Natan Namero, The Telepathic Genius Boy!

Natan promptly made his way to the Arena Grounds and tragically shouted, "There are Raiders in the treasure room and three of the other guards are dead."

For Amos, Natan's youthful yet comforting voice was oddly familiar.

"What!" Snarled Suzy.

Suzy then furiously glared at Nataly who was solely responsible for guarding the treasure.


Nataly bowed, "My Queen?"

"Were you doing your job? Or did you force Natan to do it for you again?"

Nataly gazed down at her feet, "I'm sorry my Queen, it won't happen again."

"Yeah, " Suzy pointed at her with her index finger, "You're right, it won't happen again. Because you won't be alive!"

She was about to charge up a Dark Obliteration Spell — One that allowed her to potentially utilize Dark Mana and emit it from her body to obliterate anything in her presence. Although it was the size of a marble, it was essentially one of the most hazardous 'Demon Techniques' in history.

Liang pushed Suzy's finger away and interrupted her from assaulting Nataly with the disastrous Dark Obliteration Technique.

The perceptibility of her furious facial expression left no room for doubt, she was undeniably burning with rage.

"How dare you slap away my hand!"

"Sorry, my Queen, for my disrespectful actions. I just saved all the lives in this room. Considering your current Strength Level, most of this castle, along with the lives in it, would've been destroyed if it weren't for my quick thinking."

Her anger promptly subsided, "Okay, but just so you know, if you ever try something like that again — You wouldn't be alive to tell the tale."

He bowed, "Okay, my Queen!"

"Now go murder those Raiders, I want their heads to add to my collection."

"Will do, My Queen!"

She was calmed. Like usual, she would get furious from his actions and that anger was always rather transitory.

Liang got more respect than her other servants. The others were all treated like dogs. However, she didn't treat him this way because of his powers — There were hundreds stronger than Liang all serving her. But she valued him because of the strongly intimate relationship she had with him.

She tried her very best not to reveal her feelings, but slowly everyone started to notice how differently she treated him. And that was the catalyst for the production of Liang-Chu's growing haters. In an attempt to reduce the rising suspicion, Suzy had to start treating him worse. Now she had to watch the first relationship she's built fall asunder.

Should she be called an absolute hypocrite?

Or should she be called a poisonous flower in love with a bee that hovers around her petals?

Liang teleported to the cave where the treasure was located. And before him, were three people.

He malevolently smirked and said, "I thought raiders were smarter than this, " He immediately charged the raiders, " Two men and a young woman? Autonomously coming here without a guild was hogwash!"

Suzy was extremely tired so she went to her bedroom to rest. She took off her tight clothes, took a bath and was about to sleep typically in her black bra and underwear. As she plopped atop her Queen-Sized bed, she slowly closed her eyes. And the liquid of sorrow ran down the corners of her tear-ducts.

Meanwhile, Amos and the others were all in the main room.

"Hey, Amos," Said Natan looking at him, "You don't remember me, " he then whispered, "Don't you, Mr.Pubic Itch?"

That's when it hit him.

"I thought you were dead-" said Amos with no emotions in his dragging statement.

Natan closely looked up to Amos, "There's too much for me to do to die — And oh, it took you rather long to Dark-Gloom. It took me only four days."

"I don't care about this 'Dark-Gloom' thing, I just want to go home and be myself again."

Nataly was listening to the conversation, "What are you guys blabbering about?"

Natan looked at her, "Oh hi, Nataly! Amos was telling me about his Dark-Gloom. He said that he just wants to be himself again."

Amos looked at her too, "Mhm."

"Aw, you want to be yourself again, sorry kid, that's not happening, " she roughly slapped him on the back, "At least not now, tell me how you feel."

Amos taught about it as he petted the bird in his hand, "I, I feel...nothing. It's just—

"Emptiness?" She added.

"I think so."

"Ohh, so you're like that. Some of us had to actually go through that phase, whilst some of us didn't go through that phase at all. You probably feel absolutely no sentimentality. It's like you're dead, isn't it?"

"I guess..."

She looked down at his bird, "Well, there's a high probability of it actually going away after at least five days. You can talk to Chizuko about it, he was just like you when he first dark-gloomed, but five days later, the guy's a perve again."

Amos looked over at the group of comrades, "Mhm."

"But, there's also a high possibility of you staying this way. Sometimes pain can break us, and I mean break-break. Messed up in the head. If so, then you're stuck like this forever. In a tantrum.

You're like a zebra who had lost its stripes. The torturing can mislead you and your psychological way of thinking, hence, breaking your brick down — The brick that held all the other bricks atop it. Now that your dominant brick has fallen, all of the bricks came down with it. Leaving you empty. No pain, no emotions, no love and no cares. But is that necessarily a bad thing?"

She got up, "Think about it, Amos. Nice talk, " she walked over to the group of comrades.

Amos took in every word that came out of her mouth and thought about it,

No pain, huh? Maybe this is what I pain, no sadness, no remorse. Emptiness, I feel nothing. What is this powerful neck-breaking sensation? Maybe Nataly was right. Is it a bad thing?

Boo! Natan entered his thoughts.

