A Battle Between Pontent Devil Comrades!

Liang Chu cracked his fingers and kept the malicious smirk on his arrogant face. He was chauvinistic when compared to his Devil-comrades and he never before had to face all nine of them while defending somebody. However, he was still hyped for the strenuous challenge.

Amongst his potent unruly devil comrades, he was the most despicable of the group. They despisingly looked up to him — most of them had envy deeply buried in their small hearts, for Liang was the strongest as well as the captain of his group. He was also the most favoured servant of the Queen of Chaos, which stupidly doubled their envy. He would kiss Suzy's hands and flirt with her, just to deliberately anger them.

Although it was obvious that they hated him, he still equally respected his Devil-comrades.

A Devil-Comrade was a monstrous being of Devil-Ranked mastery, who is either autonomous of a leader or wishes to kill or surpass their captain. The term carefully selected by the captain, namely Liang, was grievously suitable for his conspicuously envious teammates.

Liang, maintaining the malicious smirk, held Amos and jumped, at a significant height, to the massive arena. His red hair blew as he safely fell down to the middle of the arena ground. His group of selfish comrades all followed him.

They all jumped to the arena which was essentially twenty meters away. And of course, the comrades jumped lower than their skillful captain.

They all exponentially circled around him and he smirked even harder than before. His devil-comrades were all insanely strong and skilled, but they were all no match for the captain even if they all co-operated to attempt his assassination.

Out of the large group was one girl, specifically Arley, who had a stupidly obvious crush on the captain (, and she absurdly thought nobody knew). He would often catch her gawking at him and when he does, she would blush her cheeks red and look away.

Although she liked him, she chose to admire him from afar. Because she did not want to disappoint the other Liang-haters by being his open admirer.

Just for this, the comrades on the team hated her as well. They would spit in her face and tell her that they did it by accident and she would foolishly believe them, like the foolish girl she was. Despite being a fool, she was also very kind.

Before she was unwillingly transformed into a monster by the Queen, she was a generous doctor — Foolishly providing free elixirs to patients and getting fired several times. She also spent her time reading many novels and she was inarguably the second smartest of her envious comrades – Her stupidity was nothing more than overly shown kindness.

She was merely a pavement that everyone walked over.

She felt uncomfortable and she didn't wish to attack her so-called secret love-interest — She knew that she easily would lose anyway. And she thought that if she attacked him, he would consider her an enemy and if she didn't attack, her comrades would hate her and compromisingly realize that she liked the captain.

It was a confusing situation.

Joseph, the weakest man on the team, then assaulted Liang with a Dark Energy Beam which Liang slapped away with his hand, using very little effort.

Another Devil-comrade attacked, it was Mika. The strongest girl on the team, and when she used her muscular form, it was nothing but a disgusting undesirable sight.

Although she was pretty (without the muscles) none of the males liked her. Even the perverts who were dying to satisfy their sexual desires, would look away from her.

She slowly jumped in the air and rapidly came down with a spinning kick. Liang then grabbed her by her left leg, and potently threw her out of the arena grounds.

Chizuko then struck with his powerful bow at hand. He took an arrow from his quiver and shot it Liang Chu. The magical arrow was extremely powerful, capable of killing an ordinary human with just one hit at any body-part — It was the Black Bow of Decay.

After Chizuko shot the arrow, Liang immediately grabbed it, spun and threw his very own arrow back at him.

Chizuko blocked in an effort to stop the arrow, but it went straight through his left hand, which deterioratingly decayed his defensive arm. His arm was falling asunder rapidly, but luckily Sasuki, the best swordsman in the group, cut off his hand, before the extremely effective decay eradicated him whole.

His hand was profusely bleeding, spraying blood like a water-gun, so Arley took off her rounded black glasses and healed him — replenishing his health back to the normal state, and significantly taking a great percentage of his pain.

Liang's smirk was still there! He contemplated his Devil-comrades and thought about each one of them. He didn't feel good about hurting them, but to him, it was necessary to show them how far they still needed to go to reach his Strength Level.

He and Han-Geol were the only ones with Magic Training Systems [MTSs]. Could that possibly be the reason behind their grievous predominance?

Not only did they use their MTS to become stronger, but they also autonomously trained to reach their level of superiority. Han-Geol's intentions for overworking was to surpass his captain, Liang. Unlike Liang and Han-Geol, the other Devil-comrades radically avoided excess training, and focussed on the compulsory ones.

Mika then jumped back into the arena. Then, Sasuki assaulted the captain with his Demon Sword Rush skill. Sasuki, The Demon Swordsman was heavily inspired by his father — He even carried his name, Sasuki Hiroki. And He even wore his fathers' underwears and had hundreds of pictures of his father on his bedroom walls — No wonder why they called him a 'sicko'.

