Xui Zang's Test

Amos was bewildered to a significant extent after Xui Zang threatened to harm him for reasons unknown.

'Obliterate me? Why would he do that?'

Xui Zang kept glaring at Amos.

'His eyes are glowing just like Miss Jenkins when she transformed. So, there's a possibility of Xui Zang doing something malicious here. This look: the way he's looking at me right now...there's no doubt that's a normal look.'

Paranoid by the old man's glare, Amos stopped and asked, "I couldn't help but notice that look on your face Xui Zang. Is there...a problem?"

Xui Zang stood at the darker part of the house, with his menacing eyes glowing luminously white. The fabric of his being also emitted a daunting aura that was ominous in every way. In his mind, he knew why he decided to act this way, and there was no stopping him now.

On top of it all, the room seemed to get darker every minute, and the aura provoked both Snow and Axel to a bothering extent.

Snow too was confused, "Xui Zang," she flew closer to him, "Are you okay? Why is your aura so aggressive and perceptible? What exactly are you planning? Is there anything I can do to help?"

Snow wanted to try dispelling Xui Zang's aggression, but it kept growing.

About a minute later, Xui Zang's aura became so intense that it started to debilitate both Snow and Amos. They both felt as if their breathing was being hindered, and they kept getting weaker.

"Snow," Amos looked at Snow, "What's happening?"

"It is Xui Zang, his aura is becoming so effectual that we are being afflicted by it."

"By...his aura alone?"

The immense aura started exerting force unto objects in its surroundings, pushing both Snow and Amos' body in the opposite direction they were facing at the moment.

"Xui Zang!" shouted Snow, "Please stop!"

Yet, Xui Zang stood there; still menacing effectively. The aura also started making loud sounds as his life energy discharged large quantities of it: these sounds were so loud that if they were to speak as they would normally; no one would hear them.

"Snow," Amos called, "If this keeps up, what's the worst-case scenario?"

"If we stay here, his aura alone will suffice to make us die."


Amos was being weakened so much, that various joints of his body felt intense pain, and he felt as if he was going to fall if he kept standing. Furthermore, the force, being exerted unto his body by the aura, felt as if it was strong enough to blow him away.

About two minutes later, Amos then said, "Snow, I don't feel like I'm going to stay standing much longer. I think we should...leave—like now. Snow?"

Amos used his head and looked around in an effort to find Snow, "Did she...already bail? In that case, I should do the same!"

Xui Zang finally decided to utter; "You are not going anywhere," and suddenly, all the doors in the house were closed.

"But why? What have I done wrong, huh?'

"All of this," Xui Zang approached Amos with an intimidating gait, "can come to an end if you do one simple thing," He stopped, "Show me...your magic."

"What? But I can't use magic, I don't know a single spell!"

"Listen, boy, if you fail to obey my one instruction," he glared, "I shall hurt you dreadfully. Now, show me your magic, or else," he raised his opened hand, "You will suffer the consequences…"

"Dude, chill out! I can't use magic if I don't know the spell for it. So help me out by telling me the spell, and only then I'll try!"

Xui Zang dashed into Amos, and jabbed him to the face aggressively, pitching him across the room. Amos's body even cracked the wall, and that goes to show just how powerful this Xui Zang really was.

Amos felt as if his back was broken from the impact, and he couldn't get back up. He trembled as he struggled his way up to his knees. His nose was bleeding, and his face was already livid, and swollen.

Xui Zang gradually walked to Amos's position, and aimed his hand at him, "This time I shall use magic on you. So I would suggest you use your magic at this instance."

"Why are you so stubborn!? I told you already, I can't use magic without the—"

Xui Zang then cut the sentence short by shooting a beam of magic from his palm, piercing through Amos's flesh like nothing.

At this moment, Amos screamed to the top of his lungs, making it clear that the pain was in fact severe.

Xui Zang then said, "Use your magic now, boy; because, at this rate, I think you might die before doing so!"

"I can't!" Amos shouted with tears running down his face.

"You can. So I want to see you use it," he fired another beam from his hand, penetrating Amos's back this time.

And subsequently, Amos screamed again in agony.

"Time is running out, elf. Your wounds will make you bleed out in an hour or so. That is why you should use your magic. If you wish not to die, then get up. In fact, just forget about demonstrating your magic for now; just get up so that I can see you stand again."

Amos was bleeding profusely, "But I can't!"

Xui Zang slowly walked across the room, picked up Snow with his hand, and walked back to Amos, "Her life is on the line. If you could stand right now, I will spare her life. If you fail to make it back up to your feet again; she dies."

"You wouldn't!"

"Snow was never my friend. So, I have no problem with killing her. I can probably tell her mother that it was your doing or something. After all, you are an elf: the race indulging in assassination for fun."

Xui Zang then started squeezing Snow's little body with his hand, "What are you going to do, elf?"

Amos then tried standing again. The pain he felt was unbearable, yet he trembled his way back up to his feet.

"Excellent," said Xui Zang, "Now reach for Snow. While reaching for her, I want you to focus deeply. Distribute some of your energy into your hand as well."

"But you said you would SPARE SNOW IF I STOOD AGAIN!!?"

"I did not state how many times you must get up for me to spare her life, " he furrowed his eyebrows, "And I do not feel like fighting the King's Holy Knights today, so I would suggest you be quiet."

"What if I keep shouting for them to save us!?"

"Then I would simply take both your lives and flee with a teleportation spell. Or, I can possibly kill the Holy Knights. Because this is not even my first Magical form. I have six forms, and you are losing to the base one. Are you really that weak? Have you no experience with magic at all?"

"No I don't—And that's what I was trying to tell you!"

"Even so, " said Xui Zang, "I want you to still use magic to save the fairy. Now, reach out for hand."

Amos then obeyed instructions.

When suddenly, Xui Zang kicked him back down to the floor, "You need to persist. Go ahead: get back up. And remember," he raised his index finger, "If you fail, Snow dies."

With that said, Amos tried again. His wounds were painful even to the slightest touch, and his head started to ache. Yet, he made his way back up to his feet once more and reached out his hand.

However, Xui Zang knocked him back down again. Amos kept crying warm tears, but he persisted. Over and over again, he stood and got knocked back down again. More than an hour had passed.

However, this time was different.

With the help of his hands, he rose to his knees, with furrowed eyebrows. Then, he raised one leg and pressed the bottom of his foot against the floor. Using that leg as support, he then put his hands on either side of his supporting foot, and he used force in these hands, pushing his body up to a standing position again.

And lastly, he outstretched his hand, and that's when he fired a beam of energy at Xui Zang.

"Splendid! I commend you," he then snapped his finger and everything returned to normal.

All of Amos' wounds had suddenly vanished before his eyes, and there he was following Xui Zang to the library again, as if he traveled back in time itself.