Prove Your Worth! Aaron Vs Liang-Chu - [Part 1]

The suns lowered their sails and started to slowly sink, omitting a combination of luminescent beautiful colors that satisfied the eyes of numerous grateful beings. Most of the races would prepare for resting at this time, But the nocturnal creatures, on the other hand, would be prepared for hunting.

Their night would be considered a day if experienced by a none-nocturnal being. But it would still be an ordinary night for some of these beings — Beings who wait for the night to access their prey easier, specifically monsters. Or this monster could simply be one that seeks freedom because daylight unfairly enslaved it and caused it to hide in the shadows. Like a vampire, who can be eradicated by day-light. Nevertheless, Vampires neglect the freedom and instead enjoy the power the night had bestowed upon them all.

What does this have to do with the story, you ask?

You'll see...

As it started to become darker, the moon gave the suns their good-byes and started to take over for them as they were about to sleep, many of the villains of The Village Of Villainy was preparing for rest whilst some was going hunting. In the distance, one can hear audible sword clashes coming from the Castle Of Chaos. But as stated before, this was nothing out of the norm for the nearby civilians.

Liang and Aaron were both aggressively fighting and deliberately tried to terminate each other when they got an opening. Liang was giving this fight his all, and it was certainly one of his most important matches. Whereas for Aaron, it was just like any other battle he had gotten himself into. Aaron was constantly scrutinizing Liang's skill and was getting to the conclusion that Liang could have been even stronger than the strongest person he had fought.

That person was none other than the Monster Killer himself, Rubin. Rubin was always considered Aaron's only match at his age, but maybe there was another person, opposing in teams, that actually couldn't be eradicated by one of his punches — Maybe there is another opponent with strength levels analogous to his.

Nonetheless, Aaron still had no intention of transpiring nor exhibiting his true strength. He didn't have the required audacity to bring out the uncontrollable monstrosity in himself.

Every movement made by Liang was considerably aggressive and he tried his best to impale Aaron, who was precocious in defending himself. Liang then slid and slashed his sword, cutting Aaron's leg. Then, he promptly jumped up from the sliding position and cut Aaron's chest plate by slashing his sword.

His Queen smiled as she observed the battle.

He didn't stop here, he then immediately took the open opportunity to impale Aaron's heart. But before he could do so, Aaron instantaneously vanished, leaving Liang looking around in circles. When suddenly, Liang heard a sword coming towards him from behind, so he quickly spun around and blocked with his sword.

Before Liang could retaliate, Aaron was gone again. Liang then noticed that something was above him and quickly dashed to his safety. As soon as Liang focussed his attention back to Aaron, Aaron had already vanished.

He's fast and I can tell that he had already switched from defense. Is this what they train Holy Knights to do?

Aaron was attacking from behind, but Liang could not have avoided the assault due to his lack of concentration, and lostness in his very own thoughts. Consequently, a blade bolted through his body.

This was still not enough to take Liang down, he immediately jumped, whilst the blade was still in his body, and kicked Aaron's chest plate, with his legs, to get the blade out. He then got up from the ground, recovered his stance, and firmly held his sword in his right hand while placing pressure on his wound with his left.

I can't land a single hit on this guy, I must powerup. There's no chance I'll win without using my magic!

He then dropped his sword, "Shall we do this differently for now?"

Aaron dropped his sword too and dashed towards Liang with a flying knee. Liang blocked with his arms and felt Aaron's metal-like knee severely hit into them. Liang then enhanced his fists with Dark mana and punched Aaron to the cheek.

Aaron was knocked down by the powerful blow. But in the blink of an eye, he was gone again. Then as Liang looked to his left, a fist came crashing into his left eye. Then, Aaron jabbed him to his stomach and continuously managed to successfully hit Liang.

Suzy nervously observed the nail-biting battle on the comfort of her throne. Though she did not feel comfortable at all. She continuously rocked her feet and clenched her fist tightly as she watched Liang receive a beating. She was anxiously ready to take a bullet to save him when necessary. And she felt his pain every time Aaron hurt him.

As soon as Aaron was about to hit him to his face again, an impulsive blow knocked him into a wall. And Liang was shouting to the top of his lungs as Dark Mana ate away his metal armor. His fangs were sharper than ever and his eyes simultaneously glowed both red and black, which complemented the tremendously powerful black and red Aura around him.

Everyone observing the battle, including Natan and Amos, realized what he was about to do.

