Complete The Conspiracy

Panting audibly, Amos held his broken left arm as he felt its pain stabbing him in the flesh.

The assistant hovered next to Amos with its arms folded, "That move was well executed, Amos. And I give you that, and that alone. But there was one way in which you could have gotten out of your trouble without wounds as brutal as these, have you no sense at all?"

Amos did not bother to look at the assistant while it spoke, his eyes were locked unto his target like those Earthly video games with enemy lock-on systems he always dreamt of playing as a child.

"Blueface, hurry up and tell me what I should've done, this demonborg trash is going to attack at any moment now. And it wouldn't hurt to know what to do if he pulls off another one of those annoying dashes."

"If it were me, it would hurt a lot to know, " he looked at Amos' broken arm, "Reason being is because it hurts to know the stupid actions one has taken, as opposed to the less consequential one. The outcomes of a single choice is adequate to change the norms of an entire life—

Demonborg grew its fingernails even longer.

"Running out of time here, Blueface!"

"Well, you should have absorbed the mana promptly after knowing that it was in your body, and even if it attempted one of its lightning-fast dashes, you would have been better prepared for the circumstance. Next, what is it with you and self-destructing?"

Demonborg roared, letting out a loud screeching sound that almost made Amos' ears bleed.

"No time for questions, Blueface!"

"Amos, you should know that there are better ways to get out of an unpromising situation instead of absurdly self-destructing with many of your internal organs as the cost, " Demonborg got ready to dash, "You should not charge the energy in your body internally! Just as you charge it internally, it can also be charged externally. You could have easily fired the magic energy absorbed out of your hands or chest, with all your power, at an abrupt pace, to shoot your body upward or  backward."

Amos got in his position, "Shoot out the energy instead of charging it up internally—got it!"

"That's not what I said!"

As the spirit came dashing into him, he used the last bit of his magical energy to shoot himself away from the spirit. As he got knock into the wall, he immediately maintained his stance.

Demonborg was furious after realizing that his attack had failed to make its way for the second time. Although it was his best skill 'Death Dash', as stupid as its name was its user. So, instead of using his most severe skill, he overestimated Amos, thinking Amos had enough mana left to keep dodging his attacks, and decided to use his more demanding but less effective Dark Spiritual Mana utilization skills. Demonborg used his fingernails and with extreme force, he shot out energized mana from each fingernail simultaneously.

Amos saw it coming and was able to roll, and successfully dodge the attack in time, mildly exacerbating his broken arm by rolling. The mana that failed to hit Amos, ended up demolishing Johnathan's dinner table.

Amos looked at Demonborg.

His nails are four times longer, don't even get started on the sharpness and how thick they are! There's no denying the fact that this underrated spirit version of wolverine can impale my weak flesh effortlessly. Each nail can bore a hole in me, like stabbing paper with a pencil. This can't keep up anymore, if he dashes again, I'd be more holier than the Holy Bible! But wait!

He looked at Johnathan Mitchell.

He looks as if he's the one in control of this beast, if this isn't a passive skill, this means when the user stops utilizing the spell, the spell no longer stays in effect!

A mischievous  smirk stretched across his face as he amped up to start assaulting Johnathan.

That's right, Can't have pawns autonomously  moving unless there is a chest player to control it.

Amos then started running as if he was participating in a foot race.

Sadly, Johnathan saw him coming, and summoned another spirit.

"Introducing Dead Esper to the Realm of the Living!"

Dead Esper stood in front of Amos, causing his shoes to skate on the tiles in order to halt. He then regained his stance.

The spirit tilted its head, and opened its eyes to an inhuman extent, then, it opened its mouth, and started charging up mana.

"Thought I would stay standing here, didn't you? " Amos continued running as it fired a beam from its mouth, absurdly missing its target.

Then Johnathan summoned another spirit, "This is it, this battle is coming to end now! I summon, Seventeen Shambling Spirits from the graveyard!"

