What’s this? A Magic Training System?

Last time, Amos was assaulted arbitrarily by Xui Zang for an unasserted reason. For this, bewilderment hit him in the head, and he remained confused as to what the old man's incentives were. That's until his volition climbed to high levels, causing him to use magic without an incantation, and he was then triumphant in both saving Snow and pleasing Xui Zang.


Xui Zang then turned around to see Amos's face. On Amos's face, one can only see aggression—with a racing heart, furrowed eyebrows, clenched teeth—he was infuriated.

Xui Zang then smiled, "Congratulations, you have passed. You are in fact capable of magic. Yet part of your soul is not."

Although Amos has no idea how time was reversed, he had a rough idea of who contributed to its onset.

Amos then snarled, "Why did you do it? You almost killed us, and for what? To see my magic!?"

"I am, " he smirked, "Xui Zang, the greatest mage here in Atridorne."

"Listen up, old man. I don't care who the fuck you are, and what title is in your possession! What I care about; is revenge, " Amos snarled once more.

'I sweared. I am truly...angry. Never thought I'd ever do it after my mom said not to. She died later on, and I figured I'd at least not swear to please her in heaven. I won't do it again though. Sorry Mom.'

Snow was bewildered, "What are you two talking about? And why are you so angry all of a sudden, Amos?"

Amos gave her a confused look.


"Vengence gets you nowhere, little elf. Vengeance only causes faults in your being, and it blinds your perception of things more than you think. Vengeance, driven by resentment, is a powerful but but dangerous stimulus. You are unharmed, are you not? I am sure you noticed the disappearance of your wounds, not so?"

Amos then shouted, "That doesn't change a thing! You could have killed us!"

"I had no plans to kill you, Amos. But Snow had long perished before I even picked her up. Perhaps the aura alone killed her. While holding her neck, I felt no life energy, " he walked past them, "Do not fear, though. As you can see, she is alive again."

"That makes no sense. Did you send us back in time or something?"

'No that's impossible. If he sent us back in time, then why am I able to recall everything that happened, and Snow can't?'

Amos then asked, "Did you make us Time Travel?"

"Incorrect, " he sat on his chair, "Basically, I used my magical ability, Universe Interference, to replace ourselves with alternate versions. Subsequently, we were sent to their alternate dimension, where I chose not to attack you, so, " he glared, "Time Travel was never used today."

'That's what he did?'

"Give me a reason why I shouldn't try killing you right now?" asked Amos.

Xui Zang then smiled, "Well, there are not many reasons. But you can try killing me because utilizing my Magical Ability took up all of my mana, so I would not be able to use my Magical Ability for two weeks, nor can I use mana for some hours."

"You think I'm that stupid?"

"Exactly, " he smirked, "We both know my raw strength exceeds yours by a thousand times over. Thus, if we were to fight I would be the clear winner, despite you still having the ability to use your mana."

He then continued, "Also, a reason why you should not attack me, is because you should be grateful, " Xui Zang closed his eyes.

"Like hell I'm going to be grateful! Grateful for what? Almost getting killed!?" Amos yelled.

"No, you should be grateful because I used my magic to give you a boost which resulted in the awakening of your mana. And secondly, " he opened one of his eyes, "I am going to be your Master from here on out."

"Hell no! I don't need some sick old man to be my master!"

Snow folded her arms, "What is going on between you two?"

Xui Zang continued, "I am not going to apologize, elf. Nor am I going to beg to be your Master, but I am still offering some help to you. If you want, I can make you surpass even me. I can make you strong. I can destroy your weaknesses. I can make you fearless. Nothing will be able to come in your way and eliminate you without you putting up a good fight. "

Amos's tensed muscles were now at ease, and his anger had subsided.

"That is will definitely be useful, Amos. You should let him train you, " Snow advised, "All of his disciples are Masters themselves now. And it has been years since Xui Zang last offered to train someone. I do not know what Xui Zang sees in you—you can not even run to save your own life. Yet he chose you. You are indeed lucky. And, I am jealous."

Xui Zang looked at her, " I was never going train you, Snow."


"You are a mere fairy. And secondly; the Man does the fighting, the Woman does the cooking."

Snow became furious, "I am going to rip your old beard out, Old man!"

'It's true. I can really use the training right now. But not from him. I know he only attacked in order for me to use my mana. Still; I am not forgiving this stubborn old guy."

"I can surpass you without your training, Xui Zang!"

"Okay, if you say so. That is if I do not turn into dust waiting."

"Damn Old Bastard."

Xui Zang's face became serious, "Two souls in one body. Mana Absorption. Of royal blood. You are special, elf. Where do you live?"


"Do you know your parents?"

"They're both dead."

"Do you have a place to live other than the woods?"

"No...I don't."

"Then, " he glared, "You won't last a day out there on your own, boy. And all of your potential will fade away. Can you not see how fortunate you are?"

'I guess there really are many weird creatures in the woods. I even almost died on the first day in this world twice. I am...weak."

