Resurrecting Her Liang Part 2

"You're the God of Death!?"

"Well, I mean, it is a bit obvious, isn't it?"

She was shocked, "This explains why you knew that Liang was a 'he'!"


"But why do you have a human form?"

"Although I have multiple forms, my most comfortable form is this one."


He smiled again, "Now, tell me the reason why you are in my presence?"

She bowed, "Sorry for not being formal and all, but I didn't —

"You didn't expect me to look like that, did you?"

"Yeah, exactly. Shouldn't you have a more monstrous form?"

"Suzy, please state your reason as to why you are here."

"I came to negotiate with you."

"Negotiate?" He raised his shoulders, "Not interested... I'm sending you back to your realm, bye-bye now, Suz-

" I'll free the souls I have caught, in return for Liang."

He did not bother to activate the spell that would send her home, and he smirked, "The souls, you say?"

"Yes. The souls you have been wanting from me all this time!"

"Suzy, you are one troublesome lady, aren't you? You have been getting me in trouble all your life. Every soul you caught, led to the disorganization of God's entire algorithm! You caused God to lower my payment and quarrel with me multiple times."


"Because although we are Demons, we work for God. My people's jobs are to ensure souls go to their rightful place after death and judgment. My job is to make sure a being dies at his specified predestined date and time, which was assigned by God since that person's birth."

"And how am I causing you harm?"

He put his hand on his face, as he slouched on his throne, "Urgh. Suzy, you are ruining my algorithm! Take souls to either the light or flames, ensure they undergo the judgment state, make sure they are in heaven or hell, and get paid! But when you have someone who steals souls to use as power again, The algorithm is broken! Hence, shortage in payment and souls in the wrong place!!!"

"Sorry Mr.God of Death. I am just using those souls to assist in the resurrection of the Demon King." She bowed again.

"But I can't have you doing that. It's either you free or kill the souls."


He fixed his clothes, "Yea, kill, kill the souls. After a person is deceased, his/her soul is released. That soul can not be killed. Only one's body could be killed, whereas its soul stays alive for all eternity. Therefore, again, the soul can not be ki-

"Why can they not be killed? And if so, why order me to kill them!?"

He then shouted, "I was getting to that!!! Eh-hem. Where was I? Ohh, yeah. A soul can not be killed unless it is killed, by magic, in order to summon, or turn into spiritual energy, mana, power, etc. And when this soul is dead, it is brought here, " he raised and outstretched his arms as high as possible, "The Spirit Realm!"

A grimace then sprouted across Suzy's face, "But you just said that it was dead. How can it come to the Spirit realm after dying?"

"I WaS GetTinG To tHat!!!" He shouted, "Let me make it easier for you. The soul was never killed. Spirits can not die!"

"But Why?"

"I don't know, ask God. How am I supposed to know why Spirits are immortal? As I said, when you kill a spirit and use it as energy and other things, the soul is brought here. It was not killed when sacrificed for these things, in the first place. When you kill a soul in the realm of the living, as result it is brought to the Spirit Realm. And when you kill a soul, you don't actually kill a soul, you take all of its spiritual energy, as you may know, spiritual energy is the only other thing a soul is made up of. With the lack of a soul's spiritual energy, the soul fades and seeks a source where there is easy-to-access and sufficient spiritual energy for its continuation of existence. Understand?"


"What the spirit do you think I am? A teacher!?"

"Your explanation was confusing."

"Well it's obvious. When I was your age, there was no school and free-education as you would have it now! God damn, I sound like a Grampa!"

"Okay, whatever. Thank you for the information. Now, give me back Liang's soul!"

"After you free the trapped spirits!"

Suzy shouted, "Not until you resurrect Liang!"

"Urgh fine. You are so mean. I'll let him out. But I can not let him out."

"What are you implying."

"I CAN NOT GIVE YOU HIS SOUL! He is already awaiting his Judgement! And then again, this was his predestined death assigned to him, by God. Oh, saying his name in vain gave me the chills."

"What do you mean? Tell me now!" commanded Suzy.

"Why are you so Autocratic? I understand that you are a Queen, but you're so tyrannical! I meant that the act can not be done. It is prohibited and highly defying to God's word. Liang was supposed to get killed by Aaron — It was his destiny! If I send him back on earth and resurrect him now, I'll be punished by God ——— and he's scary!"

"So what!? Are you not immortal!? Just do it and you would not get further punishment by God, for allowing the soul algorithm to be broken!" she snarled.

"Okay-okay! I'll do it, don't get all scary! Why do these mishaps only happen to me!? My life sucks, even though I'm already dead. I'll do it. But you must exempt the trapped souls!"

She thought about it, 'These souls were supposed to be killed in order to help the other Queens of Chaos resurrect the Demon King again. And being the Demon King's servant, it would not be wise to squander his souls like this. But if I don't do it, then I would never get the chance to see my Liang again. And If I do it, the Demon King would know, and as cruel as he is, he'd punish or even kill me when he is resurrected. But then again, all of the time, effort, Magic, and souls I spent to get here would be all an incredible waste."

Given her current uncompromising situation, there was a consequence for every choice.

'I've made my choice! I'd free these souls and work hard to capture even more than these to contribute to the summoning of the Demon King. In this way, I get to keep both my position as a Queen of Chaos and my Liang! These souls were nothing but nightmares, sleepless nights, and haunting to begin with.'

"I'll free the souls!" she shouted.

"Yay! Free them all this instant!" cheered the God of Death.

"Not all of them.."


"85 percent of them!"

"That is extremely low, I say all!"

"90% of them!"

"Huh? Definitely not this either. This is not how you negotiate-

"85% of them!"

"But You're going lower, I say 100%"


"Fine, 70% percent it is."

"Deal!" she smirked.

"Fine, I'll give you his soul back, but keep in mind, as the God of Death, I'm going to make sure I eat popcorn and enjoy every last moment of your death."

"Hah hah hah!" He malevolently laughed .

She managed to maintain her spiteful smirk.

After casting the spell that would break the wall that stopped Suzy from resurrecting Liang, The God of Death then said, "Your turn."

And Suzy gave the trapped souls their freedom.

"Good-bye," said the God of Death as he snapped his fingers and sent Suzy back to her realm.

As soon as Suzy had been brought back to her realm, she immediately started to draw the summoning circle to bring back her Liang, like a child opening a gift on Christmas day.

Suzy's departure, which felt like only three minutes for Amos, from the realm was very interesting for him. He had not experienced anything like it in his life.

He stared as Suzy sacrificed her remaining souls to resurrect Liang. After her chanting and crying, Liang exponentially re-gained his form. From not a single cell, due to the obliteration of daylight, to a fully restored (nude) body.

He was a bit embarrassed, for he was naked. But Suzy blushed and ran up to him and wrapped her arms around his body. If she had realized that she was being watched by Amos, she would have instantly slaughtered him, or in a nicer way, command Natan to erase his memory.

Amos looked away, leaned on the wall, and closed his eyes.

"Missed me?" asked Liang.

"You're back, I am so happy you're back. Liang, of course, I missed you." She answered.

His memories of his death immediately darted through his mind, " I remember now, " he said.

Liang then aggressively grew his black wings and activated his Magical Awakening, "I swear, I'll kill him! Where is that demonic pink-haired bastard!!!"