Aaron’s Obscured Dark Side Revealed!

Aaron then entered deep into his mind again and was greeted by the presence of the Demon King. The Misfit Demon King had his hand opened and pointed out to Aaron.

His face was an entire realm of anomalies. Upon reading him with Spiritual Magic, one's mind could have exploded with results, for his characteristics consisted of many evil elements, and he did so many horrible deeds in the past. It was irrefutable that he had the title of the biggest sinner of all time. No one could take that title.

He was strangely handsome for a Demon who was constantly referred to as a being with a paragon horrifying face of utter monstrosities.

Simultaneously, He was contradictorily ugly and handsome. For his physique was an attractively handsome man, with an arrogant, precisely symmetrical face and perfect facial features. Whereas, not too deep down in his small heart rested antagonistic cruelty.

Aaron got up, "Get away from me!" He pushed the hand away.

The Demon King followed him as he walked away, "You are about to die, give me control, let me in!"

His voice was tremendously deep and very calmed.

"I said to get away from me! I don't need your help. Go back to your rightful place of eternal burning flames and crocodile tears of suffering."

The Demon King continued to follow him, "Why be all the way down in that realm when there's an entire realm here waiting for me to rule!?"

Aaron stopped and looked at him, "Why did you bring me here again?!"

"To save your life, Aaron. Stop following in my footsteps, you don't have to be so stubborn, " he stretched out his hand, " Take my hand."

"And what fortunes can giving you control over my body possibly bring?"

The Demon King smirked, "It can bless you with your valuable life. Trust me, no one is more important than yourself. Put yourself before everything else — I always told you this, "

"Trusting someone as tyrannical as you shouldn't even be an option to consider. You treacherously fooled me countless times, and that's never going to change..."

The Demon King contemplated Aaron, and said, "This time would be different, I shall lend you my power. No need for me to take over your body. You will be the one in charge."

Aaron neglected his answer and continued walking with no sense of destination. When suddenly the Almighty Demon King teleported to him and touched him on his head. Upon touching him, Aaron was bestowed with a transitory moment of nostalgia, but then he was cursed with the curse of foresight.

As soon as The Demon King removed his hand from atop Aaron's forehead, he thoughtfully looked at him and said, "Welcome back to the here and now. It must have felt as if you were in there for decades. What you had just experienced was destined to remain unprecedented, but with my power — You've seen the significant outcomes of a single choice — The choice of refusing to take my assistance."

Aaron's stubbornness was promptly misled by The Demon King's encouraging words.


"No need for words Aaron. Just take my hand, you thought you could have easily reincarnated after you've perished, but you didn't forsee the outcomes of not fulfilling your responsibility. Now take my hand and remove that silly look on your face, you look as if you've seen a ghost."

Aaron took his hand and gritted his teeth, for he knew that he was making a horrible mistake.

The Demon King showed Aaron the future if he had chosen to resist the assistance.

Consequently, Aaron was forced into changing his mind.

Did he make the right choice?

Or did the evil Demon King have cunning plans, like usual, to take over Aaron's body and completely return to Archeria to rule again?

As another beam of immensely energized Dark Mana was about to penetrate Aaron's head substantially, there was an intense explosion that almost erratically destroyed the castle.

It was not like any other explosion and it was not Holy Magic either. For Suzy, an explosion like this was oddly familiar. The Explosion was essentially a combination of negative energy, Dark Mana, Sorcery, Black Magic, and other various types of harmful energies. Only one person could have managed to successfully utilize a skill this powerful, and that person was long dead.

As the smoke from the explosion subsided, Suzy saw Aaron and knew for certain that the explosion was of his doing. She immediately looked for Liang and saw that he was on his knees.

Aaron's body was surrounded by his Black aura and although diabolical beings were prohibited from being a Holy Knight who served God, Aaron was oddly a captain of Holy Knights.

Aaron's armor was gone due to the explosion, the only covering, on his body, that remained after the explosion was his pants and metal leggings. He was shirtless and the numerous scars on his body were revealed. And his stance was radically different.

His pink hair had evolved into black, and he grew two black horns, both the sizes of heads, and his white wings were replaced with pitch-black raven wings that weren't fully attached to his back and instead hovered in a fixed position.

Liang had survived the explosion, but was bleeding to death. Nevertheless, he gradually got up and now had to look up to Aaron, who was, not too long ago, a bit shorter than him. Liang felt as if he was going to fall and there was only one thing he could have done to abnormally increase his energy — Vampires could convert blood into substantial amounts of their own energy.

A single drop of blood was adequate to make a Vampire go for a few more minutes. Liang needed energy — He needed blood. So he ran up to one of his comrades, Nataly, and consumed a few volumes of her blood. Liang cried and immediately filled up with remorse.

That's when Natan, while watching from afar, realized that Liang was sucking the blood of his sister, who was seemingly dead. He immediately got ready to run up to her, but Amos held his hand and stopped him.

"Don't, don't go down there, " Amos looked down at Natan's sister, "You shouldn't risk your life like that, have you not seen their power?"

Natan tugged his arm from Amos and defyingly attended to his sister's aid.

As he ran down the stairs, his glasses fell off, but he didn't bother to pick it even when his vision was extremely vague.

