Liang And Suzy, Destined to be!

As Liang Chu grew up, he never fitted in with the other kids his age, nor did he have friends, even though he was an amiable person. He was innocently a misfit when compared to the other monsters of The Dark Side, and no matter how much he tried, he couldn't change his ways to be equally treated and accepted among others.

He was born in the Sky Lands, which made the people jump even further into conclusions that he did not rightfully belong to The Dark Side, and that was true. His mother, Lee-Ching Chu, gave birth to him high in the sky islands.

She was what many would call an angel in hell, with mesmerizing beauty and a kind personality. Her green hair was shoulder-length and her eyes were complementary to her hair-color. Not only was she attractive and kind, but she was also very intelligent. She studied at the greatest school in Archeria, Presmonthil Academy.

She thought Liang her respect, obedience, and kindness. All the things that monsters tended to lean astray from.

Her lessons were the catalyst for his distinctive integrity, which established a conspicuous disparity between the other antagonistic monsters and himself. He had something they all lost, and that scarcity was heart.

Later on, at the youthful age of twenty-five, his mother tragically passed away due to breast cancer on her birthday, and Liang-Chu had to either be put into child custody or live with his biological father, The Demon Lord, Arata.

Though Arata had abandoned Liang at birth, he still accepted Liang as his child again at the age of six. Arata didn't feel any sympathy what so ever for Liang's deceased mother. Not even a pinch of sorrow.

He never married Lee-Ching Chu, hence the reason for Liang's carrying of his mother's name. Instead of actually loving Lee-Ching, Arata pretended to do so, got her impregnated at nineteen, abused her, and left her the burden of a child.

Lee-Ching then had to become an inexperienced mother, who was kicked out of her parent's house for getting pregnant. She had to forget about her schooling and devote all her time to her beloved son.

Although, his mother's kindness should have been considered a gift bestowed upon Liang, he thought of it as a curse, just like his father. Arata then had to train his son into becoming more like himself – extremely cruel and selfish.

Unfortunately, none of Arata's lessons seemed to successfully change Liang. The people of The Dark Side all thought of Liang as a disgrace to demons, and wanted to execute or ostracize him. Subsequently, Arata was embarrassed. And as a Demon Lord, he had to maintain a certain reputation.

So one night, Arata took Liang out and searched for a human being. Coincidentally, as walked they had not too long later encountered a little boy.

"Liang, take this dagger and kill the human boy, " Arata handed the weapon to Liang.

Liang was shaking, and he was even more frightened than the human boy. He stood and looked at the child and did nothing.

The little human boy then took a knife from his pocket, slightly bent his knees, and attentively looked at Liang's every movement.

"Liang!" snarled Arata, "Kill the boy, or be killed!"

Liang was unable to conduct the cruel deed. The little boy was only his age and he had innocently done nothing to be slaughtered for.

"Liang you must terminate your prey immediately!"

Liang then dropped his dagger and tears ran down his cheeks, " I can't, please forgive me, father. I can't kill him!" He cried.

Arata bent over, took the dagger up, and approached the child, "Then I'll do it, "

Paranoid, the child stabbed Arata, but then Arata retaliated by stabbing the child in the left temple with the dagger. The child screamed, and Arata pushed the blade deeper into his head and finished him off.

Liang was petrified.

"You see how it's done? Take this dagger and stab him now!" Arata shouted aggressively.

Liang was forced into walking up to his father. He the bloody dagger and trembled fearsomely, as his father stared into his soul, dead-serious.

"Stab him!"

When Arata was unaware, he was ambushed by the human child's father and mother.

"Liang, look at this..."

Arata then backhanded the man who was holding him in a headlock, breaking his ribs and caused him to fall.

"Liang, throw me the dagger, "

Liang looked at Arata as he disobeyed, " I said throw me the dagger, you weakling! Liang throw me the dagg-

The child's mother whacked Arata with a piece of wood behind his head. Pissed, Arata turned around and punched her to the face with all his might, and her head exploded — blood sprayed out of her neck, like a garden-sprinkler.

"Nimi!" shouted the woman's husband, as his pupils decreased in size.

Then Arata took the same piece of wood and continuously hammered it into the man's head with aggression. Blood was everywhere.

Fearful to the pinnacle, Liang dropped the knife and ran off crying.

At that time, Arata heard the falling of the knife and turned around, "Liang! Come back here now!" he yelled.

Liang didn't know where he was going, nevertheless, he ran deep into the woods, panting heavily. He had only halted when he came across a strange village, specifically, The Village Of Witches.

From there, he felt his stomach grumble, for he had not eaten in days. So, he snuck into the old colossal castle in search of food.

Unfortunately, a witch had found him stealing from the royal kitchen and imprisoned him in a cell. He spent long days in the prison and one day, a girl skipped across the room and sat down facing him.

"Welcome my prisoner, my name is Suzy, soon to be the Queen of Witches. What is your name?"

"Its Liang."

"What a stupid name."


"Out of all the names, why Liang?"

"I don't know. But what I do know is that unlike me, you own a pretty name."

She blushed a bit, "Whatever, just shut up and tell me how is your stay?"

He didn't answer.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!"

