Training, Day 2

After the men left. Amos took a bath, changed his clothes and got ready to start his training.

He then looked down at his watch, "Hey blue face, what's today's task?"

The daily tasks then appeared in front of his face.

Amos was confused, "Why is it easier today?"

Amos' assistance appeared, "Hello Amos. Yesterday's task was just harder, that's all."

Amos folded his arms and raised his eyebrows, "Ohh really?"

"Additionally, Yesterday's task was supposed to be failed."

"What do you mean!" Amos shouted, so loud that the entire house heard him.

"Geez, are you shouting or asking a question?"

"I'm doing both!"

"I wanted to show you that every failed mission has a dread consequence."

"You didn't have to turn into a monster and swallow me to prove that point!"

"I have my own way of doing things..."

"Your way is so mean!"

"...Whatever weakling..."

"Shut up! I'm going to surpass you in no time!"

"Okay, didn't ask, I'm going to turn into blue dust waiting anyway."

Amos walked outside and saw Snow on the same bench, "Snow-"

She looked away.

She ignored him. But she was a very stubborn girl, so she didn't go home.

"Snow, what have you been eating?"

Again, she ignored him.

"This can't keep up forever, Snow," said Amos before he walked away.

This time Amos trained in the middle of the Kingdom — Where everyone could see him.

He didn't care about them. He ignored their gossiping about him and their laughter – They all made fun of him.

Did that stop him? Hell no! Even though he had less exercising to do, he trained even harder than yesterday. Sweat dripped from his chin as he did his pushups and his weak arms trembled with each pushup done.

After doing the thirtieth pushup, Amos' arms gave up on him and he fell to the ground.

"Not today!" He got back up and continued.

He did each pushup with determination and a few minutes later he completed his first task.

<50 Pushups Completed! Move on to the next exercise>

Before he could celebrate, the message put an end to his jubilation. He immediately started the next exercise — Thirty Squats!

After doing the first ten squats, Amos' legs got numb and he could not feel them anymore. He only felt the pain, but he didn't stop here — He completed the second task!

<30 Squats Completed! Move on to the next exercise>

Amos didn't celebrate nor did he rest, he just started doing the punches immediately.

"What a fool." His Assistant thought to himself.

As Amos did the punches, he realized that he was hearing every heartbeat, despite his rapidly drumming heart. And he smelt every scent that came from his surroundings.

He smelt hundreds of different food, different types of magic and his very own malodorous scent. His sweat smelt like it came from a very elderly man, and he had to endure it for hours.

<100 Punches Completed! Move on to the next exercise>

Amos was very exhausted. He was also very dizzy and he felt as if he was going to faint if he kept standing, but he didn't stop. He started his 10-minute run!

Even though Xui Zang was in his house and Amos was outside, Xui Zang saw every movement Amos made — Thanks to his Magic Observation: Eagle Eye.

Xui Zang then said, "What is that child doing! Does he not know about resting?"

Amos didn't take a single minute of rest. As he was running around the Kingdom, he felt as if he was going to die. His movements were sluggish and he moved as if he was lifeless.

Then, his vision started to become blurred.

His little eyes closed and his body fell and bumped into a woman. As they both tumbled, the woman's mask fell off, and Amos was also on the ground, unconscious. His dried throat cried for water and his suffering body parts begged for rest — but they were resting now.

The woman in the white dress then asked, "Little boy, are you alright?"

The woman panicked and a group of people looked at Amos — They had all surmised him dead.

The woman held Amos in her hands, "Someone help! He's not moving!"

Everyone stood there and gossiped.

"Is that not the stupid elf child."

"What's wrong with that boy?"

"Can magic not help him?"

"Is he dead, please tell me he's dead."

"What's going on?"

"Why is that witch touching the boy!"

"Is that the white witch!"

"Yeah, she's not wearing her mask, that's the white witch alright!"

"Everyone, stay away, that woman is a witch!"

"It's the white witch! I know that face from anywhere!"

The group stepped back.

The witch then shouted, "Someone, help him."

She then touched her face and realized that her mask was missing.

Having realized this, she quickly teleported away and took Amos with her.

She was in her house. A small wooden house surrounded by a huge flower garden.

Did I bring the boy with me? I should take him back, he'll just panic if he sees my face anyway.

The White Witch then healed Amos.

All his damaged muscles were healed and his fatigue also went away.

Amos then opened his eyes. "Huh-Hello?"

The White Witch was confused. No one said hello to her in years, "Hello."

"Did you heal me?"

"Yeah. I did. Are you okay?"

"Thanks for healing me! Now I can finally complete my training and not get eaten! I'm okay!"

"It was nothing."

"Thank you very much, um...."

The White Witch said nothing.

"You're not gonna tell me your name?"

She pointed at herself, "Me?"

"I mean, there's no one in this room but us, right?"

"Yeah. My name is Suzuiya."

"Nice name! It's really beautiful. My name is Amos — The soon to be Monster Slayer!"

Suzuiya smiled, "Thank you, Amos."

"What is your dream?"

"My dream?"

"Yeah, you know? Like the thing you want or want to be."

"I don't know. I guess I always wanted to have a nice friend and I wanted to-"

Amos closed his eyes, smiled, put his head up and his hands on his waist, "Then, consider half of your dream done, friend!"

Suzuiya blushed slightly, "Thank you but, you can't be my friend!"


"Get out! I will rather be alone forever, no friends. All friends are fake! They're just there to break you."

Amos was confused, "Come on, don't say that, not everyone is the same. Don't be a stereotype."

"Look, I am the horrible White Witch! Now, run away and hate me for that, like they always do, " she frowned.

"I don't care if you're a 'White Witch' I wanna be your friend."

Suzuiya was shocked. She's never met a person who wanted to be her friend and accepted that she was a witch. Her heart melted faster than paper in lava.

"What do you-

"I'm not like many people in this world, I'm different. I want to be your friend."

She cried.

Were those tears of joy? Or were they tears of sorrow?

She never felt both of these types of tears at the same time.

It was a new experience for her.

"Why are you crying, you just made your first friend."

She wiped her tears, "I am just sad and happy at the same ti-

"Knock! Knock! Knock!" someone knocked on the door, "Open up witch, we know you're in there and you have the boy. We're here to burn you alive!"