"My sister!!!! What did you do to her!?"

Liang didn't answer him. He felt Nataly's blood as it entered his bloodstream and her red blood cells were transformed into energy for him to keep fighting. Though it was merely less than a mouthful of her blood, it was sufficient for increasing his energy efficiency.

"What did you do to my siste-

A blast then suddenly exploded and caused Natan's unconsciousness. The blast was of course Aaron's doing. And by this act, Liang got even more furious than before.

He rapidly approached Aaron, "Leave them out of this!!!"

When he was close enough, he did an Omnipotent Slash, this time it was elaborately enhanced by both red and negative energy. Due to the lack of any armor, Aaron's body was sliced in half by Liang's powerful onslaught.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Liang shouted, as he did yet another Omnipotent slash.

Aaron got another cut to his torso. But nonetheless, he was still alive despite being cut in half! As Liang was about to perform his third assault, Aaron's arm turned completely pitch black, and his Dark energy formed a stretchable arm, which grabbed Liang's sword.

Then Liang looked at Aaron as his injuries promptly vanished before his eyes — Aaron returned to an untouched state. He had never witnessed such fast self-replenishing abilities. Aaron then looked at Liang in the eye. After doing so, Liang was unable to move.

"You-you, bastard, I'll kill you..." He said before Aaron punched him straight through the wall and out of the castle.

Aaron then glared at Suzy, who came rushing into him, "You hurt Liang, you monster!"

Then suddenly Liang appeared in front of her and took a blade to his heart for her.

This was his last movement after Aaron had yanked the sword out his body.

"Liang!" cried Suzy as he dropped to the floor to him.

The second weakness, coming after day-light, was a vampire's inability to survive after being penetrated to the heart. Thus, Liang was supposed to be dead.

While Suzy was distracted, Aaron punched her to the other end of the room where her throne was located, causing Liang to aggressively wake up from death, to protect his Queen. As seen, the Demon King's power made Aaron incredibly cruel and careless regardless of the person. Liang was sickened.

"DON'T TOUCH HER!!!!" He shouted, as Dark Mana granted him its power, forming a powerful aura around him again. His heart was not thumping at the moment, it was dead. But yet still, Liang was this strong. This fact left Aaron confused for a moment.

But he snapped back into the world as Liang's skin started to shred with power.

"I activate my first magical spell, Blood Rampage!" shouted Liang, as the spell activated.

This spell essentially allows Liang to steal most of one's chemical and magical energy through the consumption of their blood.

Aaron had to avoid such an attack at all costs, because after being bitten by a Vampire, a human immediately becomes that species too.

Liang dashed up to Aaron, getting hit back multiple times, but kept trying to bite him. Then he teleported behind him, and bit on the neck, stealing most of his magical and chemical energy.

Aaron reached his hand back to his shoulder, grabbed Liang by his head, and threw him. However, Liang did a backflip and when he was on his feet, he used his shoes to slide from the impact.

Then, he promptly activated another spell, "Vampire Graveyard!"

With this spell activated he now possessed the ability to summon people from their consumed blood. Upon consuming one's blood at least once, he permanently had the ability to summon that person as a puppet-figure.

He then cut himself a few times and dropped his blood into an appeared summon circle and multiple deformed figures were summoned as his army. Note that he had to consume the blood of the figures to summon a bloody deformed version of them.

Then Liang pointed at Aaron and his army of fifty-two bloody figures immediately charged. This gave Liang the time to activate his Magical Trump Card, which was a thing that could have been activated only once every seven days.

Suzy's overwhelming feelings subsided and she looked at Liang as he skillfully performed techniques he had failed many times before.

"I activate my Magical Trump Card, Dark Mana Corruption!" he shouted, causing a proud smile on Suzy's face.

The Trump Card was originally created by Liang's Queen, who also had the ability to handle Dark Mana. This Trump Card gave Liang the power to absorb ordinary mana or energy types and corrupt it, turning it into additional Dark Mana added to his capacity.

As Aaron destroyed the figures one by one, with only a few slashes of his sword, Liang started to absorb Aaron's energy, resulting in Aaron's intensifying fatigue and loss of strength.

Liang then used some of his energy to grant his army of only twenty remaining figures insane amounts of energy, stimulating their strength and physique. Subsequently, the remaining twenty became a challenge for Aaron to face without getting hit.

Aaron was unaware of Liang's Trump Card activation which was secretly absorbing his power and energy, and turning it into Dark Mana. Then, the Demon King took control of Aaron's body for a second and exploded his surroundings, eliminating the army of remaining creatures.

Aaron was pissed off by The Demon King's open defy, but didn't lose his concentration. He immediately jumped towards Liang, who looked as if he was about to explode with energy, enhanced his sword with Dark Energy, and shouted, "Dark Sword Of Destruction" and slashed his sword, cutting Liang's body in half.

Nevertheless, Liang was still alive and Aaron immediately knew what had to be done to stop him.

"Liang!" cried Suzy, as Liang's body fell asunder.

Then Aaron deactivated his Dark Side, and switched to Holy magic.

And although it was night, Aaron's hand started to emit daylight and Suzy knew what was coming.

"Liang!" She cried again, as she came running in to save him from his tragic death.