Aaron, The Powerful Holy Knight, Versus Liang, The Allmighty Vampire Captain!

Liang assaulted Aaron with a powerful splash of his blade, and just by looking at the precision in his confident movements, Aaron knew that Liang was strong. Strength must not be neglected.

Yusof and Suzuiya snuck out of the room, and hid in a place of safety.

Aaron promptly dodged the blade, " Do I know you?"

Liang slashed again, "Of course not, we just met, but this meeting won't last long — because dead people can't talk!"

Aaron dodged three of Liang's aggressive attacks, but the fourth one grazed him on the right cheek. So, he immediately took his sword from his scabbard.

Liang smirked, "What's the matter Mr.Pink egotist, I thought you were all so confident that you didn't require a sword to take me down, " He clashed swords with Aaron, " You're shaking so soon? Coming to your senses?"

Aaron cut Liang three times, " Shut up and fight!"

The attack knocked him down to the ground and blood gradually flowed out of his wounds. Aaron put back his sword in his scabbard.

Slash! When Aaron's guard was down, Liang had slashed his sword and performed a playful act of subterfuge.

Liang then recovered his malicious smirk, " Hah hah! You actually thought you had me, didn't you? Trust me, my friend, it takes way more than that to take down a Liang, " he slashed his sword again, "I usually take down my enemies without any time to waste. But I'll take it easy on you. Sorry, my Queen, looks like I'm actually going to have to play with my food for once!"

Aaron blocked the attacks with his blade, "Who said I was your food?"

Liang thrust his sword, " I did!"

Aaron dodged, "If I were to be food, I'd be a Black Berry — A very vile consumption that would eat your insides, are you still willing to take a bite?"

"Why not? On a regular mundane, I eat black berries for breakfast, " Liang attacked again.

Aaron dodged again, " Trust me, you won't be alive after consuming this black berry."

"Oh is that so!?" Liang smiled, " Well, what if I'm the only race that the berries have no effect on; an ogre?"

Aaron had nothing to say as they fought each other. Then he sidestepped another attack and asked, "Your queen, you mentioned her earlier, where is your queen?"

Liang's smile instantaneously vanished, " You think I'm just going to let you hurt any of my people?"

"No, but you're going to watch me do so, if you still have eyes that is."

"That's enough playing with my food — Time to eat up!"

Liang continuously stretched his arms back, one after another, and savagely hammered his swords aggressively into Aaron's blade.

Aaron was using his blade to fend off the attacks, "Is this all you can do?"

Liang continued to hammer his two blades into Aaron's, "No, but thank you for asking."

Then, he used his first skill, and in merely a second, Liang bolted towards Aaron, acquired the stream of 'Unlimited Dark Mana' and he slashed his sword with all his might, hurting his very own arm I the process. Nonetheless, he consequently managed to still land his assault on Aaron precisely.

Aaron fell to the floor and started to feel the cell-bursting Dark Mana destroy some of his internal cells, as if it were a beam of concentrated plasma.

This was Liang's first learned skill, 'Omnipotent Slash', one that seemingly bestowed the "Omnipotent Stream of Unlimited Dark Mana' to its user. Though this was never proven to be correct, people still openly surmised that this was plausibly true.

Nonetheless, after the detrimental attack, Aaron stood strong. Liang was a little off by this bothering sight, but he briefly gained his concentration again. Perhaps he had underestimated Aaron and thought that the attack would do the job.

They then started to oddly walk backward and further away from each other, and stopped when they were both far on the opposite sides of the rather large room.

They stood glaring at each other, not taking a second to blink and they inhumanly heard each other's lucid thumping of the hearts as it gradually carried red blood cells to their bodies. The deadly silence acted as the catalyst for the increasing focus on each other's movements. And this time, they were not going to go easy on each other, the testing phases were finalized.

After the death-glaring was over, Liang started to approach Aaron with immense speed, "Those who strike first, wins!"

Aaron didn't move from his initial position at all, "Guess what? I don't believe in your hogwash of morals."

Unexpectedly, Liang did a slide, but Aaron's muscles acted as if it had a mind of its own and jumped over Liang's body.