Suddenly, seventeen spirits in the form of zombie-like humans were summoned. They shambled across the room and circled their target [Amos], making their Title [The Seventeen Shambing Spirits] much more acceptable. Annoyed, an irritated scowl stretched across Amos' face.

This damn Necromancer just had to pull off some Yugi-Oh graveyard summoning Shit, didn't he?

Clearly, and according to Amos' Earthly references, his dark-gloom was losing its toll, and some of his favorite TV shows, Manga and Movies were remembered.

Next, the zombie-like spirits attacked one by one, each using too much strength behind their assaults making it easier for Amos to dodge them. This was worth another smirk, and he did not miss the opportunity to do it. When Unexpectedly, Amos felt five sharp materials entering his flesh from his back and coming out of his abdominal area. He felt warm liquid oozing out of the five punctured areas and running down his abdomen. And as he slowly looked down, he saw five black thick spikes poking out of his stomach. Oblivious, the words "What are these?" slipped his mouth. That's until he felt the Dark Mana eating away his flesh in these punctured areas. Seemingly his feelings had a delay in function, and a sensation of pain rushed through his body mysteriously. But it was no longer a mystery, this Dark Mana was too familiar, and the spikes were not spikes at all, they were nothing but

"fingernails, " he said, "These are Demonborgs' fingernails!"

He then realized that he was able to see more of the area of the floor, and his feet slowly and seemingly hovered. And when he glimpsed behind, he saw demonborg lifting his body.

Shit! I totally forgot about Rip-off Wolverine! When did he get me? Did he dash again?

Blueface realized what the Necromancer was up to, "Amos, those zombies are merely diversions. They're weak!"

"No shit, Sherlock!"

Amos then absorbed the Mana in his wounds. And he opened his hands and stretched his arms both backward, until they were behind his hips. Furthermore, he charged up the mana, making it highly energized and capable of an explosion. And he focused the energetic mana in his palms and shot all of the mana out to propel himself forward, pushing his body out of the unexpected penetration he received from behind.

His quick thinking did not come to a hiatus here, he realized that the impact from the explosion was building up momentum, and pushing him forward, so he made a position in the air, and held his sword firmly — for he was about to perpetrate an assault on the Necromancer — because the explosion was pushing him to the other end of the room where Johnathan stood. 

Amos came crashing down on Johnathan with a smile on his face. When suddenly before Amos could slash his white and black one thousand-Arichryso Samurai Sword, he received a punch to his face, which knocked him straight through Johnathan's wall and into the bedroom.

As he trembled in pain, he remained confused. He then stood shaking, having the utmost difficulty staying standing due to his dizziness after getting punched to his face.

"What hit me now?"

As his vision cleared, he saw another being, perhaps a spirit, standing behind Johnathan Mitchell. Johnathan stood with his cloak covering his eyes, and he had not moved from that very spot since the very commencing of the battle. He knew for a fact that the spirit was the one who inflicted such pain unto him.

It was strangely muscular, with dark pale translucent skin, and eyes that glowed blood red. But why was it standing behind its summoner, instead of defending him from attacks executed ahead? 

Yet another grimace spread accross Amos' battered face. He then stood straight and said, "Oh great, from rip-off wolverine to a JoJo Stand, " he shook his head, " makes me think you're an earthling as well, you know."

Amos then stretched his body, feeling the pain of all his wounds at once, he would have screamed, but he knew better than displaying weakness to a powerful foe.

Maybe I can use the mini-explosions as dashes in the future. But currently, I don't have an ounce of mana remaining to pull off another one. Even if I had the mana...

He looked down at his abdominal area.

I don't think I'd be able to bear the pain of explosions even if it's an external one.

He looked at Johnathan again, and squinted his eyes remotely. All of the pain has made him come to miss his unsentimentality.

