The Cleanup

"Han, " Joseph carefully observed Han-Geol's scattered rose-red blood, "Is he dead?"

Liang patted Joseph's shoulder and looked down at him, "Don't worry, I'll handle that. Did I not say that I promise to never let any of my comrades die?"

Joseph's noticeable disheartedness subsided, "Thank you, Captain!" He giggled remotely.

Liang then attended to Amos, who held the bird in his hand, "Amos, are you alright?"

Although Amos heard Liang, he didn't bother to look at him.

Liang looked at the bird in his hands, "Don't worry about him, he'll be flying with the dragons in no time! I'm going to check up on my Devil-Comrades now, see you later."

Liang teleported to his other comrades, they were all down, and they didn't bother to get up — due to the excruciating pain they felt in every part of their bodies, every part. Moreover, the arena was almost radically demolished, and this fact made Liang worried.

He did not wish to disappoint his Queen, unfortunately, his magic was not Magic of Creation, thus, he could not have fixed the demolished room.

He then walked up to his comrades, "Are you guys alright? I'm sorry about the battle."


Chizuko gritted his teeth and tried to get up, but the pain pulled him back down.

Liang approached him, "No-no-no, stay down, you all will be healed in a moment."

He then grew wings, flapped, and flew up to the sky as he activated a spell that would remove all injuries from his comrades completely. He put his hands together and took all the pain for his comrades. As for the cost of his actions, he came crashing down from the sky and hit his head on the hard concrete floor. The pain was truly something unbearable.

His comrades were replenished once more and they all departed the room.

Liang got up and touched his head, "When was the last time I've felt utter pain like this?"

The Queen of Chaos was returning to her castle. As she deliberately departed her huge carriage, her strong worshippers all bowed to her as she formally walked to her castle. They all admired her and were all notably willing to sacrifice themselves in return to save hers.

She was clearly a very tyrannical leader. She made very ignorant actions and rules just for the sake of being cruel — utmost malevolence. But her villainous civilians all liked and accepted her awful personality.

Suzy was only elected to the Queen, because of her stolen omnipotent ability — The ability to corrupt Mana. The Queen prior to her was "Too soft", according to her people. So Suzuiya did them the favour of murdering their Queen in her serene sleep. Furthermore, she worked her way up, by committing evil crimes, to the new Queen of Chaos with subordinates below her feet.

The Chaos Queens were all worshippers of the Demon King, and their jobs weren't just to sit on thrones all-day long, they were also laboriously responsible for the audacious Ressurection of The Demon King.

As she bobbed her hips to her Castle, she was greeted by Fuizo, the sly fox, comrade snitch.

He bowed his head, " Welcome back my Queen, there is a matter I would like you to address, please. You see, Liang killed Han toda-


She slapped him to his face, "What did I tell you about disrespecting me, I'm not even in my castle yet!"

He nervously bowed, "Sorry Queen!"

"That's Queen of Chaos to you! Nobodies like you don't get you to address me that way!"

"Sorry Queen of Chaos, " He retracted.

"Suzy, Suzy The Queen Of Chaos, " She snarled.

"Sorry, Suzy, The Queen Of Chaos."

"Now quit my sight!"

He hurried off to his save zone.

"Disrespectful idiots, " she muttered and continued to her castle.

She then sighed and reclined on her throne. She finally got her rest after a long day of toiling — hard-work of stealing souls to summon her Demon King.

The snitch returned, "Sorry for being so disrespectful, Suzy, The Queen Of Chaos, STQOC, I just really need to tell you what happened behind your precious back today — The Arena Room was Destroyed!"

Suzy glared at him, "Did you—


"Did you just put my title as an acronym?"

He started to sweat.

"Sorry Suzy, The Queen Of Chaos! Please forgive me — I know I've passed my strike limit of three, but please don't take my soul."

"Oh please, your soul is too dumb to take, I fear that its lack of intelligence would be contagious to my other stolen souls. The Demon King wishes nothing but crafty intelligence, not foolishness."

"Wait really? In that case, please let me decide my own punishment! Please just burn me with fire all over my body, bury me alive and cut me with knives — Anything but water!"

Wasn't he supposed to be as fly as a fox? When did he become a cat?

