Outburst Of Dark Mana

Suzy was too late, for Aaron had already done a Solar-flare — A holy magical skill that allowed one to blind enemies with solar light. In Aaron's assault, Suzy was temporarily blind, whereas her sweet Liang was already obliterated by daylight — Something Vampires could not have survived even if they were only in contact with it for merely three seconds.

When Suzy could have seen again, she immediately started moving her pupils left to right, looking for her Liang. But he could not have been found. It was the curse of daylight.

Suzy's eyes were moisturized by the warm liquid that profusely ran down her smooth cheeks from the corners of her eyes. She fell to her knees as if her feet had vanished and she stopped her crying.

"Liang, please...please tell me you're alive...I still have something to tell-

"Stop wasting your time, your sinner has been eradicated, now get up and fight m-

She interrupted his statement with a powerful jab to his face, resulting in his body propelling away.

Before Aaron could touch the ground again, she promptly teleported to him and blasted a beam of concentrated Dark Mana, and the impact caused his body to fly in the opposite direction.

The Dark mana was drastically eating his flesh, as if it were acid in contact with his skin, which made Aaron's surmise, that her Dark Mana was the most hazardous of all he had encountered, remarkably increase in plausibility. In fact, it certainly was the most dangerous Mana he had experienced.

As Aaron got hit through the wall by the impact of her second attack, he was now perceptible to the eyes of most of the villagers. He was outside of the castle and Suzy's servants had instantly charged him. In other words, villains know a knight when they see one.

They threw many spears and cast multiple spells that made it even harder for Aaron to fight Suzy, who kept aggressively firing at him as she hovered in the air, carelessly murdering her very own soldiers who surrounded Aaron.

After Aaron had defeated most of them, he grew a new pair of wings, flapped once, and flew up to Suzy with his blade at hand. As he exponentially ascended, he widely opened his mouth, continuously screamed, activated his Dark energy sword enhancement, and when he was close enough to Suzy, he slashed his sword six times.

Suzy blocked his first slice with her hand, causing it to fall off, then she teleported to her safety and his danger (behind him). She then went into her second Magical Transformation, after her base form.

"This is the conclusion of today's battle, " she charged up her mana, "Magical Transformation one, activate, Dark Queen Of Chaos!"

The power of Dark Mana exponentially bolted through her now apparent veins, her anger fueled her power, and a visible black aura appeared around her body. This form permitted her the capacity to handle more dark mana as well as emit more of it at a significantly faster rate, consequently making her assaults stronger.

Aaron heard her shouting and as he turned around, he was instantaneously hit with a 'Black Mana Supernova'.

How could she have both transformed and powered up a huge Supernova like this, so briefly? And in addition to that, before I could turn around, I was hit with it. I have to be more careful.

Before Aaron fell, he commenced flapping his wings again, maintaining his flight. He then empowered himself with Holy Magic.

"That poor excuse for Holy Magic can never defeat me!" She blasted a beam through her index finger, "You're going to have to turn into that Dark form of yours again, if you wish to at least scratch me that is..."

He dashed right and avoided her attack, "Don't tell a magician how to choose his cards, " He slashed his sword emitting Holy Magic as an attack, "And you don't want me to pull out my demonic ace..."

She did not block nor dodge his slash of Holy Magic, she took it to her chest, and despite being one of Aaron's most powerful sword attacks, it left her untouched. His Holy Magic was now apparently ineffectual to her after she had transformed.

And Aaron's exhaustion considerably hindered his strength, which advocated Liang's power. There was a high probability of Liang defeating Aaron, if Aaron had not eradicated him with his biggest weakness — Light.

"Then, I'd love to see your ace. Because apparently, it managed to damage my only beloved King from my deck."

She activated one of her stolen magical abilities, Flying Explosives — An attack that allowed a user to summon one hundred bombs, and attack an opponent with them all at once. She neglected the fact that if she had missed Aaron, the bombs would all hit her Castle behind him, destroying her home, along with the many lives in it.

Upon contact with an object or material, the bombs would immediately explode regardless of the material.

"But you must remember that my Holy Card was the one that tragically beat your King. Sorry for your two losses — One was your beloved King, now here comes the Queen joining him in my deck of souls!"

He cut each one of the hundred bombs in a total of three seconds, hitting each one and teleporting before they had exploded, and then he used his first spell, "Holy Mirror, " and the explosion ended up occurring at Suzy's side of the battlefield.

Aaron could have easily dodged the bombs but he regarded the people that would be deceased, if the bombs were to come in contact with the infrastructure of the castle.

As the smoke from the attack cleared, Aaron noticed the shadow of Suzy standing in the middle of it in the exact position she was in before.

How did the explosion not knock her back at least a meter?! As Yusof said, she must be much stronger than her decoy.

She clapped her hands, "Bravo! Nice skills, must say I like them. But you should not be enjoying them as I am — Trust me, don't applaud yourself — Your Holy Shit did not affect me again!"

"Enough child's play, " she audibly charged up, "This should do the trick!"

She concentrated her energy at one point in her body and instantaneously fired most of it, resulting in her most powerful blast, "Utter-Chaos!"

Aaron knew that he had to act fast, for the many lives in the castle behind him were all at stake. So, He used up most of his remaining mana to cast a spell.

The spell was one that allowed him to summon an ancient Magical Weapon or MW, called The Gigantic Sacred Sword of God.

"Creation Magic, Gigantic Sacred Sword Of God, Size 2000!"

The sword then appeared before him, it was a little less than the size of half of the Castle Of Chaos in breadth. It was a sword with a huge golden handle, a white blade made out of magical solidified light, and it was so tall that it surpassed the clouds.

That still wasn't adequate enough to stop the entire castle from being eradicated by Suzy's massive blast that was essentially much wider than the breadth of the sacred sword. And as Aaron gauged accurately, the strength behind the blast was enough to knock the sword down even though its point was stuck into the earth.

Thus, Aaron, who was specifically behind the blade, leaned his body weight into the sword and pushed it forward with all his might, causing his veins to become conspicuously visible even from afar.

As the chaotic blast hit the holy sword, Aaron elaborately experienced the powerful impact, but kept pushing it forward with all his strength, putting a tremendous strain on his body again.

"AAAAAGGGGGHGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!" He screamed, as the blast gradually pushed the blade backward and closer to the castle.

Suzy was also pushing out insane amounts of her Dark Mana in an effort to knock over the blade.


All of Aaron's attempts to stop the attack were failing miserably, so, he leaned even more unto the sword, and used the remaining of his mana to blast energy from his feet which propelled him forward. It was his first time doing this.

Aaron's feet sweated as his hair immensely blew from the intense gale caused by the colliding of the blast and the Holy Sword. He screamed as blood ran down from his nose.

My body....I-

I can't feel it. If this keeps up for even a minute more, I'd pass out. This Gigantic Sacred Sword Of God technique is slowly fading, if it weren't for me fueling it with my magic and strength...It all depends on how long her blast maintains its power.

Suzy's hair was blowing by the powerful winds as well, and blood came from her ears. Moreover, She was even putting a more detrimental strain on her body when compared to Aaron. The Demanding skill required a lot more strength than what Aaron was exhibiting in his skills.

This boy...

This can not be right, he can't be the one holding up that gigantic sword that fell from the heavens. And my blast would not be strong enough to break through that blade. But his energy levels — they're fading, soon he'd be radically out of mana and the sword would disappear. It all depends on how long he stays conscious!