Next Mission, So Soon?

Amos fell to the floor, and while he held the cursed blade in his hand, he felt intense agony as a few of his internal organs exploded with tension. He screamed as thousands of images flashed through his head of 'that' house, and all he could have done was drop the sword. After dropping the sword, the pain suddenly disappeared and he fell unconscious.

Puzzled, the MTS Assistant looked down unto Amos with a confused grimace across his soft blue face. He had been witnessing this strange behavior from Amos for while now, and as he had concluded, it seemed to worsen as time passed. He decided to take form of a physical blue figure with legs and carry Amos away, for the destruction of the village was rather catastrophic, and some of the villagers were running over to Johnathan to investigate further.

As he departed Johnathan's house, he stopped and expanded his eyes in amazement, "Waw, " he said as he gazed mesmerizingly at the destruction caused by Amos.

"Something here is weakening my energy..."

He then looked away and continued walking to his destination — The Second Village Of Villainy.


"Amos! AMOS! Get up!"

Amos recovered his conscience and looked around in confusion, "Huh?"

"Finally, " Suzy looked at Liang, "He's awake..."

"Took him long enough, " replied Liang.

"Um, " Amos looked around, "Am I home?"

Liang smiled, "Nice of you to call it home."

Suzy glanced at him.

Liang then stood and placed his hand on Amos' head, "Yes, you are home. Well done. We just had you healed by one of our captivated healing Fairies, however, not all of your injuries are gone. Some left a permanent scar. A scar would not kill. But just think of it as an image to look back at in life, an image that bestows nostalgia. An image that reminds you of a certain time. Treasure your scars..."

Amos looked up at him.

Easy for him to say when he owns his body...

Suzy stood as well, "Amos, congratulations on your first mission as an assassin. I would class Johnathan Mitchell as a fairly manageable target for someone like you, and I am sure about that. Now, " She moved Liang's hand from Amos' head, "Now, the real missions commence!"

Amos stood, "Wait what!? The mission I completed today was fake!?"

She hit him on the head, "Of course not, you fool. Did I not refer to it as a test run!?"

Amos rubbed his head, "So, I'm about to take part in more difficult missions?"

"Correct. And these missions are starting today, " she started whispering, "We're going to neglect the missions on that paper and focus on the more important ones. The important ones are to be done by Liang and his comrades. However, Liang will be coming with me to a special event, right, Liang?"

Liang looked away uneasily and answered, "Yes, my queen."

She continued, "Yes, therefore, the missions will be solely done by Liang's comrades — including you, Amos. These missions are very important to build a better world, and all twenty of my different teams, better than Liang's or worse, are all working on these missions. However, These are not easy missions to complete. They require skill, teamwork, intelligence and effort. And Amos, after completing - my - missions, there will be no need to complete Catra's. These 12 missions should be sufficient to boost your reputation significantly as a recruit here. So, starting from today, you will start these missions, and you must work together with your comrades. Gather along with them at seven sharp, " she started walking away, and then she stopped and glimpsed back, "And Amos. Do not disappoint me. Use your potential, " she left.

Liang then approached Amos, "You heard the boss, do not disappoint her. And most of all, do not die."

"Why should you care?"

"Well, that pledge about death has to do with you as well. I vowed my life to my comrades, I promise to make them live their lives to the fullest — no early deaths."

"That would be too much responsibility for me."

"Responsibility isn't a thing that one gains, it was there from the start, and all that is required is the zeal of a user to unlock its true potential."


"Also Amos, " he smiled while closing his eyes, "Good job on today's mission! Again, Well done. I liked the way you finished him, I mean, you did get that brutal penetration, but otherwise, you clearly didn't need my help."

"Huh?" Amos stood, "What do you mean?"

"I'm just commending you for your nice moves. Including that powerful slash of your sword that blew my hair roughly."

"So wait, you're telling me that you were there the whole time!?"

