White Witch

"Someone's at the door. We must leave immediately, " said Suzuiya, opening a trapdoor to an underground tunnel.

Axel was bewildered "Why are they here to burn you alive?"

"No time to ta-"

Bam! They knocked down the door.

"There you are, witch!"

Axel thought it was only one man, but there were many people outside of Suzuiya's house with burning torches and angry faces. They were all misled by their hasty generalization and had all deemed Suzuiya an evil witch.

"Amos, let's go!" shouted the witch.

Amos stood in front of Suzuiya with his arms outstretched — To block the people from getting to her, "Suzuiya, they're after you. I'll be fine, you should leave."

Suzuki's stared for a while, looked away and hurried down into the tunnel.

A man in metal armor (The strongest man in the group of people) took out his heavy sword, "Little boy, get out of the way or you'll be punished for such ignorance."

"No! I'm staying right he-

Amos got punched down.

A mob of angry people stayed outside while one man was after Suzuiya. This shows just how much they relied on one man superior to them as they dared not to go close to the witch.

The man then walked to the trapdoor and reopened it, "I'm coming for you little witch!"

"You aren't going anywhere!" Amos got up.

The punch made Amos' red lips red with blood — it was a potent attack demonstrating just how powerful these knights can be. But Amos didn't care about the man's strength, he only cared about protecting innocent Suzuiya from an unnecessary dreadful demise. Having spoken to her alone, he read her like a book and knew that she was of no harm. Yet the people could not see this? Instead of hearing her out, they light their torches, form a mob, and threaten to burn her alive.

Burning alive from fire was the worst possible way to die. As the fire burns away your flesh and roasts your muscles, you feel nothing but extreme pain. Amos knew this.

The man ignored Amos. So, Amos ran up to him, clenched his fist, stretched his arm back as far as possible and struck with all his might.

The punch did nothing to the man who received it to his face.

"What are you doing? Do you not know who I am?" The man, ignored the vent for a while, got up, and moved towards Amos, "I am the Great Knight Buscuerrer — The most reliable knight in all of Atridorne! And you dare hit me?"

Amos walked backward as Buscuerrer kept walking forward. Amos could not help but compare his size to Buscuerrer. He was not wide with fat, his muscular body gave his body its rather extended breadth. And he walked with his chest up high in his metal armor.

"Somebody so inferior to me, are not allowed to look to me, let alone touch!"

The space in the room failed Amos, and his back rest against a wall.

Buscuerrer then held Amos' right arm with his huge hard hands, "I am a lord, and you hit me? A weakling like you? A child, like you? My men fear to even dare speak to me, yet a little nobody hit me?"

As Amos looked at Buscuerrer's big manly hands, he knew they were veiny hands of hard work. His palm was very hard and rough, and his hand had scars on it. His hands were calloused from his daily training regimens, and this summoned some fear in Amos' heart.

Buscuerrer was furious, he looked to see if anyone was around and he broke Amos' hand!

"Aghhhh!" cried Amos in pain.

"If you dare get back up and try anything again, I will murder you!" warned Buscuerrer.

"Ahhh!" Amos kept screaming, his bone was visible to his eyes and blood dripped from his sharp elbow.

Buscuerrer then put oil on his massive metal blade and put the torch on it, hence, he now had a flaming sword, "It's witch-hunting time!"

Buscuerrer followed Suzuiya — He was very fast for a man with heavy armour and big bulky muscles.

Suzuiya was in trouble. A flying snake was in the tunnel with her! She then started slowly walking backwards and she bumped into something, as she turned around, and looked up, to her surprise was a tall man, with strong facial structures, boxed chin and a cunning smile.

He had a heavy flaming blade in his hand and heavy armor on his body — It was Buscuerrer!

She screamed as he tugged her by her little hand.

"You're coming with me, little Witch!"

Suzuiya then used knockback magic which sent Buscuerrer flying. It was still a weak attack, but she only did it to buy herself some time to run away.

She then ran the other direction and she saw the Snake coming that way, and when she turned around and she saw Buscuerrer also approaching her in the other direction. She was cornered. The snake had the ability to bite and instantly kill a being with it's legendary poisonous bite.

While Buscuerrer, on the other hand, was a strong vicious man with a flaming blade, who was after her for weeks.

She didn't know where was the better way to go, so she stood there looking left and right at the two evil beings.

Buscuerrer and the snake were very close to her — merely some centimeters away.

She was confused, she had no idea what she was going to do.