"Ohh sorry, I just thought you said to shut up, so I chose not to speak."

"Whatever food thief, just answer my question. That's no way to answer a Queen."

He smiled, "Now that I've met you, it's a lot better. I like your spirit, so willing to achieve your goal of becoming Queen, it motivates me, you know."

"And what's your evil dream?"

He looked away, "I just want to be a lot stronger than I am right now. And maybe...maybe, become more of a monster."



"Are you not a vampire already?"

He looked at her again, "Yes, I am but-

"Okay, that's enough from you today, enjoy your stay."

Every day, Suzy went down to the prison room and spoke to Liang. Though she was a cruel girl, who had no love and respect, she was starting to like Liang and she found it strange. After he had told her his story, she strangely filled up with empathy and related to his feelings.

She even promised to help him become a monster like her. Though she taught him to become a monster like her, she tried her best not to change all of his charming ways — The charming ways she loved.

One day after her people of the kingdom had wandered off in search of ancient scrolls and powerful runes, Suzy decided to grant Liang his freedom again. They awaited the night, for Liang, being a vampire, could not have survived the ultraviolet light constantly emitted by the golden fireball that sat in the sky.

Next, they snuck out and Suzy gave Liang his freedom. What's more, She blamed his escape on her sister, Suzuiya, causing her to be punished for her deviant act. Importantly, Liang promised he would visit Suzy every week — And he lived up to that promise for years.

Although Liang got his freedom again, he did not return to his father. He lived in the wild forests and had trained to become stronger every day. He trained in a cold cave — that cave was his home. After six days of hard training, he visited Suzy on Mondays. He would often bring her gifts from his journeys in return for the tasty food she stole, from her home, for him.

They were best friends.

But one day, after Suzy had stolen goods and wandered off to Liang, she did not notice that she had been followed by her sister. Suzuiya unwelcomingly spectated the scenery in the bushes with confusion, for she had never seen her tyrannically cruel sister show happiness and kindness to anyone. Suzy jovially laughed and spoke to Liang.

Furthermore, they stopped their chatting, and Suzuiya got lost in Liang's eyes as she gradually brought her face closer to his until their lips came in contact — It was her first kiss. But Suzuiya accidentally stepped on a branch, making an audible cracking sound, and interrupted Suzy's kiss. Although the kiss was rather transitory, Suzy who committed the kissing action first, had never forgotten it.

And she hoped that one day, she would get an even longer kiss from Liang. She reserved her lips, and averted any other man from smooching them. She hated her sister and she treated her even worse than before, because Suzuiya knew her secret, and that infuriated her.

Suzuiya was the one responsible for the reason why Suzy had held back from confessing her long-kept love for Liang. When Suzy snuck down in the prison room to speak to Liang, her sister would often follow her as a duckling would follow its mother. She hated it excessively.

And on the following Monday, after the one she had kissed Liang on, Suzy went to visit him. She awaited his arrival for hours upon hours, but he did not return. Every single week, on Mondays, she waited for him, engendering the hot food she had carried to become cold. Those weeks turned into years.

Absurdly, Suzy blamed it on her sister. She foolishly assumed that he had not returned to her, because Suzuiya saw them kissing. She abused her sister for this. It was the catalyst for Suzy's increasing hatred for her sister Suzuiya. But she didn't know that those assumptions were far from correct.

Suzy, so crestfallen, had lost all of what brought her serenity. Her broken heart, mysteriously brought a broken mind — a mind that had become so twisted. Suzy now, who tried her best to gain benevolence, had begun to overflow with anger.

She dedicated all her precious time to learning and practicing ancient black magic and voodoo rituals.

As little as a few years, Suzy seized the throne and became the Queen of Witches — A Queen who carelessly led her people into the dark trenches of absolute corruption. The witches of the village were all misled by their new queen, who was as autocratic as one could ever be. Suzy had the power to move mountains.

Nevertheless, she was unsatisfied. Her selfish greed immensely empowered her ungratefulness and she wanted more! More power! So, she left her people in lack of a present commander, and searched for ways she could have conquered the world.

After years of studying evil, she had decided to become the Queen of Chaos, an extraordinary royal servant to The Demon King. She cheated her way into taking the throne, by cheating, lying, and even slaughtering many innocent lives to reap her burning desire.

When she became the new Queen Of Chaos, she found Liang imprisoned there (, in the castle of chaos, ) and had decided to let him out and get her revenge for his heart-breaking actions. However, ae explicitly advocated for the reason behind his deed, and she chose not to have him publicly executed as planned.

The reason as to why he had never returned to her, was because he was trapped, all his life, as a prisoner [of the Queen of Chaos prior to Suzy] for stealing royal dishes. Liang's physique had altered after all the years they had been apart, Suzy would not have noticed her weak Liang, if it weren't for her ill-treated servant's 'annoying' statement of the prisoner's full names.

Over the years, Liang became a handsome, charming, and strong person, despite having to endure many prolonged mishaps, and dwell in discomfort. His bulky muscles and arrogant face, had melted Suzy's heart.

Later, Suzy forgave him and they had a heartwarming reunion. And again, she had not forgotten their rather short kiss and she hoped that one day, she could confess her feelings for him, and their lips would meet again.