Treachery, Treachery.

The goblin King made his way to the sky islands where the Titans and Giants lived. He stole flying horses from the Elf Kingdom and used them to get to the Sky Islands.

"Do not attack!" shouted Garath, "We come in peace!"

Garath dropped his weapons, looked back at his goblin soldiers, causing them to do the same and he looked at the only giant guarding the Giants' territory.

A Giant, standing above all of the midgets in his presence, approached Garath and his soldiers.

The Giant had a rather confident gait, and paranoia was the last feeling he had towards the midgets before him, whereas chauvinism was the first. He held his War Hammer to his back, and he looked down at Garath.

"Pesky Little rats, whoiy are you up hyere? Oi deedn't even set moi mouse traps!"

"Hello, I am in search of your king, " Garath looked around, "Is he dwelling in the castle behind you?"

The Colossal figure stomped, causing all the soldiers to fall, leaving Garath mildly shaky. The giant seemed furious, "Little rats loike you, can not speak to King Goliath!"

"I am not a rat, " said Garath, "Your King and I both have a great relationship."

"Cut it out! I'm not letting you in, and if you don't run away now, I'll eat you, your smellay gooblin friends, and your little rat horses for lunch!"

Garath approached him, "I am a Monarch, just like your King! And you are not doing your job! What if your king figures this out? There's no denying that he would consume you—and become even more of a cannible than he is at the moment! Would you like to be eaten by a monster like him?"

"That's it, " the giant assaulted Garath, "No one, who's smaller than mei, " he took his hammer from his back, "Get's to speak to me that way, " he jumped and stretched his hand back while falling with the hammer in his hand, "I'm going to croosh you!"

As soon as the Giant attacked, one of Garath's hobgoblin soldiers promptly entered defense mode and was ready to dispose of the threat to his God's existence. But before he could have taken a step towards his target, he realized that he was unable to move—for Garath seemingly prohibited him, as well as the others, from moving. All he could have done was shout, "Garath!", as the huge War Hammer came crashing down into the Goblin King.

The other soldiers had precisely surmised that their king, mostly called their God, would have been untouched. As soon as Garath was crushed, blood splashed everywhere like an elephant jumping into a pool of water, and the Giant licked his lips as some of the blood got on his face.

Suddenly one of the goblin soldiers dropped to his knees, "I don't feel so good."

Then the goblin looked up into the sky as a humanoid hand poked out of his throat. The poor goblin was choking to death as an entire human was coming out of his stomach. The human figure, covered in the goblins green blood, used his hands to rip apart the goblin's draw to make a passage for rest of his body.

As the humanoid figure stood with its body completely out of the goblin's body, the rest of Garath's soldiers smiled, some even laughed. The Giant stood in confusion just as you are.

"Welcome back, King, " greeted one of the hobgoblins.

"No need to welcome me, I've only been gone for a few seconds, " the nude humanoid figure wiped the goblin mucus from his face, transpiring his identity. This figure was none other than Garath in his human form!

Garath then walked up to his corpse and took hid bloody clothes up from the floor, "I just got these, " he held the expensive clothing eye-leveled, "Apparently, you ruined it, " he started putting the clothing, "The thing about the goblin king, my big giant friend, is the fact that he can substitute any of his soldiers, and simply rebirth at their sacrifice."

The Giant stood gaping at the anomaly in his presence, after detecting something so peculiar for the first time, it was inevitable to not lose some of your composure. After being dumbstruck, the giant mentally slapped himself in the face and regained focus, "Follow mei, " he turned his back on Garath, mildly overwhelmed by apprehension.

Garath didn't bother to obliterate the giant to atone for his intolerable act as planned. Subsequently, he followed the giant to the castle. As they arrived at the gate, the giant stopped, "White roight hyere."

The Giant then opened the gate, which was essentially higher than the transparent white cotton in the skies, and he left.

Garath then looked back at his soldiers, looked back ahead, and observed the tall metal gate. The gate was so huge, it would have taken a catapult as big as a small planet to bring it to its destruction. Garath and the soldiers waited for a few minutes, until another giant came and allowed them to enter, "You may enter, " the giant looked down at them.