This was the first Magical Transformation that he would soon call, 'Form One; Dark Vampire Of Omnipotence!'. It was a fusion of two different magical forces, red energy ( typically produced solely by vampires after the consumption of fresh blood) and Dark Mana.

As he approached Aaron, he opened his hand, and a beam of Dark Mana, combined with red energy, was powerfully fired from his hand. The beam was about to hit Aaron whilst he was on the floor, facing the opposite direction, but suddenly huge white wings instantly shot out of Aaron's back and blocked the skill from injuring him.

The wings were angel-like and they were beautiful, but they failed to attract Liang's raging eyes for even a second. Liang then opened his mouth, red energy cohesively progressed to his mouth and then the energy was fused with Dark Mana, and a ball of fused energy was gradually increasing in size as he slowly opened his mouth.

As Liang fired the ball of energy, Aaron underestimated it by its size, and instead of teleporting to safety when he had the chance, he used his huge wings as a shield in order to defensively block the attack. But unfortunately, as soon as the ball of highly energized mana came in contact with Aarons' wings, it exploded and sent him flying through the wall.

The explosion shredded most of his wings, and as a result, crippling them. When Aaron was unaware of the others, Chizuko mischievously shot an arrow directed to his head, but Aaron easily caught the arrow, leaving Chizuko with an evil smirk.

Chizuko attentively stared at Aaron, waiting for his arm to be briefly eradicated by the powerful decay. With just a touch of the arrow's point, it could commence a drastic decaying process to one's body at a rapid pace. Aaron then threw the Arrow back to its owner without aiming.

Chizuko quickly raised his hand [to block] in an effort to avert the rapid arrow from hitting him in the head, and it impaled his palm.

"Not again!" he shouted before Sasuki cut his arm off again, in order to stop the decay from spreading.

Having realized that Aaron cruelly injured Chizuko, the Devil-comrades all charged Aaron, neglecting his shown strength.

Aaron then shouted, " Holy Sword, Rush!" and murdered all eight of Liang's comrades.

Liang stood and watched his comrades as they all unconsciously fell to the floor with no signs of life in their bodies. His eyes became wet, as tears started to form and he quivered as a baby would. Then, he immediately rushed into Aaron and aggressively started attacking him, with tears flying from the corners of his eyes.

Liang took his sword from the floor and shouted, "I'm going to kill you! You won't have a single cell to spare! You evil bastard!"

He slashed his sword and Dark Mana enhanced his weapon. At that moment, his anger acted as fuel for his Dark Mana, hence, making him significantly stronger.

"How could you do such an evil thing!? I swear, you'll pay for this you hear me?!"

Aaron was cut by Liang's attacks multiple times and he had no time to chant the spell [in his head,] to teleport away from the raging beast. He did his best to avoid Liang's strikes, but they seemed to be inevitable at the time. So, he just took numerous critical hits to his body and could not have retaliated nor defended against them.

Liang then did his second skill, 'Omnipotent Slashes', which was a flurry of multiple ordinary Omnipotent Slashes, with mildly more force behind each one. The eight Slashes shockingly failed to radically cut Aaron's body into pieces as it did to all Liang's other enemies.

But Liang was satisfied when he realized that he had drastically damaged Aaron and he was almost unable to walk without swaying.

This monster is becoming much stronger, I must avoid his Dark Mana, as it is the most effective skill he has that potentially destroys my body. He seems to be a Vampire, yet he had not attempted to bite me. I can do this, I have no more time to waste. With another move like this one, I would not be lucky enough to get out alive. Unless...

Aaron then summoned his blade from thin air, with the aid of Holy Magic. His blade was white and perceptively luminous.

Liang then slashed the air, and dark mana was fired from his sword and was about to hit Aaron. Aaron then tilted his sword and cut the attack with his blade.

Liang fired another one and Aaron easily handled that one as well. Annoyed, Liang jumped as high as possible and started emitting thousands of Dark Mana beams from his body.

The attacks were so intense that Suzy had to run and hide behind her throne, and Amos and Natan had to crouch down as they secretly observed the battle from afar.

The Beams caused Aaron to scream in pain as they penetrated his body one after another. In terms of Irrefutability, he was about to die any time soon. Because one beam to his head or heart would act as his utmost fatality.

He could not have run, for his legs weren't responsive.

He could not have blocked, for he could not cast a defensive spell when experiencing such brutality.

He could not have begged, because begging was not a part of him.

And he could not have stopped Liang from attacking.

What could have been done in order to survive?