Buscuerrer then laughed, "Haha! Looks like you're going to burn while being eaten by a hungry serpent!"

He then got ready to cut her with his blade, she closed her eyes and awaited her unpleasant fatality.

Before Buscuerrer could cut her head off, someone touched him and when he turned around, Amos set a fire on his face!

Buscuerrer screamed in pain, the fire was eating his flesh. He fell to the floor and squirmed around — He tried to put the fire out.

"Suzuiya let's go!" Amos grabbed Suzuiya with his left hand and started running towards the flying snake!

"What are you doing? That serpent takes less than a second to stretch its head back and bite its prey!"

Amos still ran up to the snake, his broken right arm wobbled as he ran with Suzuiya in his left hand!

"Amos stop! What are you doing?" Suzuiya was panicking

As the snake stretched its head and got ready to strike, Amos heard its every movement.

For a minute, Amos' focus had arisen to its very pinnacle, he used all his senses to slow down time, and then as the serpent struck, Amos ran on the walls and escaped the tunnel with Suzuiya!

Suzuiya breathed out with relief and they ran to safety.

They hid in the forest.

"Thank you for your help, Amos, " Suzuiya smiled.

"No problem, that's what friends are for, right?"

Amos looked at his broken arm.

"Your arm! I can see your bone! Give me your arm. I will heal it."

She held Amos' right-arm and started healing it. Healing magic was a very difficult thing to do. Upon healing someone, you take some of their pain and you lose a great amount of Mana.

Suzuiya groaned as she healed Amos and some of his pain was temporarily given to her.

After a minute, his arm was fully healed as if nothing had happened to it.

He wiggled his fingers, "Thank you so much!"

"I'm the one who's presumed to be thanking you."

"At least I didn't have to rehabilitate you."

"Healing is nothing much..."

"It is, you saved me a ton! My dominant arm would be wobbling by now if it weren't for you. So, thanks a ton!"

"You speak differently..."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I am not sure, but you speak differently." She sat down.

"You know, I appreciate what you've done for me for this whole day, I owe you one..."

"One of what?"

"Forget it, I just owe you a favour."

"No, don't fuss about repaying me in any way, you are being my friend and that is all I could ever want from you."

"You see what I meant? You are very kind and I appreciate you a lot. Thank you, Suzuiya."

"You are the one who saved my life!"

"No biggy..."

"You sure do speak differently."

"You are so kind. Why do they hate you?"

She got depressed, "It's because I'm a witch."

Amos looked at her, "That's nothing to hate you for!"

"It is. Can I tell you why?"


"Some years ago...

My mother was a witch and she gave birth to me and my sister. We were twins. My sister was always the mean and powerful one, whilst I was the soft and weak one. My sister was very powerful — She was born with a stream of immense Mana rapidly running through her body.

While I could've barely cast a single spell. My mother really loved my sister, Suzy."

Amos interrupted, "Hey, I know another Suzy at Xui Zang's place! But of course, she's not the one. She's too old and looks nothing like your twin."

She continued, "But she hated me. She berated me and called me an embarrassment. She took Suzy all over and bought her the nice things whilst she locked me in a room and fed me their scraps.

As I said, my mother was a witch – An evil one. She taught Suzy everything she knew, every spell in the book. Sometime later, Suzy then surpassed my mother in strength and that's when she started to change.

Instead of looking up to her mother, as usual, Suzy was now looking down at her. She had made our mother a slave. I was also a slave. I was always a slave.

In the Village of Witches, my sister had become the Queen of Witches — The supreme ruler over it all. Up to this day, she still prevails.

After she had taken the throne at the age of fifteen, all the witches of Archeria became fierce and evil. She taught them how to kill the other races, she thought them how to hate. The older Suzy grew, the uglier she became.

The more she hated, the more she became evil. Suzy went away to cause trouble to the people of Atterio. I was left alone, no food, no water. I had to learn to live on my own. A year later, Suzy returned with all the witches. I didn't notice her.

She became an ugly witch, with a huge pointy nose, green skin, white hair and no teeth. I couldn't believe that she was my sister, but I sensed her unique Mana and there was no denying it. My sister had started using the evil driven black magic.

It took her beauty and stole her youth. She wasn't my sister, but she was. The evil had consumed all of her innocence. All of the witches celebrated after they had destroyed Atterio — A Kingdom of people dwelling in happiness and peace.

All of the witches were happy except for my sister Suzy. She was not satisfied, she wanted something else. She wanted her beauty back.

So, she came to me! She was going to steal my physique!