"Okay whatever, I was only going to let them beat you with whips anyway."

He started to cry inside, "WHAT!?"

"You must immediately, after your snitching, go tell the punisher how you wish to be punished. If you dare to even merely omit one of those punishments you just stated, eternal death would do you path."

He bowed, "ROGER SIR!"

It was at that moment, he realized what he had done, he shuddered like a leaf in powerful winds, "SORRY SUZY, THE QUEEN OF CHAOS! I'm SORRY!! Please forgive me!!!" He pleaded.

"Snitch away. In addition to your current punishments, I'll have them remove your head three times for that. Continue."

Every time he spoke to his Queen, a hectic scenario always unfolded. Maybe God was punishing him for his cunning ways? Who knows?

He wiped his hot tears, "I'm sorry. I just want to tell you that our training room, specifically the Arena Grounds, was destroyed in battle by Liang."


"Yes, you heard me right my Queen, The Queen, Suzy, The Queen Of Chaos!"

She slapped her forehead.

"He destroyed the entire room and I think that was his spiteful intention."

She unfolded her smooth legs, "I'll attend to that matter now, and you must immediately be punished."

He positioned his right hand to his head like a soldier, "YES S--

She glared at him.

"Y-Yes, Suzy The Queen Of Chaos!"

She walked to the Arena Grounds and saw Liang sitting there.

She folded her arms, "Liang? What is this mess!?"

Liang scratched his head and smiled, "It's the doing of Han-Geol's most powerful move."

"This is not a smiling matter! Get that stupid smilele from your face and bring Han-Geol to me! Where is Han-Geol!?"


"Last time I checked, 'Uhhhh' wasn't in the English Dictionary. Now tell me where he is!"

"Maybe a powerful person used their omnipotent second skill on him and completely destroyed his body?"

"What? You killed him?"

"Wow, how did you know?"

"Why did you kill your number-one comrade?"

"Well, it's complicated, you see, we were all playing a game of catch, I was the defender when suddenly the ball hit Han in his—

"Cut out that nonsense!"

"Fine. They were testing Amos' strength, and they all went overboard. And I ended up hurting poor Han."

"Urghh! I'll resurrect him, but this would be the last time I'll ever waste my spirits on one of you!"


"Just so you know, I'm putting your team off of the expedition as one of the punishments for the destruction of my Arena."

"What?! No, please my Queen you can't put Zee's team on a task like that!"

"Silence! I've made up my mind, there is no democracy here!"

"Sorry, my Queen."

She then snapped her fingers and Liang's Devil-comrades all appeared before her eyes — utmost control.

"Starting from now, you all will be burnt by fire and you are not getting healed until the week is over!" She announced.

They were confused.

Amos, Arley and Joseph overheard the conversation and came to the Arena Grounds.

Liang stood, "My Queen, that is not necessary–

"What did you say!"

"It's not necessary to torment them, I'll take their punishments for them."

"Whatever, just don't die for those useless idiots."

She carelessly snapped her fingers and his entire body was set on fire. He bit his lips and took the pain. He wanted to scream — But he didn't want to display weakness to his comrades — He wanted to show the true strength coming from their true captain — A captain who precisely and empathetically understood their struggles — Life-changing struggles that made them become monsters. He loved them all and he related to their stories.

So he would die for them. And live up to his promises.

Even if you're dead, I'll never make you die.

I promise to make you happy again one day!

Even if you're devils, I promise to make you live in heaven.

I am going to put end to your pain, just you wait! I promise!

His promises flashed through his head as he burned in pain.

He was a great captain.

Amos contemplated the scene and immediately got different opinions on Liang as a person.

Running through the long hallway came someone in distress. He had a sword in his little hand and he was trembling but kept his fear to its initial obscurity. He tripped many times on the way due to his numb body, but he got back up — He was very similar to Amos. Except that he wasn't an elf nor a monster.

Upon looking at him in the big red glowing eye, one can see brave fear with ambiguous meanings. His messy blue hair gently blew as he hurried to the Arena Room. And his broken glasses kept falling down to his nose as he ran, causing him to constantly adjust it to his own comfort. He was, exactly what they dubbed him, Natan Namero, The Telepathic Genius Boy!