Liang smirked , "I definitely didn't go against Suzy's command and follow you to ensure you continue to live your life to the fullest, " he walked off, "Come on, Amos, let's go, I have something to show you."

Amos stood shocked, "Liang and Blueface are so strong yet still they just watch and eat popcorn."

"Don't talk about me, " Blueface pouted, "I grew legs and carried you from Sunny Town to this village. You only look light, you know!"

"Aww, you did? You see, you're starting to like yourself some Amos, aren't you now?"

"Dude, that's just gay..."


Amos followed Liang.

"Amos, over here. Hop on my back, we're flying today."

"Thinking about this now, just gives me a weird vibe. Should a dude ever jump unto another dude's back when they're strangers?"

"Huh? Did you not hop on my back before without any problems, " he looked back at Amos, "What is the matter now?"

"It's nothing. It's just...just—Nevermind, " he approached Amos, " he hopped on Liang's back, "Just hurry up and fly before anyone sees us."


"Hey wait!" Shouted a female, "Don't fly away yet!"

Amos looked back, "Huh?"

It was Annie.

She stopped, "I just, " she swayed as she held onto one of her fingers, "I just, " she couldn't look at him in the face, "I just wanted to say sorry."


"On the rooftops. Sorry about doing that. I realized how stupid it was, I mean, you said that you had no feelings for me since the beginning..."

"People lie, " replied Amos.

She looked at him and blushed, and quickly looked back down, "Yeah, well. Sorry anyway. I realized how much trouble I got you in. I should have told you...I am greatly sorry—

"Why should you be sorry? That night you gave my lips its first present. You know how much that's worth?"

Her face became visibly red, and she could not look at Amos, "Uhm, by the way, you and Liang look so cute together," she changed the topic.


"No-No-No, cute as in father and Son, idiot."

Amos looked down at Liang, "Look at what you've done, Liang, Look at what you've done."

"I mean, you did not complain before."

"Anyway, " said Annie, "Hope you have a great day, this can be the last time I ever see you, who knows? But I hope you have a great life, and get a girlfriend who's much better than me, " she frowned.

"Sometimes, a princess can end up with a blonde and black haired frog, even when she says she'll probably never see the frog again. Things just happen."

She blushed again, "Really? Who said that?"

Liang started flying, "Oh Annie, I said that. And stay beautiful!"

Liang then said remotely soft, "That was smooth, Amos."

"Ah shut up! I'm just being kind."

Annie looked up at Amos and Liang as they flew away, and she treasured that kiss forever over everything else — everything else, including the DNA she stole from him for her mother to use as a source to figuring out his deepest secrets.

Her mother magically whispered into her ears from afar, "Good job, daughter. Nice acting. The kiss was a bit too much — I simply asked for one of his belongings, but everything about that blonde-haired anomaly will finally be known. Until then, stay far away from him as possible — forever. I shall never allow a stranger — especially a none-villainous person to walk within my walls and lie to me like this. And if I figure out anything compromising about him, he dies before he could tell another lie."

Annie swallowed the air in her mouth nervously, for Amos' life was at stake.


"H-Hey guys, Amos here. I was told to be here at 7 p.m., so I'm here."

Chizuko carved a figure with his knife on a piece of wood, "Shit, the weak asshole is here."

"I mean, we could simply kill him — it's night now, you know?"

"Guys, " Arley  stood, "Take it easy on him, after all, he is our comrade."

CHIZUKO: Yeah right, another newbie prized above me by my own captain!

SASUKI: That is actually correct. I saw him flying with Liang about an hour or two ago.

JOSEPH: That stupid Liang.

CHIZUKO: I don't see why our Queen favors him. Like what villain smiles all day!? Liang is the worse!"

SASUKI: Yeah, still can't believe he killed Han for some dumb elf!

NATALY: Can not disagree with you on the 'dumb' part...

AMOS: Um, you guys know I'm right here, right?