"Hey Johnathan, you know what I've come to notice?" He started strolling over to Johnathan with a mild limp in his gait, "I realized that you're pretty weak. You just stand there and let your spirits fight for you — If this is what you call Necromancy, then count me out — my daughter will be happier learning some other kind of sorcery, " he glared, " And I can't stand thinking about the things you do to little girls here!!!"

Amos then neglected all of his wounds including his broken left arm and his penetrated abdomen which dripped blood rapidly. He started sprinting across the room with his sword at hand, his eyebrows pressing down into his soft skin, and his hair blowing hastily. His leather boots made a loud "Tap!" sound with every footstep, and determination to destroy his target was the only thing on his mind.

All I have to do is think as if my injuries are non-existent and I'd have this rapist slaughtered in no time!

He screamed, "Aaagghhhhhh!" aggressively as he gradually stretched his arm to commit an aggressive gash of his blade. When unexpectedly, he sensed a rapid moving object coming behind him, and he promptly did a cartwheel, escaping Demonborg's assault. Demonborg was about to impale its very own summoner [Johnathan] who stood there motionlessly, and at this point, it could not have stopped the dash.  Its intended target was Amos, but when Amos had moved, it was about to hit its summoner unintentionally. But suddenly, the muscular spirit seemingly teleported and took the penetration for Johnathan.

And as Amos had comprehended , this dash was not like any other dashes pulled off by Demonborg — this one was different, this time, Demonborg had a dark aura around his entire body, and his arms were strangely fused together to form one. Demonborg had accidentally impaled the muscular spirit, and slowly, it disintegrated, with every bit of its spiritual energy fading away.

Knowing that there was one less enemy on the battlefield, Amos could not help but smile. Besides, he figured out the spirits' only weakness.

"Hey, Johnathan, got a feeling your spirits can hurt each other. And don't you think they're useless? Come on fight me one on one, get rid of these weaklings. They're so weak."

Amos then started sprinting once again, dodging all the attacks of the Seven Shambling Spirits. Next, he focused on Johnathan, and hurting Johnathan was his main objective. Unfortunately, Demonborg was in his way, playing defensive. Nonetheless, he continued running towards Demonborg. And as Demonborg swung its arm, Amos slid under its wide opened legs, leaped with his sword ready to attack, when suddenly, Johnathan yelled, "Graveyard!"

Upon casting yet another spell, thousands of hands poked out of the impermeable floor as if it was water. The hands were filthy, with past injuries which were now scars, pale skin, dirty overgrown fingernails, and they exuded a vile odor. The hands grabbed unto Amos, and started pulling him into the floor gradually but aggressively.

Johnathan then crouched and looked at Amos, "Weak, you say? You deem my strength feeble, don't you Axel? If it is my strength you wish to perceive an exhibition of, then that you shall get!"

Amos squirmed around in an effort to escape the hands of evil, but their strength exceeded his immensely. They were pulling him down into the burning pits of hell, and he could not have escaped due to his weakness. One of the hands then pierced a hole in his lower back and it pushed its hand deeper and deeper into his flesh, "Aaagghhh!" he screamed with tears running down his face as he shuddered nervously. His eyes then landed on his sword.

I-If, If I can just reach my sword...these spirits seem tangible...m-my sword. I can probably cut their hands off...He kept stretching for his Samurai sword.

As he stretched for his sword, out of thin air, 'that' cursed blade with the ghosts engraved on its black handle appeared next to him. It called his name, and delivered a cold sensation in his body. As he looked at it, it gleamed miraculously, making him neglect the pain he was enduring.  His body sunk deeper into the pit of hands, and as he sunk deeper—the sword called louder as if it were alive. It was at this moment, he grabbed the sword when merely a third of his body remained on the surface. He grasped the handle confidently and he felt that cold shivering sensation again throughout his entire body. When suddenly, his body started acting on its own.

He started cutting the arms of the spirits and he leaped back unto the surface. As he escaped, Demonborg came in with a powerful dash that could easily result in Amos' utmost fatality.

What...what am I doing?