They then followed this giant to his king. In the territory of the castle dwelled several giants. The area seemed darker than normal and there were countless human lives in the yard all behind thick cages. Enclosed and crestfallen, their eyes stumbled across a human who was not enclosed and slaved, and they had gained a little spark of hope amidst the pitch-black surroundings of hopelessness. Although this finding was far amiss from the norm, they stuck their hands out of the cages and begged for help.

"Help me! Please don't let them eat me and my children!"

"Sir help us!"

"My husband, they're going to eat him!"

"O fellow human, I beg for your assistance!"


Little did they know, this little spark of hope was as heartless as the ones who encaptured them. Garath was considerably quite different from this in the past, but people change, and in the present, he's no better than the Giants. After looking at the humans for a while, he carelessly turned his head and smirked, resulting in the putting down of both reaching hands and hopes. Some gritted their teeth, some were on the brink of tears, and some expected nothing from him, as the odds of hundreds of giants losing to a man and a few goblins were rare, and in this universe, unprecedented.

"I hate—I hate you! You won't even try!?" cried out a brown-haired boy, wiping his tears as his father held him back.

Garath knew that the child was referring to him, but it didn't bother him at all.

The child continued to shout, "Father, don't hold me back, I'm nine, but I have the mind of a man! I'm going to destroy every last one of these giants one day, " he sobbed, "Just please, give me back my mother, what are you doing with her! You mean Giants I-"

The child's voice became more and more inaudible the further Garath walked away. At this point, it was quiet and radically inaudible, but it kept playing in Garath's head as he entered the kingdom.

But that thought was thrown into the oceans and left to drown by thoughts in an abundance like a group of salmons swimming together. This was a stream of thoughts—thoughts that were the result of an astonishing sight. Garath looked up to see a huge giant, bigger than all the rest, and seemed to be the one he was looking for—there was no denying it at this point. Only one giant could have been so colossal, only one who could have looked so powerful, only one giant could have looked so evil—and only one giant carried the name, Goliath!

The figure was so huge, even when sitting, that his head was imperceptible unless laying down, because no one could raise their head so high. This giant was one to behold.

"Speak, " was what the figure said in the dark, but he was so big that it came out like a frightening shout that echoed throughout the room.

Garath stepped forward, "Yuh-your majesty, I am here to negotiate with you, King to King."

The beast snarled, "You come to Goliath's house, and distract him from being with his wives, to negotiate!?"

"No-No, Golia-"

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't eat you and your disgusting goblins right now?"

"I can offer you power..."

"Is it true? You came out of the mouth of a goblin after being crushed?"

"I did."

"You are getting on my nerves little one, speak up, how am I supposed to hear you all the way up here?!"

"I'll try."

"I said speak up!!!"

Every time Goliath shouted, the naked females in the big cage next to Goliath's foot got startled.

Garath started to shout, "I want to negotiate with you! And what I have to offer to you is of utmost value! I need you to listen to me. It is I, Garath, the Goblin King! I hope you can remember me!"

"How dare you destroy a man centuries ago and return to his kingdom in the request of a negotiation! You pesky one, I have awaited your return for years, but I was told that Midas had already done the job!"

"Goliath! You need to hear me out! I missed the last Great Era of War, because I was nothing but inanimate gold—I know nothing about the crystals and where they lay, but finally, I do know how I can repay you and form somewhat of a companionship between us two!"

"I asked once, and I am asking yet again—What do you have to offer? I don't like to repeat myself! I should Consume you right now! You are one lucky man, Garath!"

"I said Power, I can offer you power—You'll sovereign over all—both Archeria and Axonia! It will all be yours! Power, the most powerful man. Goliath will be known forever as the new God as well as the wielder of the 7 Elemental Crystals!"

"And how are you going to go about executing such a demanding objective?"

"We use treachery, my king! We trick the other races into working with us, we trick the Demon King too, and we take the crystals for ourselves—for you! My pocket accommodates the locator of the Seven, stolen by my men from the Animal Gods of Gropsville, I say we trick them too since they are most likely the ones who'll be in charge of the crystals! "

"And how do I know if this isn't one of your artful schemes again? And why would you give me such power?"

"After you conquer the world and its inhabitants, all I ask of you is a high place in power — power second to your sovereignty, and that is all. After acquiring this simple thing, I will serve and deem you my king."