Oh, I forgot you can do that.

Yeah, it's like my thing — My Magical Ability is Telepathic. What's yours?

Um, I'm not....sure.

About what you were telling yourself earlier...


You forgot to mention no happiness, no fun, no pleasure, no love and no empathy. Is this a good thing? Are you okay with being broken?


If you aren't, just remember that you can be fixed when the time comes. Those fallen bricks can be easily put back up again. You just have to find them, find the missing bricks that cohesively formed you a whole structure. And your embryonic state would return to its true form.

Natan left his mind.

Amos thought About it, for him it was a very difficult choice to make. If he had chosen to be empty, he would lose his sentimentally — An essential part of his existence — The part that made him who he was. Without experiences, life would've never been the same. Or should he choose to reobtain his emotions and feel everything again? Feel the pain, sadness, humiliation, depression, anxiety and stress. The bricks of life.

What would you choose?

Natan got up, "Hey Amos, don't just sit there day-dreaming, the day will end soon and you haven't done anything yet. Come with me, the newbies all have to follow certain rules."

Amos followed him, first they departed the main room and started walking up the long hallway.

"Amos, that watch on your hand, " he looked at Amos, "Is it what I think it is?"

Amos looked at it, "Yes."

He had forgotten about it. It has been ten days since he last used it, and that was the anomalous part about it. Shouldn't he be punished for not completing his daily task?

"That's amazing, Amos. How in the world did you get yourself one of those at this age?"

"Someone to me..."

"What? You know people don't just go around giving away 300 million-Arichryso Magic Training Systems, right?"

"....they don't?"

"Did you not hear what I just said? It's that expensive. Three hundred million Arichrysos!"

Arichrysos were Archeria's ancient currency. The word Ari was an Archerian word and it was combined with the Greek word, 'chrysós', which basically translated into gold, hence forming the word Arichrysos.

Amos looked at him, "What does that mean?"

"You don't know what that means? What are you from a different planet or something? Hahaha!" Giggled Natan.

"About that..."

"Arichrysos are Archeria's currency. You buy stuff with Arichrysos. You can also find people who still call it chrysos."


They entered a room.

"Yeah, in here. This is where noobs work. Currently, there's only two of us."


Two men were discussing something in the room prior to theirs.

"Phillip, stop being such an airhead!"

"Arogon, calm down would ya! We don't want anyone to hear us!"

"Shut up Greg, you're shouting too!"

"Boys, be quiet."



They lowered their voices.

"So, h are we planning to them?"

Another one whispered, "It's easy all we need to do is them."

"Yeah, I like that idea. In this Queen would have Arogon as King Of Chaos. Right, Arogon?"

"I kill first. But otherwise, it's a plan."

Amos and Natan quietly listened, but their understanding was vague. Some of their words were not overhead.

Amos' bird then chirped.

The murmuring people then left their room and saw Natan and Amos in the room after them.

"Hey! What are you newbies doing here?"

Natan looked at him, "Hey Greg, this is just where the noobs work, remember?"

"You didn't overhear our conversation, did you?"

"What conversation?" Natan pretended.

"They heard us, " added Arogon, "There's no denying it."

Greg: "Huh? But Cap, he doesn't even know what we're talking about."

Natan: "Yeah, we don't."

Arogon: "What about the elf beside you? Why does he look so suspicious?"

Natan: "He just had a bad day that's all — It's his first Dark-Gloom after all..."

Patricia: "Yeah, somethings odd. Why is he not speaking?"

Natan elbowed Amos, as another way of telling him to speak.

Amos: "What..."

Natan: "It's his first Dark-Gloom, of course, he doesn't wish to speak."

Boan: "Then what's with the stupid look on his face?"

Natan: "Again, he's new and he just dark-gloomed."

Arogon: "I'm not buying it..."

Natan: "Sorry Lord Arogon, I'm really sorry for angering you. Amos just doesn't know anything yet — he's new."

Arogon: "Why isn't he speaking? He has no respect for me!"

Amos: "Meh..."

Arogon: "You see what I meant!? He deserves to be punished!"

Greg: "Yeah!!!"

Natan: "Guys, wait, we don't need to fight to spread a word. He's just new and dumb. Amos, this is Lord Arogon and his team is third in the Rookie Rank. You have to pay him the respect he deserves, and if you keep disrespecting captains, you wouldn't get to join their teams."

Amos: "Can we continue now? I don't care about teams."

Arogon: "That's it, get them both!!!"

"Roger that captain!"

"We'll have them crushed in no time!"

"—Piece of cake!"

Arogon's group assaulted both Amos and Natan. Greg aggressively grabbed Natan's blue hair and jabbed him in his face. And Amos got a kick to his gut.

Amos looked up at the group, "Don't touch me..."

"What are you going to do about—

Amos punched the gaunt figure in his presence.

" What a weak little shit." The boy spat out his tooth, "My turn!"

He knocked Amos to the floor with a hit to his temple.

"I said don't touch me!"

Natan got up and folded his sleeves, "Let me resolve this in a more manly way."

He used his gift given to him at birth — His telepathic Magical Ability. He used this gift many times before and he had undoubtedly mastered his bestowed ability. After all, his sister needed him, she was long gone and he needed to find her back.