EVERYONE: We know!

SASUKI: His name sounds a bit dumb.

NATALY:  Well, when Han gets resurrected and he leaves, at least I wouldn't have to listen to Chizuko blabber about him all day long anymore.

ARLEY: Yeah, that is true.

JOSEPH: Ressurected? What do you mean? Who's going to resurrect him?

ARLEY: Liang said that he'll get Han-Geol resurrected for us. Don't you remember? He told us that yesterday!"

NATALY: Yeah, something is a bit off with Joseph's memory today.

SASUKI: Hah! You all should have seen him today! He couldn't even remember where his dorm was!

CHIZUKO: Dumbass.

SASUKI: Then, about an hour ago, I had to remind him about this mission. He literally forgot everything Queen told us.

NATALY: Yeah, Joseph's acting stupid today. Joseph, are you on crack?

JOSEPH: I am not doing drugs, I only do RUTIX.

Everyone burst out in laughter.

SASUKI: Joe, that's like the most top-notch Drug ever here in Arimu! What are you talking about!?

NATALY: That's some real humor there Joseph, I do not recall you as the person who makes jokes.

SASUKI: Especially after what happened to his clown father!

CHIZUKO: Yeah, those knights flew their kites with his guts!

They laughed.

ARLEY: Guys, please do not make him remember that, you're so mean.

Everyone became quiet and looked at Joseph.

SASUKI: What's the matter, Joe? Usually, you would burst into river tears when we bring up your father for fun.

NATALY: No, not usually — every time! Every time we bring up his father, he always enters a tantrum!

SASUKI: Yeah, and Chizuko always has to knock him out to calm him down after trying to kill everyone.

CHIZUKO: Not to mention me not getting a single touch from him every time.

SASUKI: I for one deem Joseph sus. Why is he not getting a mental breakdown yet?

NATALY: Yeah, he's been acting weird all day!

CHIZUKO: Maybe the crack's getting to him.

JOSEPH: People change. At this point, it is not funny anymore.

NATALY: So you're telling us that you've changed in two days? Because it was only Sunday when you've last gotten crazy reminding you about your father's demise.

CHIZUKO: Nonsense, Joseph is not somebody who changes so quickly. Again, unless the crack is taking its toll.

SASUKI: Yeah, Joseph is supposed to be very irrational, easily-bothered, extremely weak, and full of self-esteem. I doubt he'll ever change in a day.

Amos looked at them.

—At least they're not talking about me.

CHIZUKO: The only one here who needs to change is Amos.


SASUKI: I have nothing against Amos really, but something about him is off. He's just as sus as Joseph.

NATALY: I wouldn't say anything because he told me about his dark-gloom, so that's probably the cause of his awkwardness if I'm not mistaken. But then again, he's acting much different now, so his dark-gloom could have been faked or it probably wore off.

ARELY: What's a dark-gloom?

NATAN: It is basically the utmost Apex of how much pain one could bear until it is no longer effective. While one endures such pain, he is also given a drug in the fairy's healing magic that slowly eats away the very existence of his emotions. For example, for Amos to undergo a dark-gloom, he had to be subjected to immense pain or even close death numerous times until his feeling for pain was erased from his mind.

CHIZUKO:  Nope, He's so weak, he probably dark-gloomed before the Tormenter could touch him!

Everyone giggled.

AMOS: You guys know I'm right here, right?

EVERYONE: We know!

NATALY: Guys, as your co-captain after Han, I say we tackle the easier missions first and then the harder.

SASUKI: Since when did we get a second co-captain?

NATALY: Since Now...

CHIZUKO: I say we do the more difficult missions first so that it gradually gets easier.

SASUKI: I agree with Chizu.


SASUKI: geez, chizuko chill.

NATALY: It doesn't make much sense doing the harder ones first!

CHIZUKO: It does! If you do the easier ones first, we'll be wasting energy which could be dedicated to the hard one!