Amos folded his arms, "Fine. I'll let you be my Master since you begged so much, " he turned his head.

Xui Zang stood, "Perfect, " he walked up to Amos, "Here, " he gave a watch to him, "Take this. It is known as a Magic Training System — a device made by nothing but magic, " he turned around, "And it plays the role of a valuable asset to you that can lead to advanced training. Before you put it on, do take note that you can not remove it from your wrists without cutting your arm off. "

"I already had it on!" shouted Amos, "You should've said that first, old man!"

"Do not blame your foolishness on me, elf!"

"It seems as though your strength is not the only thing that needs to be buffed."

The big black watch was like no other. Instead of displaying the time, it displayed the owner's raw stats.

Xui Zang then sat down again, "This Magic Training System is very rare, expensive and difficult to get your hands on. When one puts it on, he can never take it off — It would be stuck to him for all of eternity, and that is not all, " he fixed his sleeve, "He has to do exactly what it says to do, or he would be punished."

"Can't wait to see what this punishment is."

"Your MTS should activate within a couple of hours. In the meantime, familiarize yourself with my place. There are some rooms upstairs, Prukoe will take you to one."

Snow furrowed her eyebrows, "Who said he was going to stay here!? He is coming with me. He can always come back here for training daily."

"No, that is not possible. Snow, " Xui Zang glared, "You must withdraw at once, and return to your mother alone. She is going berserk on her search party, and innocent people are suffering simply because you are missing. If you care about others, go home to your mother. There is no place for Amos there."

"I am not going home!" Snow yelled.

"Then fine, stay here for as long as you want, do keep in mind however, I am going to inform your mother of your current location. Expect the presence of some fellow fairies here in a couple of minutes."

"I hate you, Xui Zang!" Snow then stormed off, and departed the house.

"Where is this Prukoe guy now?" questioned Amos.

Prukoe was a wooden figure of an owl that lived in a "Cooku" clock.

"Pfft. That's Prukoe? What's it gonna do? Magically come alice and show me the wa—"

Prukoe then detached itself from the clock and started flying, "This way, Amos."


"Before you go, Amos. I just want to let you that you are not the only one who is capable of Mana Absorption."

"Huh? What do mean by 'Mana Absorption?'"

"Your ability is not 'Infinite Mana', it is 'Mana Absorption'."

"What do you mean? What about the Hard Magic Paper thing? Didn't it say, 'Infinite Mana'?"

"Ignore that. It simply means that you can absorb mana, and without a source, you would have no mana. But if you have a source, the amount of possible mana you can have after absorption, is limitless. Hence the term used: namely, 'infinite'. Can you remember the magic skill I used to pierce through your body?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"You can remember firing back that exact skill at me, right?"


"That was an exhibition of Mana Absorption. When I blasted you, your body absorbed the mana in my attack. Furthermore, although Mana has no abstract color, the color of that Energy Blast was green, and since it was in fact my mana, you mimicked the color of it when you fired it at me."

"So I absorbed your mana, and that was the only reason why I was able to use magic?"


"Ohh. I understand now."

'That's a girl-getting-ability alright! Can't wait to flex on a damsel in distress!'

"Prukoe, take him to his room."

"This way, Amos."

Amos followed it to the second floor. And stood at the door to his room. On the door, it showed that this door was "Door #6". Then he held the handle, rotated it until he heard a 'click' sound, and the door was opened accordingly.

It was a medium-sized room with blue walls, pictures, books, and a bed for one.

To him, it was a nice and cozy room — Far better than his room on Earth. Merely thinking aback on his old residence, made him scoff irritatedly.

"Just don't piss on the sheets, kid, " said Prukoe.

"I'm not a five-year-old. And wait, how are you even talking right now?"

"I can not speak. Others don't hear the same thing coming from me. If I were to say a sentence, everyone who heard this one sentence would hear it differently. It can come out as an insult to some, and a compliment to others. I'm just fooling your mind into thinking I can speak with my ability. For example, you use contractions in your sentences, so you'll hear contractions while others don't. Piece of cake. That's magic for ya!"

"I didn't ask for all that, but it's good to know."

"Okay, enjoy your stay, " said Prukoe, "I just hope you don't stay too long."

"What's that?"

"Kid, what are you, deaf? I don't have working ears, and I still hear better than you. I said enjoy your stay. And ohh, there are some clothes for babies in there, enjoy."

Prukoe flew off.

"What a mean owl, " Amos said as he entered the room.

He then plopped down on the bed, with joy. It was very soft and comfortable.

"Ah, I should get some rest. Had a long day."

He was about to lay down and catch some z's, when his watch started to glow.

Immediately, he flew up off of the bed, and looked down at the watch. When suddenly, the watch emitted a screen like a hologram. With hovering words. As he looked at the screen, he saw his raw stats. And as he looked away from the watch, the hovering translucent screen followed his head.

He was mildly shaking when he asked, "What is this thing!?"