Amos stood there unable to move as Demonborg rushed into him. There was nothing but the perceptibility of darkness in the blinded eyes of Amos.  He felt his body moving actively, but he was unsure as to what was occurring and he was oblivious. When his vision cleared again, there were two purple slashes in the air that formed an X.

Who the heck cut Demonborg?

And abruptly, Demonborg exploded and its spiritual energy entered the cursed blade. Up until that very moment, the purple X with the powerful purple aura still remained mid-air, but slowly faded.

Did...did I do that?

As Amos looked at the cursed sword, he saw it glowing purple, and as he looked closer at the shining blade itself, a strange reflection was shown — it was his body he had on Earth, except that it looked like a man, with a few strands of beard and odd apparel — this Axel looked like he was in his late thirties. Amos found himself mesmerized by the blade's reflection. When suddenly, he started seeing something his mind and naked eyes could not have interpreted. Thousands of anomalous images flashed through his eyes at incredible speeds surpassing that of light, he coughed up blood,  blood came out of his eyes profusely, and his ears weren't an exception.

He then dropped the blade promptly, his pain subsided and he fell to the floor.

Jonathan approached him, "What I had just witnessed has to be the wrath of the Sixth, correct?"

Amos could not answer, instead, he secretly hid his Samurai sword.

"Merling, Merling, Merling, Merling, " he wrapped his fingers in Amos' hair, "I don't know what exactly Merling made you yet, but whatever you are...I promise to make sure anomalies like you stay unknown to the public. You come to my house, and accuse me of being a rapist? Have you no respect whatsoever? You little murderer! So many lives are in your hands, aren't they? You killed so many people. You never fitted in on Earth, you were a misfit yourself. Who Knows? Maybe you're the rapist, I do not deserve such a title. You're the one who murdered your mother, father, uncle and even kids at your school!"

"Liar, " Shouted Amos as he jumped unto Johathan, causing him to fall head-first.

He then rested the blade on Johnathan's neck, "You liar, I never killed anyone in my life! You should consider yourself special, because you're about to be the first!"

Before Amos could have cut Johnathan's throat, a student opened the door and said, "Teacher?"

The girl, I can't kuh...

Amos got a quick image in his head. He saw a man laying on the floor dead, with a child crying next to him.

Amos looked back down at Johnathan, "Would you kill in the presence of a little child? Would you Axel?"


Amos gritted his teeth.

"Kill me now, and you ruin this girl's childhood."

"Teacher, what's going on!?"

"Exactly, you lack the balls, " Jonathan pushed Amos away and got up, "It's okay, " he walked over to his student, "Me and Axel here were just playing a little game, were we Axel?" He patted the girl's head.

Amos remained sitting on the floorr, and forced a fake smile.

The girl was the cutest thing Amos had seen in a while. Her hair was pink, and she had a long ponytail that reached the floor. And her big eyes, glittered with wonder.

The girl then approached Amos, "Can I tell you a secret?" Her hands were behind her back, and she remotely swayed side to side.

Amos stood, "Sure, " he smiled.

"You're a bit tall mister, can you bend over, pwease?

Amos bent his back so that the girl could reach him. The little girl then brought her mouth to Amos' ear and said, "We're already dead Axel, " she stabbed him in his neck with a kitchen knife, and kept stabbing him aggressively.

He blocked his weak points, to avoid his demise, and he kicked down the little girl.

"Good job, Nika, " applauded Jonathan, "Well played. Well, you see Amos, most of the girls here are tangible spirits in dead body forms, " more girls with knives at hand departed the classroom, "The thing is, they're much livelier than any of my spirits, " Jonathan laughed antagonistically.

Amos stood placing pressure on his neck which bled the most, "You bastard!!!"

Come on, Amos, They're just spirits not little girls, I can do it!

He then grabbed his Samurai Sword and started avoiding the girls, for his target was Johnathan. Unfortunately, one girl cut him on his calf, causing him to fall to his knee and they all jumped unto him and used their knives to impale him every time they got the chance.

