy. Let us go to my library."

'Libary? What the hell is he gonna do in a library?'

Amos followed him and Snow tagged along.

"Is it possible to have infinite Mana?"

"It certainly is not," He glimpsed back at Amos, with his eyes flaring red and a sudden red aura appeared around him, "but, I'm about to obliterate you to find out!"