NATALY: Shut up, Cheeze, you're just saying that because you want harder opponents — you are so much into yourself, aren't you Cheeze?"

CHIZUKO: And what did I tell - YOU - about calling ME THAT!?

NATALY: Okay, it's finalized — we're doing the easier ones first.

CHIZUKO: Fine, go your way and we go ours. I don't need you anyway. We'll split up and get all the missions done faster.

NATALY: fine!!!

NATAN: With all due respect Chizuko, I'd advised you all not to proceed with the splitting up strategy. These missions are a matter of co-operation, and our Queen will be disappointed if we take the wrong approach.

CHIZUKO: Do not be full yourself just because the Queen told us how strong you were all along, Natan.

SASUKI: I don't really like the splitting up idea, the other teams aren't doing it.

CHIZUKO: Then, we go with the harder missions first while co-operating!

NATALY: You know, you're so dumb, you're even dumber than Amos, if you ask me...

SASUKI: No, Nataly, nothing surpasses his dumb.

AMOS: Hey!!!

NATALY: Point is, if we take the harder route first, we'll most likely fail. Just as we complete easier missions in Wirborls and Dungeon raids and then proceed with the harder ones. And as we go deeper into the dungeon, the difficulty increases until we reach the boss fight. Right, brother?

AMOS: Like a video game!

NATAN: Nataly is correct. But in fact, I think both of you are correct. I think we should complete the missions closer to us though as we only have a limited amount of time to do twenty of these missions that are scattered across the globe. If we fail, which is more susceptible if we neglect distance, our Queen will be awfully disheartened, chances are, she'll punish us as this is inarguably our most important mission thus far. Look at your maps...

Everyone took out their maps.

AMOS: Why don't I have one?

NATAN: As a reference to your maps, the closest mission is near this village — if we do this one first, we save a lot of time as opposed to wasting it doing the most difficult one that is located on a far island. If we were to go there and come back here, we'd be wasting too much precious time.

EVERYONE: I agree with Natan!


Amos asked, "So, the mission we chose to go with first was the closest one, right?"



"When though? "

"Tomorrow, you jackass!"

"Next Mission, So soon?"

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't murder you in your sleep!?"

"Comrades, please be kind to our new recruit."

"Who Anus?"

"Everyone, sleep in your tents."

"Hey, why don't I have one!?"


An ordinary-looking man walked over to a woman and asked, "What happened here?"

"O, traveler, Sunny Town has nothing for you, return home and go get some sleep. Earlier today, half of Sunny Town's population size of two thousand was decreased by a single and unexpected attack coming from John's house. However, the attack seems to be even livelier than before and our population is still declining as I speak, stay away from that house at all costs! As you can perhaps tell from the sound that aura makes, it is dangerous. I suggest you get some sleep, it can be hard as the aura is providing too much purple light."

"Thank you, lady."

The man slowly walked behind of a house where it was dark, stopped, and shapeshifted into an inhuman creature. Then, he suddenly teleported into the sky next to another figure.

The two tall obscured figures hovered in the dark night skies above Sunny Town. 

"Alas, this one seems interesting..."

"This unique source of spiritual power can only belong to one being in the Galaxy!"

"Did he not perish whence the Great War of The Crystals begun?"

"Do not underestimate, the old white beard King of Magic, Akuzan. The old one has tricks up his sleeves."

The figure with the hat smirked, "Seems as if the time thou gets a rematch is nigh..."

Below their feet was a conspicuous catastrophe. This exhibition of strength was truly a remarkable yet intimate sight to the figures. It was destruction starting from Johnathan Mitchell's house to the other half of the huge village — more than thirty houses were demolished. But most importantly, there were continuous bright purple auras in the damaged area, that released powerful spirits as well as an aura that absorbed souls of any living thing that came in contact with it.

"Come my brother, let us return to our pits. We shall warn the R.A.C about this anomaly."