Unfortunately, Sasuki's father was killed by a Demon Slayer. But his father's spirit was living in his skills. Upon utilizing a skill while wielding his father's sacred sword, Sasuki could feel the spirit of his father in the skills used. And when using his Awakening technique, his father's powerful spirit is fused with his, thus, granting him a new demon form. Or was he just crazy?

"Stay back guys, I beg you —give me a spar with him — don't help me," said Sasuki as he jumped up to Liang.

He then used his Demon Sword Rush skill. His father's spirit entered the sword and gave his son the ability to slash his sword ten times in one second!

As he did the skill, Liang had to jump in the air to maintain Amos' safety. If he were alone — he would have easily dodged each of the powerful speed slashes. But having Amos alongside him, it lacked the audacity to put the elf's life at risk.

Mika then jumped into the air after him and did her Dark Mana fist skill, Liang slashed the air with his hand and stopped her dreadful attack midway.

"I said not to help!" Shouted Sasuki, charging up for an attack.

After charging up, Sasuki shouted, "Dark Demon Sword Dash!"

With precision in each of his movements, Sasuki used his magic dash to propel him into the air while pointing his sword at Liang. Liang could not have dodged the attack because it was too fast for him — It was Sasuki's fastest sword skill.

Before the attack could penetrate Liang, he immediately turned into his huge bat-form and took the blade through his wings.

Liang then pulled the blade out, turned into his normal body form, and punched Sasuki in his stomach — hitting him straight through a wall, which was significantly eighty meters away!

Sasuki was severely injured and he coughed out blood while he was in another room.

Chizuko then shouted, "Guys, don't aim for the captain — Aim for the elf!"

The team obeyed Chizuko, they all went after poor Amos, who was weirdly just chilling at the moment. First Han-Geol attacked, then Chizuko followed, and Sasuki came back to the arena.

Han-Geol used his Dark Explosion skill — A dark magical spell allowing him to explode, with Dark Mana, whoever he touched. He hopped through the air with his tongue sticking out of his widely opened mouth, and attempted his assault. Before he could touch Amos, Liang tightly grabbed him by his throat.

He then looked at his captain and spit acid in his face, which made Liang let go of him. He didn't waste any time, he immediately went after Amos after being released. Amos absentmindedly stood in the middle of the arena, looking at a bird pounding on the glass.

Liang's face was brutally burnt by the acid and it stunned him for a while.

"I've got you now!" Excitedly shouted Han-Geol, reopening his mouth as he went flying towards Amos.

His intentions weren't to hurt him like the others, he wanted to eat him! When he was a foot away, Liang Chu dashed and saved Amos from Han's life-threatening mouth. Han-Geol aggressively shut his jaws, in order to bite, but was too late.

"That's it, I'm going all out!" Shouted Han-Geol, transforming into his Vampire Serpent form.

His cheeks grew small scales, his sharp fangs got even sharper, his eyes turned fierce and he now possessed the ability to eject poison.

All nine of the Devil-comrades were simultaneously attacking, and Liang was in the middle of them all. He then jumped high into the air with Amos and his furious comrades followed.

As Han-Geol sent a Supernova attack, Liang threw Amos further up into the air, used his magic awakening and hit all of his comrades in merely a second.

He then grabbed Amos and fell back down to the arena. As all his comrades charged again, he held Amos' leg and started to spin his body, whacking his comrades one by one with Amos.

Han-Geol's heart filled with rage. He was no longer holding back — He immediately used his strongest spell, Poisonous Dark Explosion. It allows him to emit poison in all states including gaseous along with an explosion.

It was capable of destroying the entire room, along with the people in it. Nonetheless, He didn't care because he wanted to finally defeat Liang.

He charged up, "Poisonous Dark Explosion--

"Han, no!"

"Don't do it Ha-

He recklessly used the skill and destroyed the entire room. As his attack went off, Liang gathered two of his comrades, along with Amos, and teleported to safety. He chose to save Joseph and Arley — The weakest of the bunch. They could not bear an attack like that and they would have certainly died if it weren't for Liang.

The other comrades were all unconscious, except for Han-Geol. Han followed Liang and ambushed him with his Supernova, hitting away Amos, Joseph and Arley. Liang's clothes were torn up and he had a few injuries on his body.

" Why did you use your Dark Poisonous Explosion — You could've killed them!" Said Liang.

His smirk was gone.

Han-Geol smiled, "So funny! Do I look like I care if they die? What I want is you!"

Liang silently listened.

"I want to kill you! I am tired of being number two! I want that number one spot and today is the day when I get what I want!"

Liang threw a sword for him. He caught it and held it with one hand.

Han-Geol was excited, "Finally a spar! One on one!"

Liang said nothing. He was furious because of what Han did to his own team. All of the Devil-Comrades were being dreadfully infected by the deadly dark poison as they spoke.

As Han-Geol thrust his sword, Liang blocked with his blade, "Liang, just remember to not hold back. I want my win fair and square!"

