The Ultimate Hybrid Knight Vs The Dark Demonic Queen Of Chaos

Suzy scrutinized the anomalies before her wondrous eyes.

'Did The Peaceful Collision Spell allow two opposite Magic sources to work together instead of canceling out each other? This knight is truly one worth my interests...'

The 'Peaceful Colliding Spirits', also known as 'Peaceful Collision Spell', was chronologically manifested whence the Gods had begun their inventing of spells. It was once an archaic cosmopolitan practice. It enables peace and co-operation between two opposing magic sources and energies, without any cancelation whatsoever. For example, the elements of fire and ice would be enhanced and when together, simultaneously utilized or fused, there would be no cancelation and no steam.

Suzy was familiar with his form, which was strange because she had not seen his Hybrid form until now.

She hovered farther up into the sky and said, "Nice exotic Magical Transformation, but will it be enough to surpass my current and other forms?"

He didn't say anything, his emotions were empty.

"Let's test that fact..." She then activated a Trump Card, "As you can see, the outrageous storm above my head further up in the skies belong to me, so does this form. And as you would have learned in Magical Academy, Trump Cards can be the winning move of every battle."

She then activated her Trump Card Activation spell, "Almighty Demon King, with the power of The Black Abyss and The Dark Mana Storm, bestow thy power upon me, summon me an army of demons from the Underworld at my command!"

"Next, I play my Magical Trump Card, Devil-Mana Corruption!"

An army of Demons were all summoned from the Black Abyss, and then with her Trump Card Activated, the army of soldiers who possessed the power of Dark Mana was then corrupted, causing major improvements in their Dark Energy. They now possessed powerful streams of Devil Mana.

"Rise my hell-lings, rise! Now, attack the Knight before your eyes!"

They all immediately blasted Devil-Mana at Aaron. Aaron tried his best to dodge their rapid attacks but they were too fast for him.

'These bastards. And I need to keep in mind that after being penetrated by Devil Mana, my body won't heal! Now, is the time to reveal my true strength'

Aaron gave the Demon King almost total control over his dark side whilst he controlled the left holy side!

"Well that took you long enough!" said the Demon King.

Aaron now had two souls simultaneously in his body!

Although the Demon King only had eighty percent control over Aaron's dark side, it was adequate to take down the soldiers. As Aaron's right side glared at the Army of Demons, there was nothing but blood, the entire army of over one hundred demons from the Underworld were all obliterated by his glare.

When suddenly, the Demon King's soul departed Aaron's body and went back to the After-life. As he hovered back to where he belonged he smirked as he looked down at Aaron and filled with thoughts, ' Yes, this is what I want to see. Become a monster. Forget about Holy Magic. Use your Demon Side. Trust me, Aaron doesn't even need my power. His Demon side has it all. He just lacks control over it.'

He then took his power back from Aaron and left.

'Good luck Aaron, I hope he eats her and fuels his Demon side. Little does he know, his demon side can be stronger than even me."

Aaron then smirked and absorbed all the blood from the army of soldiers with his demon side, and his energy was fully restored.

"You haven't seen nothing yet!" he shouted as he re-summoned half of her demon army, with nothing but their absorbed blood and creation magic, "Your army is now at my command, attack her!"

Suzy was shocked, she stared at him as she got lost in her thoughts, 'Is the Demon King giving him power? Why would the Demon King give him power when he is an angel and Holy Knight. This is solely the holy knight's power, my scanning of his power says it belongs to him. But this power is awfully familiar."

The army then assaulted their very own Queen.

She grew furious and with one strike of Black Lightning (, from her storm, ) the entire army was eradicated once more.

Aaron smiled again.

'He's different...' She observed him.

"Both Magic of Destruction and Creation? I see... Since you possess both Demonic power (Black Magic) and Angel power (Holy Magic), you can now destroy anything in your path with your Demonic Magic of Destruction and re-create it with your Holy Magic of Creation. But how long can that possibly last, you lack Holy Mana."

He smirked, "Thanks for stating the obvious. But you see..." He activated his Magical Awakening of both his Holy and Demonic Side, "...although I have no remaining mana, with my Demon side, the angrier I am, the more powerful I become, " He Hovered further up into the air, "And the more powerful I become, the more Dark Mana I possess, "

He smiled again, "And with the power of the Peaceful Colliding Spell, I can then allow my Dark Side of my body to work with my Holy Side, " His eyes glowed, "With both sides working together, I can then allow my selfish demon side to give some of its dark energy to my holy side, " he transferred some of his dark energy to his holy side, "And as you may know, negative energy obviously can not act as fuel for positive energy, or can it?"

"With the power of Divine Holy Creation, I can now kill that negative energy and create a source that creatively converts it into positive energy. After doing so, I can activate a spell that allows me to convert positive energy into Holy Mana, and there you have it! Conversion of Dark energy to Positive Energy!"

He then used the mana he had just converted into Holy Magic to summon The Gigantic Sacred Sword of God, "Creation Magic, The Gigantic Sacred Sword Of God, size 4000!"

