Training Resumes

"Calm down, Liang. I took care of him." said Suzy, as she approached Liang.

"Is he dead? Because if not, I'll find him and kill that bastard!"

She hugged Liang again to avoid eye-contact, "He's not going to be coming back here ever again."

"But my Queen, is he dead?"

She looked at him, "...he is."

Liang's anger subsided, "Okay, that's nice to hear, " he observed his surroundings, "But what is wrong with the castle?"

"It was destroyed in battle."

"That pink-haired bastard."

"Get him off of your mind, stop stressing. Relax. I was the one who caused the most destruction anyway."

Liang looked at her, "Han, " he kneeled, "please summon Han again, I'll repay you."

Suzy looked away, "Sorry, but I can't at the moment-

"Please my Queen, I need him. Besides, he is my strongest comrade!" pleaded Liang.

"I can't. I am out of magic."

"But my Queen. With all due respect, you must resurrect him. I'll be short by one soldier! What do you mean you are out of magic?"

She looked at him, "I used all to summon you again. Sorry but for now, you are going to have to use a comrade from the other teams or just stay without one until further notice."

"But did you not send all of the other teams, including Aragon's group, on a mission before you went to bed earlier? If it were for their presence at the moment, that knight would have been easily defeated. There are many teams that are stronger than mine and you know that, but, you need to keep in mind that they are not willing to work together with me. They all hate me."

"Amos, " she said, "Amos can surpass any one of those other comrades. Give him your time. Train him. The boy has infinite potential. Go get him."

"No need to get him, he's right here." He pointed, "Behind that wall. Amos, come out."

Amos walked out of his hiding spot, "Huh?"

"So you're telling me, HE WAS HERE THE WHOLE TIME!?" Snarled Suzy, "Did he see us——

"Amos, you heard our Queen, right?"

Amos didn't respond.

Liang smiled, "Even though you are not good enough to be assigned to a team yet. You still get to fight by my side in Han-Geol's place!"

Suzy looked at Liang, "How long has he been there?"

"Ohh, not too long, really. He was there since I woke up."



Liang walked up to Amos and touched him on the shoulder, "I am going to make you very strong. And Wow! You're inhumanly growing." He looked back at Suzy, "Is that his obscured monstrosity? I mean we all have monstrosities, don't we? It has got to be it. There is no denying it! You're growing way too fast for your age Amos!"


Amos tried smiling but failed.

Liang smiled, "The first time I saw you, you were as tall as my waist, now, you are already at my lower-chest!"

Suzy left.

"Get some sleep, Amos. And oh, here's this." He used his inventory spell and took Amos' Magical Training Watch and Green Mana Emerald out.

He handed the items to Amos, "These belong to you. Every slave here gets stripped of their items before they come here. And you are clearly no longer a slave."

Amos looked at the items in his palms, " did you remove the Magical Training System Watch from my hand?"

"It's complicated. You can ask Natan, he's the real genius here. Speaking of Natan, I'm going to check up on my comrades. Get some rest." He walked off.

He then stopped, "And Oh..." he turned around, "I'd advise you to put the Watch back on. It's really a fundamental item that can benefit your training life. I even have one. But mine's a ring, " He raised his ring finger, " See? And please, please put some life into your body. I know you feel empty. But your voice sounds as if you have no more energy. This is not the same you I first met."

He walked off.

Amos looked down unto his items at hand.

'I mean...I do feel lifeless. And my dragging tone of voice can be annoying. But I can't change it for some reason. I can't smile for some reason. And this watch, I did not even realize it was missing the whole time. This is of significant value to me. I'll put it back on. It's the only way mishaps can stop coming my way -- Mishaps that break me, like now. It's the only way I can become stronger -- strong like the knight.

He seems to be a hero. Did he come all the way here just to rescue me? The blast could have destroyed the castle along with all of us. But that guy saved us all, sacrificing himself. Amos clenched his fists, 'I want to be like him. I want to be better than him.'

As the ordinary people of the Village of Villainy fell asleep, only two stayed awake. Only two wasted their nights to train -- Only two dripped sweat, when they were supposed to be steadfast asleep

Amos was doing compulsory and unnecessary work-outs. His goal was fifty push-ups (His worst nightmare), three hundred punches, and five hundred kicks (Too farfetched, a little too confidential).

After doing the last pushup to reach the goal of fifty, Amos heard shouting and went to investigate.

As he followed the audible sound, it led to the roof of Suzy's castle, and he could not have gotten up there.

He looked up and saw a figure hidden in the darkness, performing repeated reps of punches.

The figure then flew down from the height and stood in front of Amos. It was Liang.

"Up this early. Did you even sleep? I can see the sweat dripping from your face. Did you sleep?" asked Liang.

"Did you sleep?" inquired Amos.

Liang smiled.

"So, you're following my nasty habit of training in the night too?"

"What are you talking about. I was up first."

Liang smiled again.

"Come, grab my hand. Let me take you to my favorite training place. It's less than a five-minute flight from here."

Amos gripped his hand.

And Liang flapped his huge wings and flew up into the sky.

Although it was a high and beautiful sight, Amos did not smile as Liang expected him to.

Liang kept glimpsing back at him, waiting for a smile. However, Amos could not have smiled

Nevertheless, his eyes were filled with awe. The glowing Magic Dusk on the tall colorful trees provided beautiful luminous light, as Snow mentioned, lighting up the night with beautiful bright lights. And the misty clouds strangely had a taste and smell to them, at least for Amos.

Liang then flew down to a tall mountain and Amos hopped down from his back.

"Welcome to my nightly training camp!" presented Liang.

" I train here every night. But unfortunately, I missed an entire week of training due to my exhaustion. As you may know, I am a Vampire, like my father. Vampires can not survive in daylight. Hence the reason why I train and hunt only in the night."

"Its nice, " said Amos, as he played with the brown soft cold dirt underneath his soft small feet and between his toes.

"There, " He stood next to Amos, crouched and pointed at a Village in the distance, "The Village of Witches. I spent a lot of time around this area when I was about your age. It was a nice experience."

He pointed again, "And you see that forest? There's a cave in there. It was once my home when I was younger."

"You lived in a cave?"

"Yeah, alone. That's only because I ran away from home." He stood, " Let's commence our training here."

They continued training, taking breaks in between, and chatting with each other. The training put a significant strain on Amos' body, but his lack of emotions helped him feel very little pain. After their last minutes of training, Liang even left for a few minutes and brought back pork for Amos to eat, for he had not eaten in many days.

"Delicious isn't it." Said Liang, " I remember when I was little, it was the only thing I ate. That's before I was a Vampire. My mom forced me to eat meat for the first time, for I was a vegetarian, and the first time I've consumed meat, was the time my mother put pork in my vegetarian soup. She laughed all day long after that. She kept looking at my face -- My face looked as if I ate a raw lemon after she told me I was eating meat. But I then told her the truth, that I actually enjoyed the meat. And from there, I ate pork for the rest of my life until I became a Vampire."

"Then why aren't you eating?"

"I can't. Vampires can not consume the meat of anything other than human."

Liang became uneasy, "It's time for us to leave. The sun is rising in a minute."

Amos took the meat back to the Village with him.