Han then spun and slashed his sword again, clashing it into his opponent's sword. Then he enhanced his sword with Dark Magic. It was a poisonous spell, upon being cut, your insides will be poisoned.

He then aggressively and continuously started slashing his sword at great speed. Liang didn't strike at all, he was in defence.

"Taste this!" He thrust his sword into Liang's and knocked him into the wall. It was a mild Dark explosion. And while Liang was down, Han-Geol ran up to Amos and finally cut him on his chest, with the poisonous sword of Dark Mana.

Amos absorbed the mana from his attack. As Han opened his mouth to an inhuman extent, Liang threw his sword and it pierced straight through Han's body.

Liang got up and approached Han-Geol. Next, He then reached his hand out and his sword came back to him. He was not holding back anymore, he activated his Magical Ability; Dark Plasma.

Han-Geol was intimidated by his furious eyes so he also powered up, from form one to two, and reactivated his Magical Ability; Poisonous Touch.

They weren't at their Max forms but it was enough at the moment. They both formally walked up to each other, then that walk turned into a rapid charge, causing the enemies to potently clash swords. Amos looked as they both exhibited impeccable strength.

Then they both started to constantly clash swords at an abrupt pace. With each clash, the swords luminously sparked.

Then Liang used his first skill for the battle, 'Plasma Slash' which melted Han's sword upon contact.

He then shouted, "Omnipotent Slash!" And dashed into Han-Geol. Han stood in confusion, then his body slowly fell to the floor in two pieces. He was cut in half by Liang.

Liang then dropped his sword and walked up to Amos and his two weakest comrades.

"Are you guys alright?" He kindly asked.

Joseph looked at him, "Yeah, we are."

"I'm going to check on my other comrades, Are you sure you're okay?" He reassured.

Arley was shocked, "Liang! Behind you!"


"Pierce!" Liang was impaled by Han-Geol's deadly tail.

" Captain!"

He coughed up blood.

Han-Geol was in his final-form; Dark Deadly Flying Serpent. He was now radically a black and red serpent, with a sharp pointy tail, which he used to puncture Liang's heart.

This was not the first time Han-Geol assaulted Liang when his back was turned — In fact, it was precisely the twentieth time!

"Liang!" Cried Arley, as Han threw him into a wall.

"Shut up bitch!" Snarled Han.

She started to cry.

Han-Geol looked down at the unaware Amos who was oddly biting his nails, "Where were we!"

Amos looked up to him and blankly stared.

He then picked up Amos, "Yes! I can finally get a bite from your flesh! Your blood is so fresh — I've never smelt a tasty delight like your blood before!"

Amos then opened his hand and destroyed Liang's left eye with his stored up Mana.

He dropped Amos.

"You little brat!"

An innocent bird was idly injured and hopelessly sat on the hard arena ground. Amos heard it's distressing chirp and immediately attended to the bird's aid.

Han-Geol grabbed him, "Where the hell are you going?" Then he opened his mouth.

Amos hit him with another Dark Energy Beam.

He then immediately swallowed Amos and regretted not biting him. So he puked and brought back up his food, along with Amos.

With one bite from Han, Amos would immediately turn into a vampire if not already dead. Because Han-Geol was not only a serpent, he was a Vampire Serpent.

Which, when you think about, sounds kind of stupid.

Amos had odorous bodily fluids all over him, but he ignored the unpleasant scent and attended to the bird's aid.

"What the hell is wrong with you! I'm not done eating you yet!"

Han picked him up again and flew into the air, he was a flying serpent. No wings, just magic.

The bird fell out of Amos' hand and was about to fall to its death due to its inability to fly.

Amos then spoke his first words for the day, "Let go of me — I need to save the bird."

He was not the typical Amos — He was different — He was serious.

"Shut up, food doesn't speak!" Snarled Han-Geol.

"Boom!" Amos exploded Han and went falling to the bird's rescue.

Han followed him, "Come back here you blood bag!"

Amos then turned around while falling and burst Han's other eye with his energy blast. He was out of Mana.

"Aghhhh! That's it! I'm going to eat your entire body!"

Amos then grabbed the bird, rotated his body and fell on his back. He was injured due to the height of his fall, but the bird was saved.

Han-Geol opened his mouth and came crashing down to the arena, ready to start eating Amos.

Then "Slash Slash Slash!"

The three powerful omnipotent slashes were the slashes of none other than Captain Liang's!

Han-Geol's head was cut off. Then the plasma obliterated his entire body.

He was unpleasantly dead.

Liang picked Amos up from the floor, "Are you okay?"

Amos didn't look at him, he busily and carefully petted the injured bird.

"But how?" Asked Arley, "How are you alive? Your heart was punctured!" She wiped her tears.

He looked at her and brought back his, now annoying, smirk, "It takes a lot to kill a Liang."

Joseph smiled, "Well, that's cap for Ya!"

Arley ran into him and hugged him.