He then spun around and fended his body from Liang's thrown blade, by precisely grabbing it by the handle. After strangely contemplating it for a second, Aaron promptly returned the sword with the intention to penetrate Liang's flesh.

Liang also effortlessly grabbed his sword by the handle and smiled, " It seems as if I have finally met a worthy opponent."

"Wish I could say the same."

Aaron then assaulted Liang, with his blade that was now enchanted by Holy Magic, dragging on the floor and his feet moving at the speed of a cheetah, Liang certainly knew that he had changed from Defensive fighting into tactical.

Liang was ready for any attack, "Holy Knight, huh?" He smirked, " That explains your style of fighting and overall confidence."

Aaron then shouted, "Heavenly Galactic Explosion!"

Judging by the insane power levels continuously emitted from Aaron's sword, Liang couldn't have just taken the attack to exhibit his healing ability as he planned, the attack would be too strong and was significantly threatening to his very existence.

Consequently, he also amped for a Dark Magic explosion that would hopefully cancel out the Holy Magic. He pointed his sword at Aaron and he charged up most of his highly energized Dark Mana and abruptly let it out, " Dark Mana Ultimate Explosion!"

As a result of the attacks performed almost simultaneously, the two types of powerful magic collided, as Liang planned, and caused the entire room to explode. The impact of the explosion sent both Liang and Aaron crashing through multiple walls in the opposite directions.

But Aaron essentially utilized his explosion first, thus, his explosion, although it was only activated two seconds after the other one, had the upper hand over Liang. Liang was drastically injured, even worse when compared than Aaron.

The explosion alerted the entire Village Of Villainy that a battle was situated at the Castle Of Chaos again. But most of them were misled by their respective Queen's predictably regular mundane of aggressive acts, and they jumped to assumptions that it was Suzy's doing again. Perhaps, they surmised that only Suzy could have been responsible for an attack that powerful.

Everyone was alarmed and some, despite being told to mind their own business, even went to further investigate. Eight of the Devil-Comrades rapidly attended to the matter. Suzy took her time, got off of her bed, put on clothes (because she often slept naked), and gradually walked down the flight of stairs, where she saw Liang laying on the floor.

Upon seeing him injured, her deliberate formal gait turned into a rush. She then held him by his hand and pulled him up from the floor, "What is going on here, you're bleeding!?"

Liang stood in front of Suzy with his arms slightly spread apart, "Step back, my Queen, I will take care of this nuisance."

"What nuisance?"

Aaron then teleported and stood in the distance, "And that would be me..." he calmly said.

Liang's comrades arrived and immediately halted when they saw the presence of a Holy Knight in the midst of a villainous Castle. This was inarguably one of the strangest sights. According to the Monsters' Rights Policy (MRP) Law, monsters were not allowed to be killed by knights in their very own homes, unless they were performing acts of injustice or savagery. This precaution was taken to avert the vast extinction of monsters in their own habitats.

So they had all assumed that they were being attacked by an army of knights, and got ready to defend themselves and their Queen (who obviously didn't need them).

"Captain what's happening here?" inquired Chizuko.

"Get back, it's nothing. It's just one knight."

"Guys, get ready to fight — It's something, otherwise captain would not have told us to get back." Added, Nataly Namero.

They all took their positions.

The Queen patted him on his back, "Prove your worth. Defeat this Powerful Holy Knight."

He glanced back at her, "Will do, my Queen!"

He then dashed into Aaron and started wildly waving his swords, wasting a lot of his scarcely limited energy. He had already fought his Devil-comrades for the day, and then again, additionally, he had to take out Han-Geol on his max. He was tired, and if he were not in the midst of battle, he'd already have been steadfast asleep — It was far passed his bedtime anyway.

But it was not a time for sleeping at the moment, it was a time for fighting. He was already in the midst of battle and there was no easy stepping out of it at the moment. Besides, he had to prove his worth to his Queen and he was obsessed with substantiating his honor, reliability, and trustworthiness to his friends and leaders.

And now was no time to lose and make the people who believed in him crestfallen by his failure. Instead, he wanted them to praise him and dance until they exploded with euphoria. It was time to prove his strength.

And he would happily die if he had to, just to prove it.

The time has come for a battle between Powerful Men!