It was doubled the size of the first gigantic sword he had summoned earlier.

He then focussed his attention to the storm above his head and suddenly The Gigantic Sacred Sword Of God meteored from the skies and down into the eye of Suzy's hurricane.

"You fool, what are you doing!? The sword can not destroy something that is not tangible like a storm!" Suzy exclaimed.

He smirked, "Wait and see, your Highness"

As the sword came vertically crashing down from the heavens and into the eye of the Hurricane, Aaron activated a destruction spell, "The God Of Destruction, Obliteration!" And just like that, he destroyed his summoned sword and wasted his mana, or did he?

Suzy smiled, "You fool! YOU FOOL!"

As the sword shattered into multiple pieces Aaron then used the Holy Magic of Creation and turned each piece of the sword into huge clones of himself! Aaron then also flew up to the storm.

"What are you doing!?"

His clones all simultaneously chanted like a cult, and Aaron shouted, "Since this storm has so much Devil Mana, Let's try something special!"

His clones then absorbed all of the Dark Mana for Aaron, and then they all fused together as one person, and entered Aaron's body.

He was more powerful than ever. He grinned as Suzy's storm vanished due to the loss of all its energy, furthermore, the Abyss also Vanished.

Suzy didn't say anything, she immediately skipped to her final form and charged Aaron, "Magical Awakening, Utter-Chaos, Magical Transformation, The Dark Female Devil, Magical Spell Activation, Power Multiplication!"

And she blasted Aaron. Now cocky to his maximum, Aaron underestimated her blast and didn't bother to dodge it.

Suzy used 75% of the Dark Mana and Devil Mana she had been storing up all of her life, and she emitted it in a single blast, and with her Magical Spell 'Power Multiplication', which allowed her to multiply her attack by the amount of pain she underwent by utilizing that skill. Thus, with the amount of pain she felt, the damage to her assault was doubled chronically.

As it hit Aaron, he immediately got knocked away to a distance and fell unconscious. His skin was burnt by her attack and he could not have moved.

Suzy also fell to the ground. After two minutes of rest, she found Aaron and woke him up.

"Aquanorumn Escalliosis, Water Slash!"

As the water went into his nostrils, he flew up. His forms were no longer activated.

"You've lost, " She said as she looked down at him.

He rolled over to his chest and used his arms to push his body up to a kneeling position, "Did I?"

"That was a good fight. And frankly speaking, you are strong, but, " She scowled at him, "Who are you!?"

He was crestfallen, he closed his eyes, "An insignificant figure. I go by the name given to me by my mother, Aaron Ario."

"And why did you come here?" She inquired.

"I was trying to help your sister rescue someone here and cover-up the recent misconceptions made by the people of Atridorne." He opened his eyes and looked up at her, "But it seems I have failed, go ahead. My muscles are soared and I feel like a failure. Finish me, I'll just reborn anyway."


"Just finish me..."

She pointed her index finger to his forehead and was about to activate the spell that would cause his absolute demise.

She then gritted her teeth and put down her hand, "As much as I hate you, I can not seem to take your life. You caused all of this destruction to my kingdom, killed many of my soldiers, and took my Liang. As much as I want to take your life I can not..."

'What the hell am I doing? Am I just going to let him walk away with Liang's precious blood on his hands? But if I kill him, how would I be sure if he is not the Demon King's future Aristocrat? If I were to kill one of them, I'd be punished by my Demon King for life. But then again, the Demon King would never appoint a Holy Knight as a Demon Lord.'

She looked away from him with a disgusted look on her face, "Go."


"Go...pack your things and leave. Take my stupid sister with you."

He grew his angel wings and Suzy followed him to Suzuiya.

"Aaron!" cried Suzuiya as she ran up to him and hugged him, "You're alive."

She then looked at her sister, behind Aaron, as she hugged him.

Suzy immediately looked away, unable to maintain eye-contact with her sister.

" Let's go, " said Aaron.

"Amos, let's go!" she shouted.

"Eh-hem, " Suzy cleared her throat, "Amos is staying here with me. Leave without him."

"We're not leaving without Amos, he's the reason we came h-

"Suzuiya, let's go. We can't bring him with us."

"But we can't just leave him here with these monsters!"

Aaron walked up to Amos, "Your eyes. They're even worse than mines. What possibly could have caused a young child like you to lose your feelings and emotions?"

Aaron touched him on the shoulder, "I'll be off now. I'm sorry I can't bring you with me. Take care, " he pretended to hug Amos and whispered to his ear, "Stay alive, I'll come back for you..."

Suzuiya was crying as she hopped on Aaron's back.

"Never return, " said Suzy.

Aaron looked at her, looked away, and then got ready to flap his wings.

Before he flapped Suzy called, "And oh! This is not me forgiving you for your deed. I'm just letting you go until I find out what to do with you. When I make up my mind, I'll come to kill you myself and avenge my Liang."

He looked away from her again and flew off.

While Suzy clenched her fists and gritted her teeth.

Whilst emotionless, Amos walked and looked up to Suzuiya and Aaron as they flew away.