Johnathan then summoned another spirit, "Explosive Skeleton!"

The skeleton ran up to the crowd of girls and exploded both Amos, and the girls. Most of the girls were dead — a few remained.

Amos shuddered in pain, but he still stood, "That's not enough to keep me down! I'll always get back up!"

Johnathan then started shooting skeletons out of nowhere! Each walked up to Amos and exploded, inflicting severe damage unto him. He was able to dodge a few, but failed to bypass the rest.

He trembled in pain on the floor, blood ran down from his nose and his mouth. Nevertheless, he slowly strived his way through his pain, and got on his feet again, mildly able to make another move.

Johnathan did another skill. Suddenly, he fired black lightning from his bare hands, and it almost completely destroyed Amos. Even his internal organs endured drastic pain. But was this enough to keep Amos down?

Amos shook, bled, perspired, wheeze, and shuddered, but importantly he slowly stood again.

"Why don't you just stay down!?"

Jonathan was irritated, "Then I'm afraid I have to kill you now!"

He charged up a powerful energy ball of spiritual energy, ripping his cloak and muscles in the process. Next, he threw it at Amos.

Blueface mentally enumerated the power of the ball, "Amos! Get out of the way!"

Is this where Amos dies? Is this where my curiosity for such a being dies? That ball of spiritual energy is much stronger than Amos thinks it is? It has the ability to annihilate one's soul, leaving nothing but an empty body of no essence remaining. I can possibly save him, but If I interfere, the Axonians will exacerbate my punishment further. I can not bear such consequences. Farewell Amos...

The blue and black Ball of energy was half the size of the room they were in. Johnathan smirked maliciously as he eagerly waited for Amos' soul to perish. Amos stood looking at the ball of energy hopelessly. How can he possibly dodge, when he struggled to merely stay standing?

When suddenly...on the brink of catastrophe appeared a little spark of hope...

'That' cursed blade appeared yet again, hovering before Amos' hopeless eyes.

It spoke to him with repeated serene whispers, and it called him by his name given to him at birth, "Axel.."

That's right, it disappeared after I dropped it. I mean, I can use it again – it seems powerful, but last time it almost killed me. But...

Either way...

He looked at the ball of energy coming his way.

I'll be killed by that thing for sure. Maybe, maybe it's worth the try.

Just maybe...

He clenched his fists.

Okay, let's try this thing one more time!

He then grasped the sword by the handle firmly, gaining utmost power upon this single action. Though this power only hindered his awful health further, putting a car-heavy strain on his body. Nonetheless, he broke through the abominable pain of inhibiting walls yet again. And he held the cursed blade high to the right, with his hands (including the broken arm), and he rapidly brought the blade to the bottom left with all his strength, screaming "AAHHHHHUHHHHHHH, " as he executed a powerful slash capable of destroying sturdy solid rock mountains with a single slash of the weightless cursed blade.

The mighty slash emitted streams of purple energy and the ball of energy was successfully canceled out. However, the slash maintained most of its energy and destroyed the other end of the room where the Johnathan stood, and continued to eradicate everything in its way beyond Johnathan's walls.

Blueface came out of his hiding spot

Oh my, how did Amos survive the Ball of Spiritual Energy? Did it not explode when he used his sword to cancel it out? For one, I am utterly confused. This is nonsensical, unless...

Shockingly, Johnathan survived the attack. He stood again, with his clothes destroyed by the powerful slash as well as most of his skin and a few bones — as Blueface predicted, everyone in the house was supposed to perish, by either the ball of energy (which could have destroyed one's soul without touching the body) or the powerful slash (which was the more powerful of the two). Blueface survived because he teleported back into the MTS watch (The slash of energy could not have harmed him, but the ball of energy was capable of eradicating his soul, which was the only thing had — he did not have a physical body, only a soul, which advocates for his imperceptibility).