He had been through hell in his life. And he never fitted in with the other people in his area of settlement, but that didn't matter to him now — He was his very own friend and he lived by the words, "As long as I do what my dad asked of me before he died, I don't need anything else."

He would often pretend to be the jovial type when he was that one village boy weeping all day in his dark chamber — A chamber which he had locked himself into, just to escape the outside world. Additionally, He grew up on his own, but he thanked God every day for his sister, the only one left in his family.

But as he grew older with his twin sister, he noticed that there was a conspicuous disparity between himself and her. He was the cheerful homeless village boy whilst his sister was the mischievous village thief. In other words, He was the animal lover, his sister was the one using animals as her practice targets. He started to watch her change and no matter what he did for her, she didn't pay any attention to him.

No matter how intimately close he was to her, he felt as if they were exponentially drifting light-years apart from each other. Importantly, He loved her, and he had too much heart for what he had faced in his tragic life. In contrast, his sister was heartless, as expected, and she hated the world for her "bad luck". But nobody could blame her — They never had what one would call 'true happiness'.

If hell was put beside their lives, there would not have been much difference between the two. Their family members had all perished and they were left all alone in the cold dark world as the outcome of their family's demise. The orphanage refused to take Natan's sister into custody because of her Demon-like abilities, so Natan, although they were willing to provide shelter for him, chose to suffer alongside his beloved sister.

His sister started to hate him just because he refused to despise the world and become a monster like her. So one day she unexpectedly left a note in his favorite book for him in the chamber where they were held, and she took off.

The note stated, " Bye little one-minute apart brother, I hope to see you again someday and I want to see you as a big monster when you grow up. It's time we go our separate ways, I'm going to serve the Queen Of Chaos." Although the writing was incredibly illegible, he understood.

But Natan couldn't accept that, he couldn't let her go away from him. Although he got an invitation to study abroad, he declined the offer just to go after his sister and forgot about his goals, just to be next to her — Just to protect her — Just to see her, just to assure that she was alright. His powers weren't tormenting nor were they offensive abilities. He simply had the ability known as the 'Third Eye Telepathic Technique'.

And at first, he hated his Magical ability — Because he couldn't fight to protect his sister with it. But later on, he realised what great power he had possessed. From here forth, he started to train his Magical Ability, considerably increasing its level all the way up to 900. He was unarguably the best Third Telepathic Eye User to walk upon the lands of Archeria.

It gave him incredible abilities, like foresight and mind-reading. And he started to gain knowledge—He became one of the smartest people to walk the surface of Archeria. But, he didn't show off his intelligence, instead, he chose to keep it hidden and inconspicuous to people.

So he then forgot about his desired dream of becoming the greatest doctor, and instead became a monster beside his sister.

Natan then entered the minds' of all eleven of Arogon's comrades and said, "If you dare to move a single muscle, I'll tell Queen Suzy your obscured artful schemes. And she would have all of your heads removed, if not so, I'll pop your brains for her. It simply takes a mere second to do so, by just the snap of my fingers."

Arogon: "Get the hell out of my head! How are you doing that?"

Greg: "Let's kill him!"

"Did I give you permissions to move? Not only can I deliver crystallized messages to your mind, but I can also hear your innermost thoughts. I can simply access your entire storage of memories, and trust me, " he pushed his glasses higher up on his nose, "You don't want me to do what I can do best."

Arogon: "What can you do best? You little twerp!"

"Are you sure you want to know that? Because it's something that leaves one with fear for me. And you don't want to fear a noob, don't you?"

"Just tell me!"

"I can control your mind, and you can consequently become my puppet. And you being third in rank Captain of the Rookie Tier colleague, I can essentially ruin your entire reputation, along with all your comrades, causing our Queen to get rid of you. And you know she never lets anyone out alive."

"That's all you can do?"

He smirked, "I can skillfully utilize many more branches of powerful skills, as an example: Brain Distortion — A Skill that allows me to permanently make you radically forget who you are or enter an instantaneous lucid dream or coma. Or, again, I can just kill you right here and now, with the snap of my fingers."

He snapped his fingers and Greg immediately fell to the floor, "Look at your unconscious comrade for an example, he is not dead, but I basically accessed his brain and made it think that its body was extremely exhausted, therefore he is only steadfast asleep. But using an analogous technique, I can also permentally shut down his body, do you want an elaborate demonstration?"

Arogon: "I've seen enough from you, monster. I am leaving."

The group cowardly took Greg, left and didn't look back for even a second.

In Conclusion, Natan had the ability to annihilate every individual inside of the castle, but he kindly chose not to. Despite lacking Defensive and Tactical Magical Abilities, he had rare Intelligence. And as shown, intelligence effortlessly won against both Tactical and Defensive Magical Ability Types. This was an exhibition of great power.

As Natan was about to pick Amos up from the ground, there was a significantly hazardous explosion of utmost destruction, it was a potent skill that combined both Demonic and Angellic power, the person behind such a powerful mastery was none other than Aaron, The Hybrid Knight accompanied by Suzuiya!