Overhauling Suzuiya’s Misconception

"What do you mean a God is Amongst us?"

Aaron got up and put on his cloak, "I must return to my kingdom, Suzuiya. My father impatiently awaits my return. The reason why I have been rushing to save Amos for you, was because I was magically informed by my father, that there was a raid in Atridorne. He needed my help."

"Okay, I understand, but what do you mean there's a God Amongst Us?" asked Suzuiya.

"Suzuiya, I don't think you should know about it, at least not yet."

He walked outside as Suzuiya followed him, "Can I please come with you, Aaron?"

Aaron looked down at her, "Sorry Suzuiya, but it is safer for you to stay here."

"Please Aaron, trust me. It's safer for me to be with you. It's scary by myself. And you are so strong that you can almost beat anyone I know. So please let me tag along."

Aaron looked away, "Fine. But stay close, alright?"


"There's many people wishing to kill you. I don't think it's a good idea. But if you insist..."

"Thank you, Aaron. You are so nice."

"I am only taking you there to clear up your mistaken identity."

Aaron then saw a white daisy flower on the ground and carefully picked it from its green stem. He stood straight and used Magic of Creation to turn the flower into a big white hat for Suzuiya.

He smiled, "Here, " He handed it to her, "Wear this, It'll cover up your identity until we've cleared up the misconceptions."

She smiled and took the hat, "Thank you, Aaron!"

She placed it atop her little head.

She then followed Aaron to the near Kingdom of Atridorne.

They then arrived at the gate to the Kingdom.

Many civilians were departing and entering the Kingdom.

"Hey, Aaron, you're so cool!" shouted a fan.

Aaron was Artridorne's version of Justin Bieber. Except that he smacks heads for a living and he's an extremely strong Holy Knight.

The guards moved their spears and signaled the others to open the gate, "Good day, Aaron, sir!"

Aaron then entered the Kingdom with Suzuiya by his side.

His fangirls all gathered around and gazed at him whilst they murmured.

"He's so cool."

"His messy hair makes him look sexy."

"Oh my Archeria! Please tell me my hair is good, is it?"

"He's cute."

"Is that a girl alongside him, is it?"

"What's with her big hat?"

"I swear, I want Aaron. She can't have him. I want him! Oops, that came out to loud."

"Look at her clothes, eww."

"I hate her already."

"Is that his girlfriend?"

Aaron clearly heard all of what they were saying. But then again, he was used to this amount of attention. Even more at times. He could not have gotten privacy at all. He would often wake up to see girls using magic to fly up to his window in order to gaze at him in his underwear in bed. Perhaps they wanted to see his perfect hard abs?

The guy even had fanboys...

Yes, it is pretty strange.

"Just keep walking, " said Aaron, "Don't listen to them."

Aaron walked to his father's place. His father, The Great Knight Armstrong lived in the King's castle with his brother's family. His brother was Adrian, the King of Atridorne. Aaron also lived in the castle of Atridorne.

As soon as Aaron had entered the massive Kingdom, he saw his father.

"Aaron, " his father walked up to him, "Where in the bloody hell were you?"

"I was helping this young lady, were you worried?"

Knight Armstrong giggled, "Of course not. Your mother gave birth to a child who could wield a sword at the age of three, how could I ever be worried?"

Armstrong then looked at Suzuiya who instantly hid behind Aaron, "And who is this young lady?"

"Suzuiya, her name is Suzuiya and there is a reason as to why I brought her here."

"And that reason?"

Aaron looked up at the King, "Wait, I'll come back to that later. Why were you calling me home?"

"There was a mishap here at the castle, a strange group of people came, drank wine, and turned into creatures!"

Aaron looked at his father, "What creatures? And what men?"

"The men came here with a message from their king to ours. They came far from home, from some other country, to deliver this message. After they had drunken the wine given to them by the servants, they all became powerful deformed monsters."

"Can you describe the men?" asked Aaron.

"Let's see...I don't know much about them, but there were eight of them. Their leader introduced himself and I think his name was Hemis?"

"Bemis. I've encountered those men before. How did they become monsters?"

