Mission 1 Completed!

"Hmmm, " Natan observed the distant land, "Apparently, this second mission has to do with a Wirborl. And if my extrapolation is correct, it is of medium-difficulty, and the Queen wants us to acquire The Goblin King's scepter for whatever reason."

"Um, Natan, " said Amos, "Can you remind me what a Wirborl is?"

"It is simply a dungeon-like area that is divided into different stages depending on the difficulty per unit."

"Oh, okay, thank you."

"Do not worry your minds with the second mission, we will be completing mission one first, which is here in this old town."

NATALY: What are we required to do on this mission?

CHIZUKO: Look at the target on your list.

NATAN: Nataly, our objective is to find and neutralize one that goes by the name Xander Boeza. For the depiction of him, refer to your list.

AMOS: Well, I don't have one.

SASUKI: What a funny-looking old man.

CHIZUKO: Heh! You're right, that face is bound to stick out anywhere in public.

SASUKI: Consider this mission done guys.

NATAN: Please remember to be careful, this town is said to have a lot of Giant Slayers, and I am sure there's no need to remind you that they can also put down villains. And in addition to this, Xander is also said to be a retired S-Rank Knight.

CHIZUKO: Since when did you become our captain, Natan?

NATALY: I'm your captain, but even if my brother was, I'd have no problem with it. I mean, he is much stronger than us all, do you not remember what Queen told us?

Natan looked away as attention became too abundant for him.

CHIZUKO: You're not the captain either, Nataly!

AMOS: Hey guys? Why are we murdering this Xander guy now?

Everyone looked at him.

NATAN: Well, uh, Suzy did not mention why other than him being a problem, but I can assure you that she's got her reasons.

AMOS: Okay.

NATALY: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go get 'em together!

NATAN: The village is rather busy today, and I don't think we should be approaching them in a group. It would only cause suspicion to rise. I say we split up, and all go opposite directions in search of Xander.

Coincidentally, Mika came running in, "Guys, " she panted heavily, "Wait for me!"

At that moment Amos remembered that she was the missing comrade he was looking for. From the beginning, he was first introduced to all ten of the comrades including Liang, the captain. However, with Han's death, Liang with Suzy, and he as Han's replacement, there were only eight when he counted last night. But here came the ninth — Mika, The Muscle Expansion User.

NATAN: Oh, we forgot about you.

MIKA: And you've only come to realize that now?

NATALY: (laughs) Oh, we forgot her!

AMOS: Who is she again?

NATAN: Mika is one of our comrades.

NATALY: Oh, that's right, while we waited for Amos to arrive, she said that she was going to rest to buy time!

JOSEPH: I saw her sleeping in a tent.

MIKA: A very comfortable tent!

CHIZUKO: Of course we men will forget the muscular girl, it's just so disgusting!

SASUKI: Worst favored comrade coming after Amos!

ARLEY: Be nice to your comrades, Amos is just a little dumb, that's all.

NATALY: And weak.

AMOS: You guys know I'm right here, right?

EVERYONE: We know!

NATAN: Are you proceeding with the mission today, or not?

NATALY: Nate's right, let's go guys.

All nine of the comrades all scattered across the town in search of Xander Boeza. The town was rather large for an old one, and the civilians were insanely quiet. Amos walked around in search of the target. As he did so, he saw the civilians all carrying about with their days, washing clothes, cooking, cleaning — everything was normal. However, the temperature was rather hotter than normal, and the houses were all strangely made out of wood.

Then he stumbled across an old woman with a straw hat covering her eyes, "Greetings Traveller. What brings you to this Nameless town?"

Amos looked down at the figure as she bent her back significantly, "I-I'm looking for someone."

If you wish, "I can assist you, " she fixed her hat, "Give me a name."

Shit! I don't think it'd make much sense to bring up the target's name in the open like that.

Nataly then said from behind, "I'm looking for a Xander Boeza."

Amos stood in confusion.

What the hell is she doing? Yet I thought I was the dumb one!

The old woman then asked, "Are you two both looking for him?"

"Yes, we are, " Nataly stopped when she was close enough, "He is in great danger! We must find him immediately!"

The old woman then replied, "Xander is my husband, and yes, he lives in this town. You'd have to find him yourself though."

"Okay, if that's the case, " Nataly turned around and started walking, "Let's continue looking, Amos."

Amos looked at the lady and said, "Thank you, " before he left.

As he walked around the hot village, he saw Joseph depart a house in the distance. And Amos, just so happened to walk over to that house and enter it, only to see Xander Boeza in it!

"It's you, " said Amos pulling out his sword.

"Yes-yes. I knew it would come to this, " the old man stood, "A child like you would kill to serve to Demon King? Kohosuba, what's gotten into your head? Why are you serving an enemy?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, " Amos bent his knees slightly, "But I was told to assassinate you."

"And you're just gonna betray your people and listen to them!"


"This world's surely coming to an end soon..."

