After School Fight

"Ostracization, especially seen in Archeria when a monstrous being is amongst humans, or another humanoid figure, is the reason why most of us here are present in this classroom today."

When classes were at the brink of its end, Amos heard another voice calling to him in his head. The voice sounded like a child, and it kept saying something, but Amos didn't hear it's inaudible words.

After being bothered for a while, classes had ended and they were free to leave earlier today because Sir Akira had to attend family matters at his home. As Amos got up from his seat, he took the book with him, and he departed the class without the girl. As he walked down the dark cold hall, he felt the presence of people, and as he glanced behind him, four suspicious-looking boys were walking alongside Ruzo. Ruzo had a smirk on his face—which sold the fact that they were up to no good.

Amos kept his calm and started walking a little faster than before. Before he could have made it to the exit, his legs stopped on its own and started walking backward. He then turned around and saw Ruzo's hand outstretched and pointing at him. Ruzo used his index and middle finger and fixed them in a way to seemingly make a figure walking on two legs—his fingers imitated human legs. And as he moved his fingers backward, Amos' legs followed.

Amos was confused, but at this point, he had already concluded that with magic, there are no limits to one's possibilities—possibilities that can be considered normal as opposed to amiss. 'My legs are moving on its own—no, he's moving my legs for me. Are they after my MTS?'

As Amos walked close enough to them, Ruzo said, "Hello Amos,"

"More like Anus, " interrupted one of the boys, causing loud laughter in the hall.

Ruzo didn't laugh at all, he continued, "You are going outside? So soon? One of my buddies here are allergic to the sun, and we can't get ya all the way out there, " he looked down at the MTS watch, " That must be it, right?"

Amos looked at him with a serious look on his face, "Must be what?"

"Don't act stupid—you know what I'm talking about–the MTS!"

"Yeah, it is my MTS, " Amos pushed away Ruzo's hand from his shoulder, "I'll be going now."

Amos tried to move, but his feet rejected his commands as if it belonged to someone else.

"You see Anus—I meant Amos, your legs know better than you, " he walked in front of Amos to face him face to face, "They know that they're standing in the presence of a monster King, so they're at my command. Want me to help your brain understand that too?"

"No thank you. My brain wants to go home. Also, my MTS can not be removed from my body no matter what you try, here, " Amos pushed the hand with the watch on it forward, "Try to remove it."

"No need for me to touch you, " Ruzo then took control of Amos' hands and tried taking off the watch. After trying for an entire minute, his attempts failed.

"You see, " said Amos, "can not be removed. I'm leaving now."

Ruzo seemingly gained ferocity and his eyes flared. As Amos took two steps, his toes started to gradually move apart from each other with a lot of force. Amos then dropped down to the ground and started to take off his shoes. When he took off the right shoe, he saw his toes stretching to an inhuman extent. The pain was unbearable, yet still, Amos managed to not scream nor wail in pain.

Before he had removed the other leather shoe, his index finger suddenly broke, resulting in the perceptibility of conspicuous rose-red blood. Amos looked at Ruzo and asked, "What do you want, " he held his broken finger wrapped in his clothes, "And how are you doing this?"

Ruzo approached him, "Not sure what's the reason why I'm doing this, but I do know how my Magical Ability works, " he crouched down and looked down at Amos as he tilted his head to the right, "My ability allows me to take control of any part of the body per touch. It doesn't matter what body part my hands come in contact with, If I say I want the head, " he waved his hands as he spoke, "I get control over the head, vice-versa."

Amos' eyebrows pressed downwards causing wrinkles to appear below them.

"Your hair, " said Ruzo, "The edges are partially pitch black. That seems abnormal for a blondie. And you didn't scream after your finger was radically broken. They made you dark-bloom, " the boys laughed, "didn't they? Yet still, you failed to fully gloom when you had the chance, what a waste. The majority of us here at this school didn't even need to dark-gloom at all. Know why you had to?"

'I mean like. They tortured me, and caused me to loose my so-called sentimentality. And if what he's saying is true, then Natan and the others didn't dark-gloom at all—maybe only Liang and Chizuko did so.'

"Can I leave now?"

Ruzo broke another one of Amos' fingers, "You didn't answer my question!"


"It's because you are weak! Weak-Weak-Weak! Even your mind was weak. Can't even hurt a fly—so irrational! The only way you could have worked for them was through dark-glooming. Think about it. You don't even belong here!"

"Leave him alone, " shouted the girl from the back, "You stupid bullies, " she ran up to the boys and helped Amos up, "Can't even take my eyes off of him for a second!"

"Well if it isn't Annie Bussel the Berserker, " Ruzo stood, " You're picking up for him, aren't you?"

"Yes—he's new!"

"And we're going to have to fight you to fight him right?"

"Yes—no denying it!"

Ruzo grinned, "What are you, in love at first sight with an Elf?"

She looked away, "Shut up, Ruzo. You know it's not that way!"

"Is that any way to speak to the future Monster King?"

"Monster King my ass! Shut up about it already!"

Ruzo got serious, "Get her."

"But sir she's the—

"I said get her!"

The five boys promptly assaulted Annie with weapons in their palms.

As soon as the first boy struck, Annie grew animal ears atop her head, a tail and sharp black nails, and she used those nails to scrape into the flesh of the first attacker. She repetitiously did the same to the other boys, without having to move from her initial standing position, and Amos had finally realized why she called herself a Demihuman.

All of the boys were taken down.

Annie then fixed her hair and looked at Amos with a smile, "Let's go, Amos."

When suddenly one of the boys shot a long but small spike from his hand when she was oblivious, So, Amos stood in front of her and took the spike in his hand for her. The spike penetrated the middle of his hand, and the point went straight through and almost reached his chest.

"Returning the favor."

Upon seeing Amos injured, Annie slashed with her long nails and the force behind it hit the boy who tried to shoot the spike at her. As she looked around for Ruzo, he was gone.

She then looked at Amos again and said, "Thanks there, Amos. I'll help you take care of your wound."

Amos didn't reply. He then pulled the spike from his hand, dropped it, and looked through the hole in his hand. Warm blood profusely rushed down his hand as he looked at the impaled area.

"Does it not hurt?" asked Annie.

"It hurts my body, but not my mind somehow. Pain is only in the mind was what my father once told me."

"You still need to take care of the wound, you're losing blood."

"I will. Thank you for everything. I'm leaving now."

Amos walked outside and saw Liang waiting at the gate with his hands in his pockets.

"But wait, Amos, " shouted Annie, "you need to heal your injury!"

Amos continued walking to Liang.

Liang then walked up to him with a smile still on his face, even after seeing the wound he had. Liang then took Amos's hand and looked at the injury. Next, he took bandages from his pocket, and wrapped it around Amos's hand.

Annie rushed after Amos, "Amos, I'm going to the castle too, you know? It's very rude to run off like that—Oh, hello, Liang!"

Liang looked at her and waved.

"Oh, you put bandages on the wound. Nonetheless, we must still get you to a healer before it gets infected. Liang, you're here to pick him up?"


"Okay. Take him to the Royal Castle of Chaos, I'll be there shortly. Bullies already tried running over him."

"All part of school, " added Amos, "But still, thank you, Annie."

Amos hopped on Liang's back and wrapped his arms around Liang's neck. Liang then looked at Annie, grew his wings, and flapped them, to propel himself into the air, leaving Annie's hair blowing as she looked up at them.

"Since when is Liang picking up kids after school?"