Black Witch

She walked up to me and said that she wished she had my beauty. She brushed my hair and touched my smooth face. She treated me like her little sister for once — We were born one minute apart after all.

I started to trust her. She told the Witches to respect and honour me. I felt like I belonged there. She took me places and bought me nice things. She even bought me things to keep my skin and body healthy.

Despite knowing how ugly Suzy was, I started to like her. I started to trust her. I was happy for the first time in my sorrowful life. My mother loved me too. All the witches bowed to me. They bought me gifts — Thanks to Suzy.

Then, the day came when she revealed her true colours once more.

As I sat down brushing my hair — Suzy told me to do so every day. Suzy then grabbed me from behind and started chanting a spell that would steal my body!

But the spell didn't work. She tried it one more time, but her attempt resulted in failure.

She couldn't steal my body, so she wanted to copy my body. She held me and chanted a longer spell that made her look exactly like me!

She looked exactly like me.

As she looked at herself in the mirror, I tried to run away but she caught me.

Then there was a knight who had come to destroy the Witch Village, he killed most of the witches and then he saw me.

I saw him too. He was a very handsome man and he wanted to marry me. He believed that I wasn't a Witch and he wanted to marry me.

My sister also liked the Knight but even though she looked just like me, he didn't like her.

He wanted to marry me, not her. He said that he sensed an inner beauty in me. Up to this very day, I still try to understand what he meant by that. He was very handsome but I was too young — I didn't like him but I wanted him to take me away from the Witch Village.

Suzy then grew jealous and cursed me, She gave me her old ugly physique and kept my beauty. Lightning struck and the trees blew as Suzy chanted the spell. I was cursed. I didn't understand the curse because upon looking in the mirror, I looked just like how I normally looked.

But the Knight was scared of me and he called me ugly. I looked at the mirror again, but I still had my beauty!

I then realised that she used a Trickery Spell. I had read about the curse in a Spellbook when I was trying to learn magic to impress my mother. I loved books and spent my time reading Novels, books and Spellbooks.

The spell allowed someone to curse someone in their family, that curse makes the family member appear ugly to a person's eyes. I was ugly to other people but in reality, I was beautiful.

Why couldn't they see that?

Why couldn't they see me?

Why couldn't they love me?

Why did they hate me? For my looks?

How can one judge another, just by that person's appearance?

I tried everything to break the curse but everything ceased to function. The man still came back and wanted to marry me for whatever reason, so my sister killed him. She offered him a drink.

He being the idiot he was, drank it. That drink was the drink of death — Poison. He immediately died after consuming the deadly liquid.

One day, I got the opportunity to run away and I did. I tried going to Atridorne but everyone called me a Witch and tried killing me, so I built my own house.

I was free. Finally, I breathed in freedom. I lived peacefully. I collected many books and novels and I kept them in my little house. It was indeed a peaceful time. Little did I know that the peace would forever come to a perpetual hiatus.

I found a way to break my curse and everyone started to respect me — It wasn't me who had broken the curse though, it was my sister and she had her reasons. Her evil reasons.

I lived happily after the spell was broken. I made friends and I got the respect I deserved from my Atridorne neighbours.

One day while I walked to Atridorne everyone became terrified and called me evil. I was confused. My very own friends were calling me an evil Witch! They outcasted me from Atridorne and I had to get my food and books from a different place.

I then visited a Wizard and he told me that my curse was broken – So the people of Atridorne were not criticizing me for my looks.

As I walked to Atridorne, I stopped. My heart was racing. I was scared and confused at the same time. I wanted to run away but I also wanted to explore. I was looking at another me. Another me who tortured the people of Atridorne.

Another me who stole and killed. Another me who was different.

That me was dressed in black instead of white and she was different. She was my sister — She was Suzy.

How did she find me?

I was flabbergasted. I had no choice but to run and hide. My sister only broke the curse so that she could do something even worse than curse me.

She ruined my reputation.

She ruined my friends. She even murdered some of them. After that, I couldn't return to Atridorne. I couldn't see my people. I couldn't see my friends. My friends who started to love me. My friends who started to trust me

They all felt betrayed. They thought I was the one who was doing those evil things. They thought I was Suzy.

To buy my books, my novels, and my food, I had to go to Atridorne with a mask. I never saw my friends ever again. The friends I started to call family.