And apparently,  Johnathan had used his Spiritual Sheild, which was an ability fellow Necromancers possessed. It was an impermeable shield that possessed no matter at all, but it had spiritual energy which allowed nothing but light and energy to pass through it. However, somehow the slash executed by Amos contained immense spiritual energy. Subsequently, the shield was broken, and Johnathan was hit even though he paid most of his lifespan to his ancestral spirits in return for the usage of their most powerful shield.

"Axel, " shouted Johnathan, "you brat! Look at what you've done to my body!"

Amos'  body then autonomously teleported to Johnathan Mitchell.

Amos was close enough to his target to make his conspiracy of murdering Johnathan Mitchell successful, but Johnathan held a little girl hostage.

"Amos, move and I'll have her headless, " Johnathan pressed a knife into her skin, "Trust me, " he smirked, "This one is a real girl, demonstration?"

"Help me!" shouted the little girl.

"The reason why I said '- MOST - of the girls' and not all was because there are a few human girls here too!"

Blueface was confused.

Wait...wasn't the ball of energy along with the powerful slash enough to at least murder all the girls if not the men in this house? And where did Johnathan get her from? Didn't the classroom get radically demolished?

Amos clenched his teeth, "You bastard."

"Watch as she bleeds, " Johnathan cut her remotely, "See? She bleeds! I only cut her a little, so she's alive!"

"Help me!"

"Put her down Johnathan."

Johnathan smirked, "Do you not have a mind of your own? I'm on the winning end here, why would I put her down? You're the one who has to listen to instructions, "He squeezed the girl tighter, "Or else, she'll be bleeding more than you! Now put down your weapon!"

Amos stared into his eyes.

Johnathan partially cut her again, "Ahh!" she screamed.

"I said drop your weapon, Axel!"

Amos dropped the cursed blade.

"Now, kick it away! Time is running out, Axel!"

Amos didn't obey.

"Axel, I do not have much to lose, however, this girl has an entire life ahead of her unlike me! I have already sacrificed more than eighty percent of my lifespan to the Ancestral Necromancer Spirits, and all sacrifices are permentally irrevocable. So, If I die now, there's not much at loss here. So if I were you, I'd listen."

Amos looked for the blade, "I don't know where it is."

"What do you mean you don't know where it is! Axel, I'll show no mercy unto defiance!"

"I don't know where the sword is, sometimes it just disappears!"

"I am not playing any foolish games, Axel!"

Amos crouched, "Alright, I'll look for it."

At first, Amos' hand was empty, but after he closed his hand, the cursed blade magically appeared within his palm, and he impaled the little girl's head, and also Johnathan's chest when the blade penetrated the girl.

The girl was disintegrated and Johnathan fell to the floor.

Amos approached Johnathan.

Jonathan started crawling backward, "How did you know?"

"Well, Johnathan, while fighting the other spirits, I realized that they didn't have a shadow, your little hostage was no exception."

"What if the girl was human, what would you then, " Johnathan coughed out blood while crawling, "answer me you evil elf brat!"

"I'd do nothing, " Amos held the sword upside down and stabbed Johnathan in the chest, "I'd do nothing because she wasn't alive to begin with, same goes for you."

Johnathan gradually disintegrated saying, "I don't want to go back to hell. Let me spend more time with my children. Fire burns, Axel, fire burns more than the sun."

Johnathan disappeared and something entered the cursed blade.

Amos stood tall and brave.

Blueface hovered over to him, "What do you mean 'same goes for you'?"

"He's dead as well."

"But he was not before."

Amos looked at Blueface, "I knew it from the beginning, the identity of the Johnathan Mitchell in the depiction and the Johnathan Mitchell I saw today was nothing alike. Today, when I got punched into his bedroom, I saw another picture of a man holding a woman's hand with a lot of children in the background for the second time, and this man matched the depiction. Whereas, the identity he had today was nothing but a stolen one. In other words, he was already dead, but found a way to get someone else's body."

"Well, it seems you became a little detective today."

Amos smiled and fell to the floor unconscious.