"We don't know, before they could have delivered the message, they drank the wine and started telling us that we had poisoned them. Then they suddenly turned into deformed figures of disgusting monstrosities."

"Where are they?"

"Rubin took care of all of them. Don't worry. Relax, everything is okay. The monsters became furious and loosed their control and started fighting each other and then, they saw our King, stopped fighting each other, and immediately attacked. Luckily Rubin was here, because I was not fast enough to save the King from his demise."

Aaron looked at the King in the distance again, "What about the wine?"

Armstrong walked over to the wooden table with the golden legs and took a wine glass of wine. He then brought the wine back to his son and looked at him.

Armstrong then drank the entire glass of wine.

Aaron was shocked, "Father, what are you doing!?"

"Don't worry, Aaron. Nothing is wrong with the wine at all. A few volunteers consumed a cup of wine from every barrel, yet still, they did not become a creature. Even I drank a few cups."

Aaron was confused, "The people could not have been renegades, could they?"

"Of course they weren't, they were all very benevolent men. Kind and respectful. It was the looks on their faces after they had drunken the wine and fallen to the floor."

Aaron looked at his father, "What looks?"

Armstrong passes his finger on the circular edge of the cup in his hand, "They seemed to be disappointed and backstabbed. They were telling us that we had betrayed them."

"That's rather strange. I will return to this matter very soon. I have something to deal with, " Said Aaron as he walked to the King.

Suzuiya pursued his path and Armstrong departed the castle.

Aaron stopped and bowed when close enough, Suzuiya also bowed.

Aaron bowed again, "Pleasant good morning to you King Adrian."

The King sat down on his throne and looked down at Aaron and Suzuiya. "What is it!?"

"There are some misconceptions flying around this Kingdom and they are affecting this young lady here, " He presented her to the King, "You see, my King, this is none other than, " he took her hat off, "The White Witch."

The King crawled upon his throne, "How dare you bring such evil to the King of Atridorne! Have you no respect?!"

Suzuiya put her head down in dismay.

Aaron glanced at her and looked at his King "King, if you would just let me explain-

"I don't want to hear it! You as a Holy Knight, Aaron, must not be misled by power. Don't be autocratic because of your given positions. You get to live here in the royal castle. Eat. Sleep. Excrete. Rinse. Repeat. In this castle. Yet still, you violate the principles and given laws of this society for your own personal reasons. I despise your manners."

"King, there is a misconception to her—

"How can you bring her to the royal castle and put everyone's life at stake, " The king took his sword which leaned on his throne, " I know for a fact that I would not be assassinated by some weak witch! Guards!"

The King stood, "Aaron you must adhere to the rules. Show respect. I get constant reports about your battling in the Kingdom. You even murdered an Atridorne Knight for the sake of a girl?"

"That knight was nothing but a rapist and a boozer."

"There you go again Aaron, interrupting the King's statement! That's it," he snapped his fingers, "guards, take them out of my sight! Prosecute the witch. And Aaron, until you have changed your disgraceful ways, you are hereby banished from Artridorne!"

The guards grabbed them both, "Do not resist!"

Aaron glared at the guard who kept grabbing him and that guard immediately unhanded him.

Aaron swept the dust off of his shoulder, "King, with all due respect, I am not leaving, same goes for Suzuiya."

The guards released Suzuiya too.

"Me! I am King! I am the one and only King of Atridorne! I, the King! Told you, insignificant guards, to take them out of my sight! And you disobeyed me! You disobeyed the King's commandments?"

The King then threw his sword at the first guard, but luckily Aaron caught it and ended the guard's trembling, "Get out of here" said Aaron, "And King..."

"How dare you!" shouted the King.

Aaron approached the King with the sword at hand, "No, I'm supposed to be asking you that question."

The King pulled another sword from behind his throne, "You? Challenge me? What a fool!" King Adrian looked around, but no one was in the castle but a few people, "If I win, I am going to feed that witch to my lions and watch every moment of her suffering, and as for you, I am going to burn you by the wrath of eternal flames!"