Chizuko also entered the house with a large smirk stretched across his face, "There you are baldie! Hungry, Amos? Well, fear not, I'll have him turn into mincemeat right here and now."

Sasuki walked in, "Oh, I would love myself some good mincemeat, " he put his hand on his chin and looked up at the ceiling,  "When was the last time we had that, Chizu?"

"Hmmm, Can't remember, " he grinned,  "But we've got an old chunk right here for us, speak no more, my stomach grumbles!"

Amos looked at them, "You're gonna eat him?"

Chizuko pushed Amos away, "Of course not you jack ass! Just go away, me and Sasuki has this guy cornered already."

Amos leaned on a wall and had decided to watch.

The old man spoke no words, he stood wearing a cloak with a normal look on his wrinkled face, and his sword at hand. When suddenly, he struck first, with an attempt to cut Chizuko, only to be cut himself by Sasuki. He fell to the ground as a result, with blood dripping from his abdomen, and he endured the pain silently.

Throughout this, Chizuko had what seemed like a permanent smile on his face. Despite receiving permanent damage to the intestinal area, the old man used his sword to help himself up again. He trembled as he stood, with blood dyeing his white beard red as it ran down his chin.

He then wrapped his fingers firmly around the sword's handle, and tried attacking again. As the old man pushed forward, Sasuki exhibited how much his skills were improved, by sliding and cutting Xander's both calves. Consequently, the old man fell to his knees and looked up at Chizuko, who shot him with an arrow in his chest.

Only then, He had decided to look at Amos, open his mouth and scream, "Murderers! They're here! Murd—

Before he could finish, Sasuki then had his head removed with a blade, and caught it before it fell to the ground.

Amos' eyes were moisturized and he held back his tears. It was an awful sight. And up to that very moment, he tried to understand what the old man was asserting. Though he could not have understood.

Chizuko kicked the body, "That was too easy, such a waste of time! S-rank, he said?"

Sasuki kept Xander's head, "Makes us stronger than A-rank Knights then?"

Natan entered, "Won't push my luck, Xander's bones had only grown old, if it weren't so, he'd be alive as we speak."

Sasuki then added, "Yeah, he's got more wrinkles than my shirt, " he giggled.

Natan then said, "I'll be waiting outside. The civilians will be attacking here any moment now."

Chizuko clapped, "Nice!"

Natan left.

Chizuko, Sasuki, and Amos walked outside.

And as soon as Natan left, civilians came with weapons.

"Hey! There they are!"

"The Murderers!"

One burst down into tears, "It's too late, they've already got Mr.Xander!"


As they charged, Sasuki and Chizuko murdered them effortlessly, with smirks on their faces.

As Amos watched, A child snuck up behind him, and stab him in his calf, "Ow!"

He was stabbed with merely a nail.

As he turned around, he looked at the child and felt worried, "Shhh, don't attack."

Amos looked around as he took up the child and entered the house where Xander was killed. He then spotted a barrel there, removed its cover, and put the child in it.

"Stay here, " he said, "And don't come out until everything's over."

Amos then covered the barrel, and left.

As Amos walked outside again, a civilian charged him, "Murderer!"

As the malnourished figure approached him, he kicked him to the face, knocking him out as opposed to using his blade. Furthermore, he continued to knock out civilians who attacked him instead of killing them. Where as the other comrades excluding Natan and Arley killed their hands filthy red.

After Chizuko and the others finished murdering most of the civilians, Amos started smelling smoke. As he looked for the source of the scent, he saw the other half of the town on fire.

"Burn to shreds!" Shouted Sasuki.

Amos was infuriated, "Who's burning the town?"

"Didn't you hear Chizuko, he said earlier that he was going to burn the village into shreds!"

The MTS user appeared, "Amos, I'd suggest you stop making a scene. If you continue to show the villains you care about people, and you can't kill, the chances of being killed by them yourself you are high."

Amos then passed around the fire and walked up the mountain where the rest of the comrades had planned to regroup. Pissed, he walked up to Chizuko and punched him to the face.

"We're only supposed to murder Xander, you asshole!"

Chizuko maintained his evil smile, "Oh? Really? Well too late to go back now. The town's already ablaze."

"Amos was right, " said Natan, "Setting the whole town on fire was extremely unnecessary, Chizuko. Same goes for murdering so many of them.

Nataly looked back at Chizuko, "Yeah, we all know that Cheese is a devil."

Amos looked unto the town as it burnt ablaze. Everything was on fire. Then, he saw the old woman [Xander's wife] with 'that' boy he had saved earlier.

He was inclined to rescuing them immediately, but being so high on a mountain top, he knew there was no way he'd make it in time. He looked at them as they looked back at him and stood amidst the flames. It was only a few seconds later, when the wrath of fire had decided to contaminate the town's remains with its fiery sickness.

And worst of all, Amos had to watch as the two helpless figures burnt to ashes. He could not help but release a teardrop from both his eyes, and that was all he could have done.